Spell to Freeze 1 Person (Simple and Homemade)

Today I am going to be very serious. And it is that, I am going to explain to you a very complicated subject, which has existed for many years, causes terrible suffering and we must know it in depth to be able to protect ourselves immediately. It is about the Spells to Freeze a Person.

When we talk about freezing spells we talk about lowering the energies of another person, there are many different reasons for performing this type of rituals and spells. You must be clear that these spells are very complicated to perform, but I put all the information and knowledge that I know to solve your doubts.

Are there freezing rituals? How can we cool down a person or a situation that is harmful to us? Is casting a Spell to freeze a person bad? Are all freezing rituals negative? Can we protect ourselves from a freezing spell?

If you have been asking yourself these questions (and many others) about White, Black and Voodoo Magic to Freeze a man or a woman for a long time, I invite you to read the entire article VERY calmly.

You can perform the Spell to Freeze a person when they are behaving towards you in a toxic, harmful, nosy way or causing you harm. In the same way, and this is something that very few people know, you can also do a freezing ritual to a situation that torments you, such as having some debts.

This spell has many peculiarities that you should know about. Also, surely you have hundreds of questions about it, so we are going to talk throughout the article about the spell to freeze and all the most common questions about it.

Is freezing a person bad or good?

The short answer, without a doubt, is YES.

When you freeze a person you are lowering their energy, sending them cold to make them move more slowly and think differently.


If you think you are the victim of a Freezing Spell, it is important that you read until the end, because below I will explain how to reverse and knock down a freezing ritual in a simple and homemade way that they have thrown against us.

However, I must tell you that there are different situations, when the freezing spell is performed not as an attack but as a personal protection.

That is to say, The Spells To Freeze Or Calm Enemies are not only valid, but, on many occasions, as you will know my dear reader, they are necessary for our own personal well-being.

For this reason, below I will explain how to make a homemade freezing spell, which does work and all the information you need to have so as not to suffer any problems.

Since, as you well know, all my rituals and spells (which you can consult from my Updated Spell Index) are free, homemade and simple actions of Pure High White Magic. That is, 100% safe.

What is a freezing spell for?

Before explaining what ingredients you need, how this spell is done and how to protect yourself from freezing rituals, I am going to detail the most common situations in which this ritual works perfectly.

Also, in some cases, such as when casting a spell to freeze a boss or a lover, I will give you alternatives and other spells, so you can decide, ALWAYS, the best option.

Usually, what we will try to achieve is to freeze a Bad Person, who annoys us and who has done us damage in the past or in the present. This is more than enough reason to start performing the ritual and avoid future damage from that toxic person. Keep in mind that freezing a person from harming you will also, and most likely, move out of your way.

Perform freezing as a Spell to Freeze an Enemy (either a man or a woman) And this ritual is so powerful that it can make the enemy give up and stop trying to attack or bother us IMMEDIATELY. Therefore, do not hesitate to cast the Spell To Freeze Enemies if you feel like it or think you need to.

It is also a powerful way to cast a Spell To Freeze My Husband’s Lover. And it is that, if your husband has a lover, this ritual can be the change you need to breathe calmly again and freeze the other. However, I would like to recommend that before casting the freezing ritual on the lover, perform the Strong Spell to Drive Away the Lover (INFALLIBLE) Do it NOW Forever! It is a High White Magic to ward off that third person.

On some occasions, this ritual offers good results to freeze the competition in our business and allow us to recover sales and peace of mind in our accounts.

Many women and men, already desperate, turn to this Spell To Freeze The Mother-in-law, especially the meddling mother-in-law who is hurting the couple’s relationship. However, I recommend that, first and before freezing your mother-in-law, do the powerful Spell to Change (Tame) a Person.

You should know that this ritual is one of the most powerful magic as spells to freeze collectors and ward off debts. In addition, it demonstrates greater power if 15 days after finishing this spell you reinforce it with the esoteric Spell to Remove and Eliminate Debts (100% Urgent, Fast and Powerful).

Some women perform this cooling ritual to freeze their boyfriend, husband, partner, or even an ex. The effects are usually very fast: they reduce their passion, their desire to have intimate encounters with them and they stop calling them. That is to say, it is an authentic Spell To Freeze The Love Of A Couple

Many times this ritual is performed by some men or women to freeze their partners and, in this way, make them leave them and break the relationship in a very short time. My personal advice is that if you need to alienate your partner, reinforce this freeze with the powerful Spell to alienate and separate a person from your life with Flying Pepper.

