Spell to Separate a Couple (Effective)

Hello! The topic that I am going to deal with today has been highly demanded by many and many of you. However, it is a topic that is not without controversy, but I am here to guide you and explain the different aspects of this spell and why it should be used and why not.

I introduce myself, I am Luz Silvar Soler, I am a medium, tarot reader and sorceress. Some of you already know me and are regular readers of my personal blog and you already know that I try to help you improve your lifeday after day. If this is your first time reading Spell.net. welcome, and enjoy the content. If you want to contact me, or know a little more about me, I leave you here my story and how the stars chose me: About me 👧

And it is that, the separation of a couple (be it a married couple, two brothers, your ex from his new partner, any couple or just two close friends) has always been associated with witchcraft and black magic esotericism 🌚

But it’s true? Is black magic needed to separate two people?

Today I bring you the opposite: a white magic ritual to separate them, that works and is fast 👍

In addition, and as you are used to, I am not going to explain any spell to you, of the hundreds of false rituals that exist on the Internet.

Before continuing I want to recommend this spell

I am going to copy you, STEP BY STEP, the authentic SPELL to separate that has been used for many years.

The spell that until now was only performed by the most renowned sorceresses and witches in half of Europe and America and that TODAY you will be able to learn to channel and cast yourself.

For which they would charge you hundreds of euros and dollars.

And YOU here it is.


Because the Spell community deserves THE BEST TOOLS to grow AND IMPROVE YOUR LIFE.

How can a separation spell be pure white magic? Let’s go there!

If you are looking for a spell to separate a couple quickly and effectively, before providing you with this information, I will give you a clear warning 👇

White magic is NOT destructive.

And it is that, its purpose is to use the strength and energy of the universe to, through its help, achieve positive changes and transformations in people’s lives, therefore.

For that reason, this powerful spell requires an additional ingredient.

  • Before performing this ritual to separate a couple forever, you should think carefully about your motivation for performing it.

Thus, I recommend that before performing this spell to separate a couple (and make them hate each other), that you make sure that its use, at least, will bring well-being and peace to one of the two parties to the relationship 🍀.

For example, the husband may be cheating on his wife, or one of the two friends may be taking advantage of the other…

You may even see clearly from a revelation that you do NOT have to stay together!

But, be that as it may, apply this spell to separate a couple without fear.

White magic will help you.

And don’t forget if you have any questions or want to share your successes with us, leave your comments below the page 📚!

Essential recommendation to SUCCESSFULLY perform the Spell to separate quickly and effectively

One piece of advice I have to give you is this:

If the love of a couple is destined to materialize, no matter what spell you perform, you will not be able to separate the love they have, and even more so if it is true, so the ritual you perform will probably not work at all.

And it is that, there is a force more powerful than that of magic. And it is that of LOVE 💞

If the couple you want to separate really loves each other, remember that there is no force greater than love.

However, if you think that person is destined to be with you, but for some reason, she or he has decided to be with someone else, and you know that someone will NEVER be able to bring you the happiness you really deserve, then this is YES. a spell you must DO NOW.

You are in luck!

In this case you will be able to make the person regain consciousness, change their mind and both of you benefit from the powerful and rapid effects of this sorcery to separate.

I also want to remind you that if you love someone and that person is in an abusive relationship, by applying this spell that I describe below, you will help them get out of that toxic relationship so that they can find happiness in other arms.

Getting out of that relationship that NEVER had to start!

Therefore, you know how to apply this spell to separate a couple quickly, forever (EFFECTIVE!)…

…But don’t forget to have good reasons to do it!

Next, I am going to detail the necessary ingredients to perform this powerful white magic esoteric witchcraft.

NOTE: My advice is to WRITE DOWN 📝 all the necessary elements in a notebook. So you won’t forget ANY. This may also be a good time to follow me on Facebook 💙 and make sure you don’t miss any of the best spells that I publish punctually to the followers of

Ingredients of the Spell to DEFINITELY separate two people

  • A little oil (I know olive, sunflower, seed…)
  • A splash of vinegar (the type doesn’t matter)
  • The drops of a lemon.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • A few drops of cow’s milk.
  • A white candle (DO NOT USE BLACK CANDLE).
  • A toothpick (or toothpicks), a knife or something to write on the candle.
  • A white cloth (it can be a piece of clothing, for example, or a wool scarf)
  • A white sheet (a DIN A4 type sheet will be great).
  • A BLACK ink pen, quill or marker.
  • You will need the use of a freezer for this spell to separate.

