Spell To Recover My Borrowed, Stolen or Lost Money (100% Effective and Fast!)

I bring you a powerful and easy to perform spell so that the people who owe us money return it to us quickly. This white magic spell is very easy to use and I am going to explain how to do it correctly and what results we should expect from it.

Do they owe you money? Are you waiting for them to pay you back what they owe you? Have you come across a person who refuses to pay the Money that is yours? 💰

If you find yourself in any of these cases, you should read carefully 👓 this exclusive, effective, powerful and fast Spell to Get My Money Back (whether stolen, borrowed or lost).

The spell to collect the money is a White Magic, like all the rituals that you can find in my personal Blog

Thus, you can do the ritual without any fear since it will ALWAYS bring you great benefits. In this case, in a short time you will recover the money you lent 💵, you were robbed or the money you lost and someone improperly kept.

You will get it back with this Powerful, Fast and Urgent…

Spell to get my money back

And it is that, in all cases, whether they robbed you, you lost it or they don’t want or take a long time to return a debt, we find a person who is misusing your money 😠

And as we well know, money is the fruit of your effort, work and dedication. And that is something sacred in the Laws of Karma. For that reason, this Strong Spell to Get Paid Off a Debt works on the subconscious of the person who is handling your money.

Thus, irremediably and quickly, and with the action of this White Magic Witchcraft, in a few days he will take the step and… 👉 He will pay you the money he owes you or stole from you.

What effects does this Spell to Collect Debts produce?

This ritual to Recover Money will work quickly in the following cases:


  • When we are waiting for a Debt to be paid and the debtor is late, makes excuses or tries not to communicate with us.
  • If we have Borrowed Money and we begin to know that you do not want to return the money (whether it is a friend, a relative or an acquaintance).
  • In those situations in which, at work, your Boss is late in paying, that is, when we need to be paid at work quickly and urgently.
  • When a Money was stolen from me at home 🏠 or on the street, whether it’s a person known or unknown to us.
  • If you have lost money and you know that someone kept it and does not return it to you, even knowing that you need it or that it is yours.
  • When we want a family member or friend of ours to receive money (below 👇 I explain how to do this Spell for a third person 😉)


Did you know?…

Sometimes some people have asked me what they could do when debtors do not recognize the debt or do not want to repay it.

When we come across liars who do not want to pay us the debt, I ALWAYS recommend performing the White Magic Spell to Tell the Truth (Unmask Someone).

Characteristics of the Spell to Recover Money?

  • Spell Theme: Spell – Money – Recover Borrowed Money.
  • Effectiveness: TOTAL.
  • Difficulty: Medium / High.
  • Spell Type: Spell to Get My Money Back (Loaned, Stolen or Lost).

Some people have told me that they have had better results by combining this Debt Ritual with the Powerful Spell to Attract Money.

And it is that, many times we do not recover the borrowed or stolen money because there are barriers, knots or obstacles in our own financial dimension. With the two rituals, which you can do in the same week, you will solve both problems.

What ingredients do I need to make the Powerful Spell to Get My Money Back?

The ingredients you need to do the ritual are typical of nature and White Magic rituals.

Write them down NOW 📝 to start the ritual as soon as possible!

  • A white plate.
  • Sea salt (or alternatively, you can use it for the Ritual so that they pay you the usual kitchen salt debt).
  • A small wooden box that can be closed COMPLETELY.
  • A piece of paper and a red or black marker.
  • Pepper (preferably black) ground.

In addition to the above ingredients, you need a somewhat special element but that will be the basis of this White Magic Spell so that they pay you that money that they owe you: A bar, or piece, of plasticine. You will be able to recover the Money that they owe you with this powerful Easy, Fast and VERY Effective Spell


Plasticine is also called Clay or putty in other countries and in this ritual we need a piece of it (the color does not matter), to symbolically recreate the person who owes us the money (or who stole it from us or kept it illegally). improper or improper).

How to do the Powerful Spell to Get My Money Back? (To get a debt back FAST)

The first of all, is to tell you not to forget that this ritual is a spell to recover easy money, so you will not need much time to carry it out or to get the results.

👉 Start by choosing the most suitable day to do it. Being an Attraction Spell, I advise you to perform it in a Full or Waxing Moon Phase 🌙 Also, you can perform it at any time of the day 📅 and it doesn’t matter if there are other people in front of you.

First, you must mold a human-shaped doll with the plasticine or clay. For this you can do it inside a plate.

