Spell to marry me and prayer to get married soon

Spell to make him marry me One of your dreams is to get married, but you have a boyfriend or partner who doesn’t end up getting engaged? Here we explain how to achieve it, but first let’s see this topic from its origin.

Rituals and spells to get married are present in different cultures and are passed down from generation to generation. It is a kind of magic, quite common in life in different countries. It is believed that rituals for marriage are capable of satisfying the most varied requests.

For it to work, you need to have faith and follow the procedure step by step.


spell to marry me

Spell to marry me #1

If the desire is to get married quickly, cast this foolproof spell to be asked to marry:


1 white ribbon


Write your name on one end of the ribbon and your suitor’s name on the other.
Tie a knot every day for 21 days. On the first day, repeat the following: «This ribbon has a knot that will bind you to me.»
Then, on the second day, say: «This ribbon has two knots that will bind you to me,» and so on, until the twentieth day.
On the twenty-first day, tie the last knot, repeat the phrase, and tie the ribbon around your wrist. Sleep with her tonight.
The next day, leave the tape at a church where several weddings take place.


Spell to marry me #2

If your boyfriend is undecided and you want him to ask you for an urgent marriage, to speed up the commitment, make it nice that he asks you. Check the materials and follow the instructions to make it work:


a red ribbon
white saucer
an old key
white candle


Take a red ribbon and wear it during the day tied to your left thigh;
At night, when you go to bed, leave it under a saucer, on which you will light a candle offered to Santo Antonio;
Next to the candle, put an old key;
When the day comes, tie the ribbon to the key and throw it into a river or stream;
To thank the Saint, light a candle for three days and say a prayer of thanks.


Spell to marry me #3

The holy matchmaker, Santo Antonio, will help you find true love and walk up the aisle. Check the materials and step by step on how to make


a red ribbon
1 white envelope
a seven day candle


To get proposed, wear a red bra strap between your breasts for 7 days.
Then remove the tape, place it in an envelope and seal.
Take the envelope with the ribbon to an altar for San Antonio.
Finally, pray for the saint and then light a seven-day candle for him.

Note: It can only be done once a year, on June 12, the eve of Saint Anthony.


Prayer to get married soon

Marriage is a ritual that formalizes the union of a couple, before the church and God. So how about saying a prayer to propose? Prayer is powerful and helps make that important commitment.

“God the Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Lord God, in the name of Jesus. I ask you, right now, (insert your initials) to miss me very much.

Whatever disturbing the marriage proposal that (initials) you want to make to me (initials), in the name of JESUS, that at that moment, he (or she) feels a deep need to see me, to talk to me, reevaluating our whole situation and deciding that you want to stay with me, live with me forever.

Let the 9 choirs of Los Angeles sound my name (insert your initials) in the ears of (insert your initials or his) so that they do not feel comfortable until they say that they can no longer live without me, that they love me and who regrets everything he did wrong, wanting to marry me as soon as possible.

May that become irresistible right now and always stay that way.
Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ, praise him!
Almighty God, King of all the universe: earth, sky and sea,
Praise be also to Archangel Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.

May this desire of mine be strengthened in the light of the Master Jesus, and may it be fulfilled right now. Through the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, break the pride, indifference, selfishness and fear that are installed in the heart of (insert your initials).

I ask our Lord Jesus Christ to protect our love, so that it never causes sadness to any of us, and that the path of (inserting your initials) be diverted from bad influences.

I ask the 3 Archangels: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, to eliminate (insert your initials) from the people who make you give up on me (insert your initials), to bring it to me, fully trusting my conduct, word and respect.

May (initials) be protected from being attracted to or desired by anyone other than (initials) me. O Master of Masters! I pray that at that moment (he puts his initials) he feels an irresistible impulse to call me, to look for me immediately.

However, Lord, if it is not your will, or if it is not for the happiness of both, I will accept it with resignation (o), because I know that a leaf will not fall without this being your will and designation. But, if there are no obstacles in that direction, may everything be fulfilled as soon as you publish this sentence.

For you (insert your initials):
I am the fulfillment of that desire, I am your pure attraction.
I am your immediate longing.
I am your perfect love.
I am your realization.
I am your heart


Publication of the prayer to get married soon

After praying, post this prayer to ask for a quick marriage for 9 days, extolling the name of God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit, also thanking the intervention of the Archangels: Michael, Gabriel and Raphael and, in the end, wait to make your wish come true, if it is for the happiness of both.

Remember to say the prayer to propose with great faith and a hopeful heart. If that is the time, the Saint will grant his request and bring the loved one along with a pair of rings.


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