By the way! If you want to do the Spell To Freeze The Heart Of Your Lover (that is, freeze your relationship), first make sure that you want it that way, because once you cast it you will receive the results of the Magic quickly and urgently.

If you want a Spell To Freeze My Boss, I recommend that you make sure that you cannot solve the situation in another way. For example, talking to your superior, claiming a change of job, etc. There are also people who, instead of performing this freeze on a boss, decide to cast the Strong Spell To Dominate the Boss first. However, if you have no other solution, this freezing ritual will help you to make the undesirable boss stop bothering you. .

Can I do a Spell to Freeze Time? Yes! This ritual will also help you reduce the passage of time. Especially indicated when we live a very happy moment in our lives and we want to experience well-being and happiness in a more peaceful way.

In the same way, this is a Powerful ritual like Spell To Freeze The Tongue That is, to quickly cut off gossip, rumors and criticism directed against you. I recommend that you also perform the Protection Against Enemies Spell if you feel attacked or are the victim of gossip and stories.

The Spell to Freeze my feelings and my heart is also performed, that is, to overcome heartbreak and put an end to a stormy relationship. In addition to this freezing ritual, the Easy Spell to Forget a Person will help you enormously if this is your case.

Cast a Spell to Freeze Bad Thoughts, for example, when we don’t quit smoking, when we are assailed by negative thoughts about ourselves, etc. However, I would like to tell you that sometimes this is common in people who do not trust themselves enough. That is why I believe that in addition to this magic, the Spell To Have More Confidence In Oneself can help you.

Similarly, I have received positive experiences when the Spell to Freeze a Trip was cast, that is, to prevent a trip from starting or to stop it.

And finally, you should know that this Spell is useful to freeze any other problems you have

how to cast a spell to freeze someone

The ritual is very simple, but you need to be very clear about how the ritual works and know what person or situation you need to freeze to recover happiness and remove everything bad from your life.

In addition to that, to successfully cast a freezing spell with a photo (or without a photo) for a person, I recommend that you follow the tips below. This way you will ensure that you perform the ritual on the best day:

Most suitable day for the Freezing Spell: you can perform the ritual to freeze any day of the week.

Best time of day: the spell will be more powerful if we cast it at night. And it is that, in the esoteric treatises themselves it is stated that this is a freezing ritual that benefits from the lunar effects.

Recommended Lunar Phase: the idea is that the person’s energies decrease, their attacks cease and they remain frozen. For that reason, classically this is a freezing spell that must be cast in a Waning Phase. It will also give you great results if you do it on a New Moon.

Most appropriate physical place where to perform this spell: you can do the freezing spell in a room, in the living room or in any other place in the house. The most important thing is that you feel calm, calm and wanting to finally get away from the person or situation that makes you uncomfortable.

If you need to repeat the spell to increase its effectiveness: remember to leave at least 30 days between one freezing spell and the next. To repeat it, yes, you will have to eliminate the ENTIRE glass in the trash and repeat the spell from the beginning.

Similarly, if you need to freeze two or more people (at the same time), I’ll explain how to do it below.

What to do if the Freeze Spell didn’t work? If your ritual of freezing a person does not work, I recommend that you review, one by one, all the Reasons why Spells DO NOT Work.

Ingredients needed to make the spell to freeze

Below, you have described all the ingredients and elements necessary to successfully and safely cast a freezing spell. Remember to copy and write them down, either in your Book of Spells or in a notebook, so as NOT to have any doubts.

The first indispensable requirement is to have access to a freezer, fridge or freezer in our house. And it is that it will be inside where we will keep the freezing ritual, to cool down the person or situation that we want to stop. If you do not have a fridge or freezer, you can perform other rituals that do not need to use this element, such as the incredible Spell to eliminate a person from our lives.

In addition to making use of the appliance, to make a freezing ritual that works you need the following ingredients:

If you want to freeze a toxic person (an old friend, a boss, an enemy, a nosy mother-in-law, a rival…): You will need a photograph of the person. If you cannot get a photo, a piece of paper where you will have written his name with a black ink pen or marker will also help.

If what you want to freeze is a situation that annoys or bothers you (such as a bank debt, a visit from collectors, competition in your business, your feelings, unemployment…): You will need to write down clearly on a piece of paper what you want to freeze from your life. For example, if you want to freeze debts, you can write the following: “All the debts I have”. Or if…