Spell To Make Him Call Me (He Will Think Of You, He Will Need You And In 5 Minutes He Will Call You)

There is no need to lie, all of us at some point in our lives, have been glued to the mobile phone (or cell phone) or to the landline phone at home longing and wishing that that person we love and that attracts us so much, decides to call us and show interest in us. Today I want to show you different ways to attract the attention of a person so that they show interest in us.

We must be clear that this type of spell does not work from one day to the next, we also have to do our part, this means that once our spell is done we will have to continue talking to this person, staying for a coffee, etc. A big mistake is to make a spell to call us and expect it to have results without doing anything.

You can attract a person to your life in different ways, there are many different spells for this, for example, prayers for love or even amulets for love. The spells that I want to teach you today do not affect free will, they only generate good energies so that that special person notices us. Remember that white magic is considered one of the most important magics and this is what I will teach you.

Today I bring you a Special Article explaining what a Call Me Spell consists of and the best tricks, so that your desired person, with closed eyes, decides to call you, make your phone ring without making you wait a single second more. He will contact you through a call, message or any other method, but I assure you that soon you will hear from that special person.

In this article we are going to talk about a TOTAL of 5 different Spells or Rituals to Call Me. All of them different from each other, and that are used to conquer the loved one, and I assure you that once they are done, everything will be for the better. Remember to do your spell so that it calls me according to the steps and ingredients that I will explain below.

I know that there are many spells for the same purpose, but each one is for a different situation, so read each one carefully, and choose the one that best suits what you are looking for. You will not be able to do more than one each month, so before doing it, be sure that this is the ritual you want to do.

You will need to focus and concentrate very deeply before casting it, as it will strike at the spiritual chords of that person you want to talk to, making them think of you and then proceed to call you in less than you can even imagine right now. You want to know more? Well keep reading.

How to make a Spell so that a Person Calls you

This kind of Spells are a witchcraft, or a ritual, of White Magic that are many years old. Many years ago, before the existence of landlines or mobile phones, a red ribbon with the name of the person you wanted to attract written on it was placed near the door of the house. Thus, in this way, we sent the message to the Cosmos that we wanted that person to approach us.

Today, with new technologies, it has evolved. Thus, there are complex Spells to call me or other simpler ones, like the one made by my friend Elisa. Elisa’s story is quite interesting, and I would like to share it with all the readers of my website, since it can serve as a reflection for more than one person.

Elisa was attracted to Juan Andrés, and he also showed interest in her, but he did not take the step of calling her or proposing a date with her. Then one day Elisa decided to perform a simple spell that I explained to her that, although it was not one of the most effective, it was one of the simplest.

This spell only consisted of writing on a white paper the full name of the person she was attracted to, her telephone number and she sealed it with adhesive tape to the mobile phone. She kept it that way for 2 hours, until she received the call from Juan Andrés. As Elisa explained to me, Juan Andrés gave her the excuse of a mistake, that he clicked where he shouldn’t… but whatever it was, they had a first date and today it fills me with joy to tell you that they are still together.

And it is that, I know many cases in which the person to whom you direct the spell communicates with you through social networks, or calls you directly to the landline or work phone, sends text messages, gets in touch by WhatsApp or Telegram or even gets close to you personally.

Be that as it may, and because the Spell to Call Me is a ritual of the Love family, it is highly recommended that before performing it you start up and carefully read all the Tips so that your LOVE spell works.

I know how difficult it is to be with the uncertainty of whether he will call or not and that your soul is not calm.

Something inside you tells you that that person thinks of you and wants to call you, but sometimes pride does not allow it, or there are knots that do not allow the desired communication to be established with your loved or desired person.

That’s why I ask you for one moment to trust in the power of MAGIC, feel how its power surrounds you and choose one of the Spells that I explain below.

Characteristics of Spells to Call Me

One thing is certain, and that is that when you successfully perform the Call Me Spell you choose, you will see that powerful magical mechanisms are set in motion.

