This spell is specially designed to perform when you are afraid that your partner does not love you, or if not, you believe that he does not love you as you love him / her. With this spell you will get an increase in love, attention, affection… Everything that should go beyond any healthy relationship and what we all want in our relationships.
This spell is not indicated to perform if our partner has left us or for temporary couples or to make someone fall in love. It is a spell especially for our current partner to love us, For the rest of the situations, you can find numerous spells to make you fall in love and/or to get your ex-partner back.
Why do I think/believe that my partner does not love me?
The feeling of not being reciprocated with your partner, the feeling that you love for both of you and that at any moment the relationship can break because your partner does not love you enough, is devastating. It causes a very bad feeling of emotional dependence, which can lead to a toxic relationship from which we must flee at all costs.
At this point, I also recommend that you meditate on the situation and really analyze if this is the feeling you have, or if it is a fear that has taken over you. Fear often clouds our vision and even causes us to distort reality. If you think this could happen, I recommend that you try to calm down, try to trust your partner (a relationship is nothing more than trust) and try to spend a couple of weeks calmly, trusting and enjoying your relationship.
But if this is not your case, if you are convinced that your partner does not love you enough, if it is evident that he can leave you because he does not feel the same as you, then we can perform this spell, which together with our attitude in our zone of control, it will make our partner love us just as we do.
Control zone for him to love me
The first thing is to start acting in our control zone: For those who have never visited my blog and don’t know what it is, I will summarize it as follows: The control zone is everything that depends on us, everything in which We can do something: Modify our behavior, be more active or perhaps the opposite… Two forces are involved in a spell:
- The force of the universe, which is what makes everything we do not control favorable to us
- Our zone of control, taking control of the situation and making the change we want in our lives knowing that the universe will put the wind in our favor
As a last example so that we understand it: If I want to make a girl fall in love, it is not enough to perform a love spell, I will have to talk to her at some point, right? Well, this is my zone of control.
Our zone of control must be securityour zone of control is knowing that the spell makes us irresistible, not being afraid that our partner does not love us, because the spell will do so, not being afraid that our partner will leave us, because we are irresistible to him or she. We must act naturally, as we are, without fear, without taboos… because our partner fell in love with who we were and after the spell they will fall madly in love with who we are.
If we do not manage to do that, our partner will fall in love with a person other than who you are, and we will not always be able to act in a different way than who we are.
What to do to make your partner love you
If you are looking for «how to make my crush love me», it is recommended that we place a smoky quartz crystal and a red coral stone under the pillow, with this we will make our lover go crazy with passion when they are between the sheets. Likewise, we can write his name on a piece of paper, and spread a little chili powder on top, lighting a red candle next to it.
Another option to your concern of «how to make my crush love me», is the seduction that is infallible when it comes to attracting love, it is making a seduction potion that is infallible: infuse two pinches of rose petals in boiling water dried, two crushed cardamom pods that must be left to soak overnight, two teaspoons of damiana herb leaves, add ground cinnamon and honey to our liking before drinking it.
We must always keep in mind that magic does work and that the effectiveness of the spells has been more than proven, there are even testimonials from people who have found love thanks to the spells and potions that have been made in their favor. The elements that are used in the form of magic work as an offering to the spirits, but they also do it from a scientific point of view.
Spell with rose to make him love me
You must perform this spell on a Friday, at any time in the morning.
Take a rose, say your boyfriend’s name and put the flower in a glass of water.
That same afternoon, remove the petals, one by one, and repeat the phrase:
«(name of your partner), he’s getting more and more passionate about me! «.
It will be necessary to repeat the prayer calmly with each petal of the flower, thinking of your partner and feeling how you want to be loved.
Wrap the petals in a tissue and store them in the drawer.
We let the weekend go by and on Monday we throw the petals to the wind.
Don’t wash the scarf and keep it in a personal place, like your clothes drawer.
You will see how almost immediately your partner’s attitude will change, they will be more attentive, they will want to spend more time with you, etc. But don’t forget your zone of control: Be yourself, feel safe, let your partner be the one who proposes you to do things, that fear does not speak for you.