This character will symbolize the person who has our Money 🚶

Remember that this Spell is pure White Magic to recover Money: Maximum Effectiveness ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Then, on a piece of paper, you will write the following message with a red or black ink pen or marker:

📝 Tormented I Will Be Until The Money Returns (Your Name and Surname)

While you write it, feel that you are performing a pure Witchcraft to recover what was stolen, feel how it works and perceive that the change that will put the money in your wallet has ALREADY begun.

Once you have it written, you must fold it until it is very small and you will introduce it INSIDE the head of the plasticine doll.

To insert it, you can make a small hole with a teaspoon, for example, and insert the paper and then close it by filling it with putty, helping yourself with your own hands 👐

Once the doll is complete, it will be time to put it inside the wooden box ☑️



Do you know the Name and Surname of the person who owes you the money? You can write them ✏️, with the help of a punch, knife stick, on the doll’s back, to give it more energy and encourage your borrowed money to be returned to you sooner.

👉 When it’s inside, you must bury the figure with salt COMPLETELY and, at the end, spread a little black pepper on top.

The salt acts as a channel for the message and cancels any excuse or reason why he does NOT want to return the money he owes you.

And the Black Pepper is responsible for the person being restless until he pays you the money he owes you.

Once the box is complete, it will be time to read aloud the Prayer to Get Paid Money.

As you read it, you must place your right hand on top of the box.

Prayer to Get Paid Money


In the name of the Almighty,

And by the action of the Archangel Saint Michael,

May injustice disappear

Money come back to me

Let Tormented remain until he returns it to me,

So be it,

That’s how it is,

So shall,


How do I get paid fast money?

Once the box is completed and the prayer is read, it will be time to hide the box in a dark place in your house 🌑

It can be under a piece of furniture, on top of a shelf, inside a drawer, next to a figure…

Be that as it may, it should be there UNTIL you collect the debt and receive that money that you are owed.

When you have recovered the borrowed money, that was stolen or lost, throw away everything except the box, which if you wish you can keep it to perform other rituals or store your things.

Can I repeat the Spell to Recover Money?

If after 60 days you have NOT received the payment, I recommend that you repeat the ritual by reading, yes, before the article Why Does My Spell NOT Work?

Can I do the Spell to pay a Debt to several people at the same time? ☝️

That’s how it is. If several people owe you money, you can visualize all of them when you do the ritual. You can even write their names on the back of the doll that you will keep inside the box.

Of course, in this case, you will only throw the doll away when ALL the people pay you the debt they owe you.

Can I do the Spell to Recover Money to another person? 👫

If you owe money to your daughter, your son, your husband or perhaps the boss of a relative does not pay what he owes and you want to change the situation, I must tell you that you can do it with this ritual 👍

To do this, you just have to write the following sentence on the piece of paper that you will insert in the head of the plasticine doll:

📝 I will be tormented until the money is returned to (Name and Surname of the person who must recover their money)



Do you have debts that torment you or do not let you sleep?

Sometimes we want to do spells to collect money debts to deal with abusive payments that make us feel horrible.

For this reason, if you find yourself in that situation with banks, with a loan, with a mortgage or with financial debts, I think it can be very useful for you to review and carry out the Spell to Remove and Eliminate Debts (100% Urgent , Fast and Powerful).

FINAL note before finishing the Powerful Money Back Spell!

There’s not excuse what worths.

You must start today 🌱 this White witchcraft for debts. Because you deserve to get your smile back and get the money back that you should NEVER have lost.

Because it’s your money and NOBODY has to snatch the fruit of your effort 💪

I also want you to know that Karma will reward you. If you performed this Spell it is because they have defrauded you, because the debts have not been returned to you and do not doubt for a second that the entire Cosmos will protect you.

Injustices are settled dearly in the Universal Law of Karma, therefore, you should feel calm and perform the Spell to recover the money safely, with confidence, knowing that you will soon recover the stolen, lost or borrowed money. .

💚 I’d love to read the results you get!

You can write them in the comments (below 👇)

As I have explained to you above, the results will appear in a few days (normally in less than a month). To help you recognize the clues and signs that arise when the spell has been fulfilled, you can read this Post 👉 How can I know if my Spell has worked?

Finally, I send you my karmic energies, so that you can soon get the money you left behind, they owe you or they stole from you thanks to the magical action of this Spell to Get My Money Back Fast and Easy.