Spell to Make Him Look for You: Practical Guide and Real Testimony


1 year ago · Updated 1 year ago

Magic has been a resource used for centuries to influence various aspects of life, from health and prosperity to love and relationships. Although these rituals may be viewed with skepticism, there are those who swear by their effectiveness. In this article, we will share a spell to make a specific person seek you out, along with the true story of someone who it worked for.

Important note: This spell should be performed with respect and consideration for the other person's feelings and free will. Magic should not be used to coerce or manipulate others.

Flame of Desire Spell

This spell uses the power of fire to send your intention to the universe.

You will need:

  • a red candle
  • rose oil
  • A pen or stick to engrave on the candle
  • Paper and pencil


  1. Engrave the name of the person you want to look for you on the candle.
  2. Spread the candle with rose oil, visualizing the person thinking about you and feeling the desire to contact you.
  3. Write on the paper your wish for this person to look for you.
  4. Light the candle and while it burns, read aloud what you wrote on the paper, releasing your intention to the universe.
  5. Let the candle burn completely.

Real Testimony: Laura's Story

Laura, a 32-year-old woman from Madrid, had a complicated relationship with an old flame. After several years of separation, she found herself missing her ex and wanting to reconnect. However, she had no means of contacting him as she had lost his number and had no connections in common.

She decided to try this spell with a bit of skepticism, but with the hope that perhaps it could help her in some way. She followed the steps of the spell, engraving her ex's name on the candle, anointing it with rose oil and writing her wish on a piece of paper.

A few days after performing the spell, she received a friend request on social media from her ex. Although surprised, she accepted the request and they began talking again. Eventually, they met for coffee and have been on good terms ever since.

Laura believes the spell played a role in their reunion. Although she can't be sure that it was the spell that caused her ex to seek her out, she believes that at least the ritual gave her the hope and positivity she needed during that time.

Remember, magic is subjective and its effectiveness may vary from person to person. These rituals must be performed with positive intention and respect for all those involved.