Next, I will explain what will happen, how it will happen and what are the main characteristics of this class of Call Me Spells:

They have a high effectiveness. Of course, make responsible use of them. If you need to repeat it, leave at least 7 days between a Call Me Spell and another.
The Faith you put into magical action is essential. Avoid performing the Spell if you are nervous, not feeling well or feel that TODAY is not your day (By the way, if you need to improve your Good Luck, you should carefully read the quick and powerful Good Luck Spell).
Launch the Call Me Ritual following the procedure and with the ingredients that I explain. These are the recipes that have been shown to be most effective,
You will never cause harm to the person you are going to launch the ritual, because it is a White Magic Ritual.
They are simple, because they are simple and very specific requests: that the person you want calls you in a short period of time.
It performs its effect on both men and women. There is no problem in this.
They do not need to be performed with a certain Moon or at a particular time of day. Of course, it will be necessary for you to feel good on a physical and spiritual level.
And, of course, the most important advantage and characteristic of these Spells: It will call you

Will you call me RIGHT NOW?

This is one of the first questions we ask ourselves when we cast a Call Me Spell. However, you have to use common sense and think that changes can occur in many other ways.

For example, it may be usual that you receive a message, that you receive a request on social networks or that you finally receive the call, but in a longer period of time than you expected.

Therefore, if the results do not arrive instantly, do not despair. It does not mean at all that your White Magic to Call you will not work.

5 Spells to Make My Loved Person Call Me

It’s time to choose one of the 5 Spells! I will tell you in great detail about each spell, how it can help you and how it cannot, pay close attention as it is important to know everything about each one and when they can be done.

Next, I am going to detail what ingredients you need and what situation each ritual is indicated for. You just need to choose one based on the information you are going to read.

So, simply search below for the Best Call Me Spell for you:

Number 1 – Spell to Call Me Today.Ideal for complex and long-term situations.
Required ingredients: blue ink marker or pen and a sheet of paper.

Difficulty ⭐: VERY LOW
Effectiveness ⭐⭐: LOW – MEDIUM

Number 2 – Spell to think of me and call me.

Ideal to provoke not only that he calls us, but also that he has us in his mind.
Necessary ingredients: marker or pen with red ink, a sheet of paper, an envelope.

Difficulty ⭐⭐: LOW
Effectiveness ⭐⭐: MEDIUM

Number 3 – Spell to call me NOW.

Ideal to cause the call to take place more quickly.
Necessary ingredients: marker or pen with blue ink, a sheet of paper, a photograph of the person we want to call us, brown sugar (if you don’t have it, it can be white) and cinnamon.

Difficulty ⭐⭐: LOW – MEDIUM
Effectiveness ⭐⭐⭐: MEDIUM – HIGH

Number 4 – Spell to Call or Write me in 5 minutes.

Ideal for situations in which the desired person has or has had feelings for us.
Necessary ingredients: a recent photo of you and another of the person we want to contact us, red thread, scissors, brown sugar (if you don’t have it, it can be white) and a small jar or container.

Difficulty⭐⭐⭐: MEDIUM
Effectiveness⭐⭐⭐⭐: HIGH – HIGH

Number 5 – Spell to Call You Immediately.

Ideal for situations where we want to talk and get closer to the person more intimately.
Ingredients needed: a red apple, a glass or ceramic plate, a knife, a sheet of paper, and a pencil or black ink pen.

Difficulty⭐⭐⭐: MEDIUM – HIGH
Effectiveness⭐⭐⭐⭐: HIGH – HIGH

Spell to call me today

The Spell to Call Me Today is ideal for long and tedious situations, in which you need a solution in the form of a call to your life.

In addition, doing it is very simple and, as you have seen, the necessary ingredients are not difficult to obtain: a marker or blue ink pen and a sheet of paper.

The first thing you should do is take a piece of paper, the size of your preference and immediately, and while holding a pen or marker, choose a symbolic image that attracts you from among the following:

A paper plane.
An angel.
A shooting star.
An envelope with a letter inside.
a butterfly
A bird.

Once you are clear about the symbol that most represents you (you must feel it inside), draw it in the center of the paper with the blue pen.

While you draw it, pronounce the following sentence out loud:

«That the sacred symbol of air that I have drawn,

Take the message to (Name and Surname of the person you want to call you),

That you just want to call me,

That during the day of TODAY,

My number dialed.»

You can repeat the sentence once or twice, and then fold the paper with the drawing in half, leaving the drawing on the inside of the sheet, and leave it near your phone. If it is a cell phone or mobile you can stick it with adhesive tape or keep the paper in the pocket where you have the phone stored, for example.

If after a day you do not receive the call, it will be time to wait 7 days and repeat it. That yes, with more illusion and with the certainty that yes or yes that call will take place.

Spell to make him think of me and call me

This Ritual for him to call you will get him not only to call you, but also to think of you. It is very effective when we want the other person, apart from looking for us, to keep us in their mind at all times. It is very simple to make and also homemade. What are you waiting for to put it into practice?

