Spell to forget a love or ex-partner

Missing someone is one of the characteristics of the human being. Whoever says that they never miss you is surely lying to you, or it is that they do not recognize the feeling they have.

Many studies, such as the one carried out by Dr. Laurence Jones at Duke University, empirically show that the brain spends more time recalling memories than focusing on the here and now, provoking what we know as a feeling of nostalgia.

But even if it is something normal, sometimes nostalgia and looking back can become something unhealthy. We are referring to missing our ex-partner, a relationship that we never had and that we still believe was the love of our life, or any experience that does not let us move forward in our lives.

When we miss our ex-partner, we are actually longing for the happiness we had at the time, we miss that lover, that person who was our confidante at that time and with whom we swore to spend our entire lives.

But do not fool yourself: that life you had was not much better than what you have now, simply that nostalgia tends to idealize that time, it tends to idealize that person who is no longer with us and further feeds this false image of how happy we were or how perfect that person we were with was.

What can I do to stop remembering my ex-partner?

One of the most typical systems to stop mourning the absence of our ex-partner is to love again. And although this system is valid, it is only infallible if it is done from the heart, that is, if we fall in love again with the right person for us.

Although normally, if we are still hurt from a previous relationship and we start a new relationship, this new relationship will be secondary, it will be toxic, it will only serve us to compare the relationship we had before… and that will become even greater nostalgia and pain.

If you have understood all this and you feel identified with what I have told you, you are ready to perform a spell to stop missing your ex-partner, and to start a new life, a new episode of your life full of of adventures and love.

Spell to forget my ex-partner – Day 1

It is a simple but very personal ritual, which will immediately start the nostalgia for your ex-partner.

To do it you need to have a white candle, a photo of him (it can be both), a piece of paper, an envelope and a pen.

Light the white candle and place your photo (or both) at the base of the candle.

Then write a letter to your ex. This letter will be your last communication with this person, for which you must tell them everything you would like them to know: How you have loved them, how you have suffered, what you miss, how bad they have put you through, if If you consider that you are to blame for something, tell him/her, the same if you consider that he/she has behaved badly, you can recriminate him/her… In short, you should write as a farewell everything you want him to know.

Once you have finished your letter, put it in the envelope, blow out the candle, and tear the photo into as many pieces as you can. Put these pieces in the envelope.

Close the envelope and put the letter in a mailbox, without an address, without a stamp… the universe will know where it has to go.

Spell to forget my ex-partner – Day 2

The next morning you will wake up a little more relieved, although different. It’s normal, you just said goodbye to your ex-partner forever.

Now the universe in a magical way will make you stop thinking about your ex-partner in the same way you did until now. It does not mean that you will forget him/her forever, obviously his memory will always be there, but it will stop hurting.

On the second day, relight the candle that saw your letter written and make a list of things you have always wanted to do but have never done due to: lack of time, laziness, because you don’t know how to do it…

Perhaps you have always wanted to do some activity and have never looked for a place to do it. There are people who start doing Yoga, others maybe a cooking course, others start studying something they have always wanted to learn or maybe they just want to learn a new language.

Whatever it is, write down on this list, at least, 3 things that you have always wanted to do and have never done and in the following days you must find how to start doing these activities.

The universe will make it easy for you: You have declared your will to say goodbye to that person, now you must find a new meaning to your reality, realize that the world is full of motivations, of goals that you want to overcome. New challenges for which you have deserved to get off the train you just got off. Now is the time to embrace the present.