Spell to grow breasts and buttocks

There are many women who are born with small breasts and buttocks, so they often go through different stages before making the important decision to increase the bust and hips. These stages are characterized by the acceptance of the social environment where they develop, although first is the knowledge of the body, second comes the acceptance of it and finally the decision stage. This third stage is where the decision is made to increase the size of the body parts that can cause concerns in women, and seems to be a turning point in the interest of the male sex towards women.

For these concerns, there are spells that make the breasts and buttocks grow, which without a doubt can be the most effective and at the same time natural solution that can be presented. Today, thanks to social pressure, women feel dissatisfied with their bodies, which is why more and more are resorting to invasive treatments that can cause health conditions, including death, and in large part this is due to to the ignorance and negligence that exists about said treatments. With these spells you will have enviable, firm, round and very sexy breasts and buttocks in a very short time.

Now, everything will be very simple, a mask with glycerin and saliva, among others, are used for the breasts and buttocks. There are more women who have felt insecure, unattractive and even depressed throughout their lives due to the discomfort of having a different size of breasts and buttocks than imagined. It is for this reason, and with this first spell you will be able to make your breasts and buttocks grow, you will also have help quickly to increase their size without the need to resort to surgery.

You will need to:

  • 4 teaspoons of sugar
  • liquid glycerin
  • 3 tablespoons of honey
  • Mud or clay for masks
  • a glass container
  • 1 white candle
  • a wooden spoon
  • A piece of black cloth.

You will have to place all the mentioned elements on a surface that will be used to make the infusion, and these will be blessed in the name of the god Eros with the following prayer “oh powerful god Eros, grant my wish and listen to my prayers. Make my body a sacred temple with these elements. So shall». In the glass container you will place the liquid glycerin up to half, the tablespoons of sugar, honey and the mouthful of saliva, and then proceed to stir everything with the wooden spoon against the clock hands until they are completely mixed.

Once all the elements are mixed, the container must be covered with a piece of black cloth, light the candle and place it next to the container until half is consumed, this is done so that all the infusion absorbs the energy candlelight. When the candle is half full, you should go to the bathroom, undress and clean your body to massage the buttocks and breasts with the mixture for approximately 5 minutes. You must repeat for 20 days in a row.