To do it, first of all, you must write on the paper, and with the red ink pen or marker, the following message:

“Let my phone ring,

That in your mind you think of me,

That if you want to rest,

My phone rings”

Once written, you must fold the sheet in half, leaving the message you have written on the inside. Now put the letter inside the envelope and, once closed, you must burn it in an appropriate container. For example, a pot, a cauldron, a metal bucket, etc.

Remember to light it with matches, or matches. And while you burn it, you have to visualize the person picking up their phone and making a direct call to you. If after 7 days you have not seen an effect, it will be time to repeat it. And if you get the call, it will be IMPORTANT that you don’t tell him how you got his call. There are things that are better kept secret.

Spell to call me NOW

In this quick Spell to Call Me Now, you will need, in addition to the usual ingredients for this type of White Magic, the use of a photograph of the person you want to attract by phone.

You can print a photo from their social networks or search the Internet to get it. Thus, this Spell represents enormous effectiveness precisely because it employs, in its methodology, a visual element of the personal.

To get started, write

on the paper your name and surnames and surround it by a circle. Then, in another place on the page, write the name of the person you want to call you and circle that as well.

Now, by using a glue or staple (or even tape), paste over the name of the person you want to attract your photo. What you have to do now is, with the marker, join both circles, and visualize how when joining the two circles with a line, communication is produced.

Spell to Call me NOW – How to do it?

It would be like a telephone signal. To finish, submerge the folded paper in a plate to which you will add cinnamon and sugar until the call occurs. If it takes more than 7 days, repeat the entire ritual and, in addition, reinforce this White Magic with the specific Spell to make him think of me.

Spell to Call or Write me in 5 minutes

To start this Spell to Call or Write to you in 5 minutes, I must tell you that it is a more complex ritual due to the necessary ingredients, but it provides very good results. Although this ritual is called “call me in 5 minutes”, the truth is that my friends who have used it report longer waiting times.

Yes, I have known two cases in which only 5 minutes or less elapsed. However, you have to use common sense and at least allow a few hours to assess the results.

Firstly, put one photo on top of the other (looking at each other’s faces) and cut them to the same size (you could make a heart shape). Now sew both photos with the red thread, finally leaving the two photos completely joined.

Fill a small jar (it can be made of glass, wood, ceramic…) exactly half full with the brown sugar, place the photos on top and recite the following 3 times:

«May this spell make him call me in 5 minutes»

End by saying AMEN out loud and finish filling and completing the jar with the sugar, cover it and keep it safe. Leave the bottle in a drawer in your room and, when you go to sleep, leave the phone next to the container or as close as possible.

If he doesn’t call you on the seventh day, throw away the sugar and repeat the ritual with new sugar for another 7 more days, with the same photographs and the same bottle.

To start this Spell to Call You Immediately, choose a day when you feel especially good and keep your mind focused on the goal you have set for yourself: to be called by the person you love, your friend, your partner, your girlfriend or your boyfriend… Immediately.

First take the apple and you are going to peel it completely with the knife. Once the shell is clean, place it on the glass plate (or white ceramic), and take the paper and pencil and write down the name of the person you want to call you on your mobile in just 10 minutes and put it under the apple that you have cleaned

Now you must leave it until the apple begins to darken and oxidize. The apple acts as a catalyst for negative energies and obstacles that may be preventing the desired person from calling you.

If when the apple starts to get ugly you have not received the call, the cosmos tells you that it is NOT the time to receive that call. Thus, you can wait 7 days and repeat it, to fill it with more energy.

Have you already chosen Your Spell to Call Me?

Remember to use a notebook to write down all the characteristics, ingredients and how to do it to increase effectiveness.

Also, and by way of advice, I would like to advise you that if you know your Zodiac Sign, perform the powerful Strong Love Spell according to the Zodiac Sign. This way you will not only attract their call, but also their feelings and LOVE.

And you already know it, in this article we have learned that if you lack the attention that you know you deserve, the best option that you can resort to with HUGE success is the Spells to make him Call Me (and think of me).

Today can be a very appropriate day for you to begin the change in your life, so that finally, that call that you have been waiting for with so much need and longing, occurs and fills your life with love and feelings of light.
You just have to trust in the Magic, in the Spells of LIGHT and make your Spell NOW so that it Calls Me NOW. I hope that this spell has been useful to you and we will read each other again soon dear reader.