Spell to Keep Job (Very Effective)

Today I bring you a white magic spell to keep your job. If you are in a moment of uncertainty and you don’t know if you could lose your job or things at work are not going well, with this spell you will help these little things to disappear and you will undoubtedly keep your job.

Hello! If you currently have a job and there is a risk that you could lose it, you should read this article VERY carefully, because TODAY you are going to learn and you will be able to put into action later the strongest and most effective spell to keep your job 👍


Before continuing!

This ritual of pure White Magic is perfected to Keep a Job. But if you don’t currently have a job and you want to find a job that develops you professionally, financially and personally, you must perform the 👉 Strong Spell To Find A Job.

Does the Spell to Keep and Keep My Job really work?

This ritual is providing great success, mainly due to the fact that when performing this High White Magic witchcraft, actions capable of changing and improving our luck are carried out.

It is, so to speak, a facilitating spell, which unlocks the obstacles that exist at the PRESENT MOMENT in your job and therefore allows you to be even more likely to keep the job you want ⭐

Light… Does this Spell work for ALL jobs?

That’s how it is! 🌞

This ritual has worked incredibly strong and fast on people who were about to lose their jobs.

Also, in people who work on their own, this ritual can allow you to continue in your job and not lose it. Thus, positive changes will occur, either in sales or in the clientele.

👉 In the same way, you should know that if all the conflicts are arising due to problems with a superior manager or boss at your job, I recommend that before performing this strong ritual to keep your job, you carefully read the Spell to Dominate the Boss 😉

And it is that, sometimes the problem is focused and we must act on the right person to obtain the job change we need 💼

What Ingredients do you need to perform the Spell to Keep My Job?

Like all the rituals on my blog (remember that you can consult ALL my Free Rituals in the 📚 New Updated Rituals Index), this witchcraft to keep your job is 100% safe and will never bring a single negative consequence.

Therefore, since it is a conjuration for White work, the ingredients are mainly natural and can be obtained easily.

And you know what’s best?

👉 The Enormous Effectiveness of this Ritual!

📒 Ingredients to make the Spell To Keep The Job

Don’t forget to write them all down NOW! 👍

👉 A small candle of a light color (it can be yellow, orange… Or even White 👍)

👉 A paper and a black ink pen or marker.

👉 A plate.

👉 Salt (either marina or the one you usually use in the kitchen).

How to do the strongest ritual to Keep a Job?

The first step, in addition to making sure you have all the above ingredients, is to make sure that you feel like you want to keep the job and are willing to improve your life 😉

In addition, I recommend that you follow all the tips that I explain below.

This is how you will do the spell to keep a job much more effectively ⭐

📆 Most suitable day for the Spell to Keep a Job: you can perform the ritual to keep your current job any day of the week.

⏳ Best time of day: the spell will be more powerful if we do it during the afternoon. However, the most important thing is that you choose a day when you feel especially good, want to keep your job and feel that the energy will be on your side 🌠

🌙 Recommended Lunar Phase: the idea is that you keep the job. To do this, you need to attract with maximum force into your life the infinite idea of ​​the ideal job, well paid and that allows you to develop professionally and personally. For that reason, I recommend that you put this strong ritual in place to keep a job during a Full Moon or Waxing Moon Phase 🌝 👍

🌠 Most recommended physical place to do the ritual to maintain an ideal job: you can do the spell in any room, either in the living room or anywhere else in the house. The most important thing is that you feel calm, calm and eager to achieve the goal of this High White Magic ritual: Keep your job 📌

✔️ If you need to repeat the spell to increase its effectiveness: you can repeat this powerful spell to keep a job leaving at least 30 days between the first and second ritual. This way you will be able to increase its effectiveness or you will be able to make the changes appear if there is still a risk or you can lose your job.

Similarly, if you do not want to know how you will feel when the ritual begins to take effect, I recommend that you read carefully the signs that tell you that a spell IS working. 😉

💡 What to do if the Spell has not worked? If your ritual to keep a job is not working, I advise you to review, one by one, all the Reasons why the Spells DO NOT Work.

Characteristics of the Effective Spell to Keep a Job

🔍 Spell Theme: Work – Well-being – Maintain Employment.

⭐️ Effectiveness: Very High.

✅ Difficulty: Medium / Low.

📚 Spell Type: Job Keeping Spell.

Guide: Step by step performing the Strong Ritual that DOES Work to Keep Your Job

Keep in mind that this ritual is White Magic, therefore, in addition to being 100% safe, it will only bring positive changes to your life.

So, do it soon, follow the steps and tips below, and let’s try an option made by hundreds of people around the world 🌍 so as not to lose a job they currently have and don’t want to let go.

The first step is to make a circle with the salt on the plate, as you can see in the following image. As you do this, it is important that you feel the change in your life begin and you are much closer to keeping the job you think you might lose ⭐

Next, light the candle (remember to do it with a match and not with a lighter, since the energy is totally different) and put it in the center of the plate that you just energized with the salt circle.

You are ready? With this White Magic ritual you will keep your job 👍

To continue, write with the black pen or marker, on a piece of paper (it does not matter what the paper is), the following message:


«I keep



Once you have the message already written, it is the most important moment of the ritual. Very carefully so as not to cause an accident, you must burn the paper in the candle that is lit 👍

While it burns, pronounce the following phrase out loud as many times as you need until the paper is completely burned:

«I keep Me Worked»

Once you finish the ritual, you must follow the following steps to successfully finish the ritual:

  1. With great care, you will eliminate the salt in the trash.
  2. The plate, once it is very clean, you can use it in the kitchen or in other magical uses (other rituals and spells).
  3. However, with the ashes of the paper, you must perform one last facilitating function, which will allow you to obtain the intended results.

From the moment you burned the paper until 24 hours later, you must go to an elevated place (for example, a terrace of a building 🏡, a mountain, a bridge…).

From that high place that you have chosen, you must throw the ashes and thus allow the wind to carry them, ensuring that the message that you have consecrated and filled with energy is heard by the divinities and they reward you by keeping the job you want.

I recommend, as a personal piece of advice, that while you throw the ashes into the air you feel that the message and your personal request (keep my job) is heard and heeded and the change has already begun in your life.

It’s that simple!

Do we start the change and allow you to NEVER lack work? 😉

Before finishing the Ritual to Keep a Job!

I want to congratulate you before finishing for launching such a powerful and ancient ritual that will allow you to quickly make it easier for you to keep, maintain and not lose a job or employment that you currently have 💚


And it is that, as you will well know if you have been following the www. Community for a long time (or if you are new around here), sometimes misfortune and bad news come into our lives because Luck is stagnant and Good Luck prospers on our Path. For this reason, it is often VERY necessary to complete our rituals with a specific spell for Luck in general 😉

I send you my blessings to finish and my best wishes, so that you get all the luck you deserve and success in your Spell to Keep Your Job 👍