Spell to Remove an Obsession (Homemade and Useful)

I have received some inquiries that have been directly or indirectly related to the need to overcome or eliminate thoughts related to an obsession.

I introduce myself, I am Luz Silvar Soler, I am a medium, tarot reader and sorceress. Some of you already know me and you know that I try to help you improve your lifeday after day If this is the first time you read Spell.netwelcome, enjoy the wisdom and the power that I give for help you achieve your goalsin addition to this spell I leave you a bit of my personal history in case you want to meet me or contact me: About me 👧

Thus, the main obsessions that my friends who have contacted me have told me are mainly two.

On the one hand, suffer an obsession with a person or someone.

And, on the other hand, some people have told me about other types of obsessions, such as getting pregnant, conquering someone or even tarot readings.

Be that as it may, this spell will allow you to bury the past and promise yourself that you will stop thinking, in an unproductive way, about what does not do you any good in your life.

Do you dare to put an END?

About the Spell to remove an Obsession

Sometimes repetitive thoughts torment our minds and can even interfere with relationships with the people around us.

With this spell to remove an obsession we are going to ensure that it is always precisely light and love that guide our steps along the path of life.

Thus, in addition to avoiding obsessions, we will promote a more stable and serene way of thinking.

Also, the good thing about this ritual or spell to remove an obsession is that, as always, it is a tool that stands out for its simplicity.

However, it will be their results that will surprise you.

The sacred symbology of it as well as the powerful words that you are going to invoke will allow you to take your happiness and well-being to the maximum level.

I will accompany you ⭐️

And you are going to get it: You will be able to remove your obsession with this fantastic and powerful spell!

Let’s go there!

Characteristics of the spell to remove an obsession

Spell Theme: Spell – Wellness – Remove an Obsession.

Effectiveness: Very High.

Difficulty: Medium / Low.

Spell Type: Spell to Remove an Obsession.

With this ritual you will literally BURY the thoughts and obsessions that stun you and do not allow you to move forward in your life.

⚠️ ATTENTION: It is not a mere coincidence that you are HERE and NOW. Take paper and pencil and copy the necessary ingredients and how to perform this powerful ritual… You’re going to get it! 😉

What ingredients do you need to perform the spell to Remove an obsession? 📚

You just need the following materials. Homemade, simple and very effective when combined:

  • A sheet of white paper.
  • A black ink pen.
  • The juice of half a lemon.
  • A few drops of white table vinegar (you can also use balsamic or black vinegar).
  • Sea salt (or failing that, regular table salt for cooking).
  • Lavender incense stick or cone.

You have seen how these are ingredients that we have at our fingertips.

However, don’t let its simplicity make you doubt, its effects are amazing and I share it with you because you also deserve to be happy.

Let’s perform the real spell to remove an obsession! Here is the step by step!

Spell to Remove an Obsession: Step by Step

1. First of all, you are going to light the lavender incense while thanking the forces of this world for the possibility of performing this spell:

«Thank you ALMIGHTY FORCES for allowing me to perform this ritual.
May your will be done for NOW AND ALWAYS.
Amen» 📋

2. The second step of the spell to remove an obsession is to make a circle with sea salt on the table where you are (or if you don’t have it, you can use table salt).

Inside the circle will be where you will perform the ritual, the energized space. It is important, however, that the incense is consumed OUTSIDE the circle.

3. Now you are going to write on the paper, with the black ink pen, the following sentence (while the incense continues to be consumed):

✔️ NOTE: Remember that you will write this INSIDE the sacred circle of SALT. At the end of the ritual, do not throw away the ashes of the incense or the salt… They have a key role in this RITUAL. Below I explain it to you 👇

«I (your Name + Surname),

I deposit my obsession in the center of this circle of power,

I already learned from my mistakes

And I wish that what ALREADY happened rots,

From TODAY I request to continue my life,

DO NOT fall into the mistakes of the past,

FORGET the obsessions of YESTERDAY

And may YOUR will be done TODAY and ALWAYS,



(Your signature)»

4. You must feel each line of the sentence in your soul, the writing will be accompanied by a deep feeling for each of the letters that will sprout from your hand on the page.

Then, you are going to fold the sheet of paper into four pieces and, still within the circle of power, you will deposit the juice of half a lemon on top of the sheet.

Then you will add a few drops of vinegar.

And, once you feel ready to continue, you will store the leaf impregnated with the liberating action of vinegar and lemon in a plastic bag.

5. Inside the bag you are going to add two fundamental ingredients: The salt with which you have created the circle of power and the ashes of the incense.

Both elements are part of the esoteric elements air, earth and fire.

Now you must go to a place far from your house, that transmits you peace, and you WILL BURY that paper, along with the rest of the ingredients (that is, the salt and the ashes).

The place does not matter so much, but it is recommended that there be vegetation around it, be it trees or flowers.

And, it is very important that, after burying these ingredients, you do not look back and march steadily to your new life without the obsession that did not allow you to move forward.

6. From that moment on, your pain and feelings will be buried forever.

You may notice the action almost instantly, however, if you need to reinforce the spell you can repeat it but, yes, at least 15 days after the spell and the spell.

I also consider it appropriate to remind you that sometimes obsession is a symptom of the Evil Eye.

And it is that, perhaps this spell to remove an obsession (whether by a person or something else), is not as effective as it could be if you have been cursed with an Evil Eye.

I leave you a link so you can learn to remove the Evil Eye and also to protect yourself from it: Spell to Remove the Evil Eye.

It’s an essential gift that you can’t stop reading 🎁

Ending the Spell to Remove an Obsession

Never forget that the Universe listens, attends to our requests and gives us the opportunity to change our lives.

Make up your mind and move towards a life of greater well-being and happiness!

Here I have shown you a powerful tool that until recently only a privileged few knew about.

Today you can put it into practice too.

In you find powerful, simple and free spells.

However, the white and esoteric magic ritual that I am going to explain to you today can change your life like never before.

I send you a big hug full of energy and LIGHT 🌞

May Good Luck bless your life and this spell to remove an obsession will give you peace, well-being and LOVE.