Spell to fall in love with a woman madly and effectively

Sometimes it is difficult and complicated for men to get a woman’s attention in daily life, and it is something that happens regularly to many people, but thanks to love spells, you can have a favorable result towards that person, in a simple and effective way. Depending on your goals with this person, you may need to perform different rituals, the most important thing will be to follow them to the letter to be successful, otherwise we can consult a specialist to help us fall in love with that special person, or we can attract to beautiful women, everything will depend on your needs.

4 spells you can use to make a woman fall in love

When talking about love, anything goes, which is why many people have resorted to spells to make that special person fall in love, being able to resort to powerful forces that have a positive effect, bringing to your feet that girl who has you in love. To perform some spells you need some materials, while for others you will not need anything to achieve a good execution.

White magic to fall in love and dominate that difficult woman

In this case, many men want the same thing, that a woman notices them and with the simple procedure of white magic you can achieve it, especially if this woman has not paid much attention to you. you shall trust the process, as well as running it in order by how powerful they are. You will need a photo of the person, a San Antonio stamp, a deep plate, a pencil with an eraser, sea salt, sugar, sunflower oil and a white candle.

With all the materials, you must first write your girl’s full name behind the San Antonio stamp, then take your girl’s photo and paste it on the same side where her name is. Now pass the eraser of the pencil over the photo so that it is completely sealed with the stamp, spread the sugar in the deep plate and proceed to add the sea salt. Add 3 drops of sunflower oil and add the photo in the middle, next to it by placing the white candle, in this case to avoid accidents you can place it on another plate as a base. Every night, light the candle, putting it out the next morning until it is completely consumed and then say the following prayer: «Saint Anthony of Padua, help me to get the love of , since I want him to be my sentimental partner. I compromise to protect her and love her for the rest of our lives to be happy.»

Bewitching a woman using semen

Perhaps many people do not know but the energy of an orgasm can be very strong, so by using the sperm in this spell you will be enhancing the level of attraction. You need your semen, saliva and a ceramic glass. The procedure will require that while you reach orgasm to get the sperm, you must concentrate on the goal, visualizing your beloved at the same time that you imagine yourself with her. Later, pour the semen into the ceramic glass, add the saliva and pronounce the following sentence: “My passion will make love ignite in you: I will make you think of me and love me day and night. My sperm will inevitably attract you. So be it». Thanks to this spell you will be able to modify his feeling, so he will approach you and you will notice a change in his behavior in about 5 days.

Witchcraft to make a woman fall in love using her underwear

For this case, use the black magic, being a more complicated and elaborate option than the ones mentioned above, since it involves their underwear and yours. Among the necessary materials in this case is your underwear, the underwear of your special person, a red thread and a needle, two red candles, a white candle, a medium container and mineral water. For the procedure, you must first call your girl, you can use any pretext, so that she stays thinking about you. It will not be advisable to force the conversation, since you can talk about anything and her subconscious will automatically take the last action that was to talk to you.

After talking with her, don’t let 2 hours pass to start the ritual. On top of a table, place the candles, forming a triangle, the order in which you place them does not matter, but a triangle is maintained. Light the candles and place the container in the middle of the triangle, filling it halfway with the mineral water. Later, she takes the underwear of the two and sews them with the red thread and the needle, making them both stay together. When she finishes sewing, she submerges the garments in the water, and for about 15 minutes visualizes staring at the water at both of them together, just as you want a normal day between the two of you to be. To finish, she first removes the container from the triangle and then blows out the candles, removing the clothes and keeping them in a space where no one can see them, only you. these garments you should always keep them.

Charming an older or married woman

Many times women prefer the company of an older man, so if you want break this riddle, it is recommended that you use the following spell. Of the required materials is a spoonful of cinnamon, a photo of the woman you want to attract, a spoonful of honey, a stick of incense, a sheet of paper, a blank sheet but that is A4 size, drops of your usual perfume, an envelope, red pen, matches and a large container.

First light the incense, then draw a big heart on the paper with the help of the red pen. Inside the heart he writes the first and last name of that person, then spreads the honey on the edge of the heart, spreading the cinnamon in the same outline. Add a few drops of your perfume on the woman’s name and kiss her photo, imagining a moment together between you. Set the photo aside, then fold the paper and place it in the envelope, then add the photo. It is important keep the orderand then place it on the container and burn it with matches, while you will repeat the following 3 times: “we will always be united by this heat, and we will become inseparable”.