Spell to lose weight and lose weight (Homemade)

It combines powerful ingredients, like rice, that will give you the magical help you need to keep your weight at its best. Are you ready to lose weight with my spell?

I introduce myself, I am Luz Silvar Soler, I am a medium, tarot reader and sorceress. Some of you already know me and are regular readers of my personal blog and you already know that I try to help you improve your lifeday after day. If this is your first time reading Spell.net. welcome, and enjoy the content. If you want to contact me, or know a little more about me, I leave you here my story and how the stars chose me: About me 👧

Know the authentic spell to lose weight that is effective and fast.

Shall we get going? 🍀

Knowing thoroughly the spell to lose weight

This spell to lose weight or lose weight performs a powerful and very effective symbolic action.

And it is that, the metabolism is interconnected with our neurological and energetic system.

How are we going to take advantage of this to perfect the weight loss spell?

Choosing the best ingredients, perfecting a magical and classic formula such as the authentic spell to lose weight with rice that works and properly selecting the moment in which we must perform it.

🌠 ATTENTION: Although the results are not instantaneous, friends and readers have told me that this spell is the best option to complement changes in life habits and a visit to a nutritionist.

When to perform this spell to lose weight?

If what you want is to increase the effectiveness and for the magic spell or ritual to lose weight to show fast effects in your life, I advise you to pay attention to the following 4 key points before continuing reading:


  1. Although losing weight is a general objective, this spell has shown greater results when the purpose was to reduce the size of the legs, belly and abdomen, arms and waist.
  2. Like any of the rituals that you will find on my website, it is a simple, homemade spell, perfected by me, free and that does not have any negative consequences for your life.
  3. Although magic surrounds our lives, it is no less true that in order to lose weight correctly, a medical check-up, a good diet recommended by a nutritionist and physical activity are essential.
  4. The genius of this spell to lose weight is that, in addition to speeding up your metabolic system, it will help you incorporate the best habits into your life.

Characteristics of the spell to lose weight

Here you can see the main characteristics of the spell.

Spell Theme: Well-being.

Effectiveness: High.

Difficulty: Medium.

Spell Type: Spell to lose weight.

Ingredients to perform the spell to lose weight

📝 NOTE: You are about to read the ingredients and the way to perform the spell. Make sure NOW that you have a pen and a piece of paper and write everything down.

  • A blue candle (if you can’t get a blue candle, choose a green one, and if you can’t get this color either, select a white one).
  • A dish.
  • A small cloth bag.
  • 7 grains of white rice.
  • Ground black pepper (a pinch, about a dessert spoon).
  • Failing that, sea salt or cooking salt (also a teaspoon for dessert).
  • Ground cinnamon (with the same measure as pepper and salt).

Simple ingredients for a spell that will allow you to maintain your ideal weight!

How to perform the spell to lose weight

1. First of all, it is essential that you choose the right day to perform this magic.

Follow the tips below:

  • You will perform the ritual any day of the week.
  • However, you must do it between 12 noon and 12 midnight (24:00).
  • The moon must be in a waning phase and not waxing. This will ensure that the spell produces quick and effective effects.
two. Secondly, make sure that you have all the necessary ingredients and throughout the ritual they will not bother you or interrupt you, so that you can perform it and achieve maximum effectiveness.

To begin, you will place all the ingredients around the plate and you will have them ready to use them as I am going to detail below.

You will also light the candle (remember, blue, green or white) and you will thank the cosmos for allowing you to perform this effective spell to lose weight.

3. As the candle burns, imagine how the heat of the flame warms and endows the inside of your body with light and energy.

You can visualize, in a relaxed way, how your body takes on the attributes of fire and, at the same time, look at the ingredients one by one and observe how the candle provides light and powerful magical energy to each one of them.

Four. When a few minutes have passed since you began the ritual, and the candle continues to burn, you will begin to introduce the ingredients into the cloth bag, following the following order:

  1. The 7 grains of white rice, one at a time.
  2. ground black pepper
  3. sea ​​salt
  4. ground cinnamon

Also, while you introduce the materials, you will recite the following phrase out loud (as many times as you need, until you introduce all the ingredients into the bag):

«I offer fire, I offer light, burn my weight I request»

Once the spices are all together inside the bag, along with the grains of rice, you will close the bag by making three knots with a blue, green or white string or thread.

✔️ATTENTION: If you repeat the ritual in the future (to give it more energy, for example), you will use the same cloth bag, previously cleaned, having eliminated the rice and spices from the previous spell in the trash.

5. At the last point, and until the candle goes out, you will leave the closed cloth bag with the ingredients inside on the plate.

Once the candle is consumed, you will throw away the remains of wax (the dish does not need to be thrown away) and with the cloth bag with the rice and the rest of the ingredients of the spell to lose weight inside, you will store it in a drawer or kitchen cabinet where you usually store food, such as bread, desserts, pasta, etc.

The place, yes, has to be visible and every time you open or close the drawer you can see it clearly.

Ending the spell to lose weight

As you have seen, it is a spell to lose weight fast and you will be surprised by its results.

By the way, many of you who consult this spell have also asked me about powerful spells to find True Love.

And since you are here I allow myself to offer you a gift, access to the best spell to find love. It will also be very useful to you ❤

If you need any information, have any questions or want to share your experience with others, do not hesitate to leave your comments in the article.

Likewise, if you don’t want to miss any of the new spells I post on the blog, I’d like to remind you that you can subscribe via email or become a fan on my Facebook page. I’m sure you’ll love it!

Wishing you the best of success with your spell to lose weight and sending you my wishes, I say goodbye to you. A hug of light! 😘