Spell to Drive A Person Away (Effective)

Hello! Many of you have asked me for a powerful and powerful spell to remove a person from our lives. And it is that, this kind of spells are very common when we have an ex, an old friend, a boss or any person with whom there is a relationship. irretrievable conflict.

I introduce myself, I am Luz Silvar Soler, I am a medium, tarot reader and sorceress. Some of you already know me and you know that I try to help you improve your lifeday after day If this is the first time you read Spell.netwelcome, enjoy the wisdom and the power that I give for help you achieve your goalsin addition to this spell I leave you a bit of my personal history in case you want to meet me or contact me: About me 👧

That is, it has become almost an enemy that does us no good in our lives.

It can even be to distance that other person who tries to separate us from our partner or who speaks badly to our boyfriend to break the love.

For this reason, this witchcraft to remove someone from our lives, as I say myself, is sometimes more than a ritual, something ESSENTIAL to be able to regain peace in our lives 🍀

Spell to eliminate a person from our life… Does it work?

It is the most common question before this kind of spells… does it really work? Well, dear follower of , I’m going to tell you something, the effectiveness of this spell is so strong that after a few hours the changes in our physical plane are perceived.

You are in luck! With this ritual you will be able to remove it and without doing any harm!

And it is that, like all my spells, this spell falls into the category of defensive or protection. White magic type. Therefore, it will not produce physical, psychic, spiritual or mental damage to the object of our magical rite at all.

📚 NOTE: Prepare a pen and a notebook and COPY the necessary ingredients RIGHT NOW. Don’t leave it for later. If you are reading this, here and now, it is because you need it.

What ingredients do I need for the powerful spell to remove someone from our life?

  • A small red candle.
  • Three coins (to choose the value or type of coin, there is no problem with this spell)
  • Ash from a myrrh or rose incense stick or cone.
  • Coarse sea salt or the usual table salt.
  • Ground black pepper.
  • Fine sand or small stones.
  • A sheet of paper.
  • A few drops of lemon.
  • A few drops of vinegar.
  • A black ink pen, quill or marker.
  • A small empty glass jar (can be tomato preserves, olives, or buy it in a store)

As you can see, simple ingredients that are at your fingertips.

Everything is that simple, because eliminating someone from your life will not be complicated at all.

Characteristics of the Spell to ward off a bad person and go far away (without the need to hurt him)

Spell Theme: Spell – Protection.

Effectiveness: Very High.

Difficulty: Medium.

Spell Type: Spell to remove a person from our lives.

Step by Step! We started the spell to keep him away from us FOREVER.


Before starting, here are some notes that will help you increase the effectiveness of this ritual:

– The best time to do it while the moon is waning or decreasing, since we want to eliminate someone from our life (and not attract them). However, you can do it during the day or at night 🌙

– Effects appear in hours. In some cases (more difficult or with knots) it may take up to 5 days to appear. And in the most complicated up to 45 days (a natural month and a half) ⏰

– If after 45 days the undesirable person has not moved away from your path, it will be time to repeat the spell. Of course, eliminating ALL the ingredients of the previous spell in the trash 🌠

– Before starting, make sure you can be quiet for a few hours, since you will have to let the entire candle burn and it is not good for the ritual (or for your house) to leave a fire burning 🔥

And now yes: Let’s start! Spell to get him out of the way (a woman, a boss, a lover, a man, an enemy…)

  1. Light the red candle in the corner where you are going to cast the spell to keep it away. Once the candle is lit, light the cone (or the myrrh or rose incense stick) and say the following phrases out loud:

Thank you cosmic forces for allowing me to perform this spell,

Asking your permission and offering the incense and candlelight as offerings,

I request that (NAME AND SURNAME) stay away from my life FOREVER,

May your path separate from mine at this time,

Let NOTHING and NOBODY make him return to my side,

Not even mine

So be it

So be it

So be it


Once the request is made, you must wait for the candle and incense to be consumed. While you wait, you can take the opportunity to meditate, read my blog or do whatever activity you want.

But trying to make it from a spiritual realm.

When the candle is about to finish consuming, you must perform the following actions:
Write on the paper the name of the person you want to remove from your life (first and last name).

And on the back of the sheet, draw the symbol of the planet Jupiter (I leave you below an illustration and the icon so you can draw it, it’s like a 2 and a 4):

You must remember that Jupiter is the planet of justice, morality, god of gods that will keep that unwanted person out of your way. So including him in this spell is almost a necessity.

Now fill the glass jar as follows:

  1. Add some remaining candle wax.
  2. Then introduce ALL the ashes of the incense you lit.
  3. Now insert the three coins (which you previously left lighting up next to the candle).
  4. And, a fundamental step, insert inside the paper with the name of the person you will remove from your life (from the middle). You can enter it folded or wrinkled, it doesn’t matter. Either way, it should be inside the glass jar.
  5. Now, in the space that you have left, in equal parts and until you complete the WHOLE pot, add the salt, the pepper and the sand (or the small stones, as you chose).
  6. Finally, we will sprinkle a few drops of lemon juice and a dash of vinegar, to give the magic formula a greater effect.

Finishing the powerful spell to remove a person from your life

Once you have the jar full, close it tight and you must store it inside the FREEZER 🌟 of your house. In one of the drawers that you use the least and that is the longest in the dark.

ATTENTION: You have some other good spells on my blog that can be very useful. I leave below the link to 3 of them… However, I advise you to visit the INDEX to know, in order, all my magical actions.

After a maximum of 45 days, the entire bottle must be thrown away. In a container outside our house. Introducing it inside and walking without turning to look at the container once we have thrown it inside.

And it is that, in 45 days, as a deadline, that person will disappear from your side.

Throughout my career I have found very few occasions in which that person has continued to be present and just repeating the spell once was enough for him to move away from our side.

A big hug and that very soon you will get away with this white magic forever from your life (It works!).

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