UPDATE: Some people who used the POWERFUL spell to forget a person and it was not effective have told me that they have used THIS SAME SPELL on themselves (and the person they want to FORGET forever) and it has been very effective. Keep that in mind ✔️

Characteristics of the Spell to DEFINITELY separate two people

Spell Theme: Spell – Protection – LOVE

Effectiveness: Very High.

Difficulty: Medium / High.

Spell Type: Spell to Separate a COUPLE (forever).

Step by step: Spell to SEPARATE!


Before starting, I leave you with some VERY NECESSARY notes that will help you increase the effectiveness of this ritual:

– The best time to do it will be while the moon is waning or decreasing, since we want two people to separate (and not get close). And the best time to do it will be from 7 pm (7 pm) 🌙

– This spell must, as explained below, be repeated every day for 6 days. No matter what day of the week you start doing it. The effects usually appear after 21 days have passed since you finished the 6 days of separate spell ⏰

– If after those 21 days the people know FOR A CERTAIN SCIENCE that they are still not separated, it will be the right time to repeat the spell. Of course, making sure that you are at a suitable lunar moment and that after 6 days there will still be a suitable lunar phase to perform white magic 📂

– Before starting, and as in all white magic spells, make sure you can be quiet for one or two hours each day and try to start performing the ritual at a time when you are positive. Since the excess of negativity can load the ritual or spell and not allow it to give any positive result 🍀

Now yes… Let’s start!

To perform this spell to separate a couple quickly, the first thing you need is, once you have selected the right moment, SIT in your place of power, where you will go for 6 days to repeat the spell.

Once ready, begin by thanking the cosmic forces for the possibility they give you to perform this conjuration.

You must do this at the beginning of each of the 6 days you perform the Spell:


Please allow me to perform this WHITE MAGIC to separate (Name and Surname) from (Name and Surname).

May their paths not cross again.

May they lack NOTHING, but may they NEVER have each other.

Let my request be heard,

Let the energy flow

So be it.

So be it.

So be it.


Note: if you do not know the (Name and Surname) of one of the two people, you can pronounce their relationship. For example, his girlfriend, his partner, his friend, his new partner, her brother, etc.

Once the prayer to separate an initial couple has been made, you will proceed as follows:


On the white candle, which must have a suitable thickness that allows you to carve it, with the help of a toothpick (or a toothpick), you are going to write the name of the two people you want to separate.

You can see in the following image how to do it (remember that, in the same way as in the sentence, if you do not know the name of one of the two people, you could write their relationship or relationship, be it a friend, partner, girlfriend, etc.)

Once the writing is done, you are going to place the candle on a white plate, lying down, and on it you will pour the following ingredients:

  1. pinch of salt
  2. A few drops of lemon.
  3. A few drops of oil.
  4. A few drops of vinegar.
  5. A few drops of milk.

Once the ingredients have been deposited, during the first day you must leave the dish outside for a WHOLE night (and part of the next day, until 7 in the afternoon).

Whether in the street, in the window, on the balcony, on a terrace…

Be that as it may, make sure that it receives both light and air from the outside.


Once 7 pm is over, it will be time to follow our spell to separate.

First, pick up the plate you left outside last night, which should have the candle and the rest of the ingredients.

Leave the candle out of the plate and with the rest of the ingredients you must dispose of them in the trash.

You can, if you wish, clean the candle with a cloth or cloth (WHITE COLOR) if you notice that it has dirt.

Now repeat the sentence to separate (which you have above, just before the section on day 1).

And once you have recited the prayer, it is time to perform the following steps:

  1. With the help of the wooden match or match, light the candle, and for about 15 minutes watch the candle burn. She feels how the fire breaks the relationship of the two people you want to separate. This part is essential for the proper functioning of the spell.
  2. Now you must draw a large circle on the sheet of paper, and inside write, with the black ink pen, the names of the two people you want to separate with this ritual.
  3. Once they are written, as you can see in the following photograph, begin for a couple of minutes to throw hot wax from the candle on their names. Always keeping in mind that you want the separation of these two people.

Once those 15 minutes have elapsed in total, it is time to extinguish the candle, for this use your own fingers moistened in saliva.

Wrap the candle in the white cloth and STORE it in the freezer.

For its part, the paper with their names and the wax spilled on top, you must keep it in a dark place.

For example, it can be a kitchen or bathroom cabinet. Under a piece of furniture or even behind an appliance.

We move on to day 3, 4 and 5!

DAY 3, 4 and 5
The procedure during these days will be very similar to the previous day.

To begin, once 7 pm arrives, say the prayer to separate an initial couple, as I explained before, and take out the candle from the freezer and the sheet of paper with their names that you saved the day before.

Once ready, you must start the steps of the spell again as I explained before:

  1. Burn the candle for about 15 minutes.
  2. On the drawing of the circle with their names, drop…