Spell To Dominate The Boss (Extremely POWERFUL)

Greetings, dear readers! Today, I bring you a powerful spell to help you gain control over your boss, whether it’s your own or your partner’s. If you’ve been facing challenges with your boss, this ritual might be just what you need.

Introduction to Luz Silva Soler

Thank you for visiting my website. I am Luz Silva Soler, a tarot reader, medium, and sorceress with 25 years of experience. If you’re curious about my journey or have personal questions, feel free to know more about me.

Do I Need to Perform a Ritual to Dominate the Boss?

Undoubtedly, you may be contemplating whether performing a spell to dominate your boss is necessary. Dealing with a difficult boss is a common challenge, but it’s crucial to identify the type of boss you’re dealing with, as different situations may require different spells.

Identifying Your Boss

There are various types of bosses, each with their unique traits. Some may dismiss their employees’ opinions, while others might exert control over crucial aspects like schedules and salaries. Some bosses may even neglect their employees’ well-being.

Effectiveness of the Spell to Dominate the Boss

While achieving success through hard work is ideal, it’s not always possible when dealing with difficult bosses. If you find yourself becoming increasingly submissive, losing your sense of self, and experiencing emotional turmoil, it may be time to take action.

Things to Know Before Starting the Spell

Bad bosses often target individuals they perceive as weak. This White Magic Witchcraft spell aims to empower you, helping you shed feelings of inferiority and weakness. This spell applies regardless of your gender, age, or location.

Key Considerations

  • Time of Day: Perform the spell in the morning with the sun shining.
  • Lunar Phase: Choose a decreasing moon phase (waning) for maximum effectiveness, preferably on a NEW moon day.
  • Repetition: If needed, allow at least a month between repetitions. Consider recharging the spell when the paper shows signs of wear.
  • Visualization: While performing the spell, visualize its impact and ensure you have all the necessary ingredients ready.

Protect Yourself

Before performing the spell, it’s advisable to consider a protection spell to safeguard against potential harm from adversaries. Click here for a powerful Enemy Protection Spell.

Ingredients for the Spell

Before you begin, gather the following items:

  • A medium-sized lemon
  • A white candle of medium size
  • White rice
  • A white plate
  • Common table or cooking salt
  • Four leaves of mint, mint, or bay (for prosperity and harmony)
  • White-colored paper
  • Red ink pen or marker
  • Optional: ground cinnamon for added sweetness
  • Shoes (to be worn during the spell)

Step-by-Step Guide: Performing the Spell

  1. Choose an appropriate day and ensure you have all the necessary ingredients ready.
  2. Mark the white candle from base to flame with the phrase «Name and Surnames DOMINION.» If performing the spell for someone else, use their name.
  3. Write «DOMINION» with the red ink on the paper, then fold it in half, keeping the message inside.
  • Note: Carry this paper in your shoe after the ritual.
  1. Create a circle of salt on the plate, clockwise, visualizing the removal of negativity.
  2. Place the paper in the center, inside the salt circle.
  3. Spread rice clockwise over the salt, envisioning prosperity and strength.
  4. Add the four leaves to form a square, visualizing luck and positive energy.
  5. Complete the circle with the lemon, squeezing it over the ingredients, imagining the boss’s negative traits being diminished.
  • Optional: To sweeten the boss, sprinkle ground cinnamon over the lemon juice.
  1. Allow the candle to burn completely, then dispose of the remaining ingredients, except the plate and paper.

How to Use the Blessed Paper

This step is crucial. Place the paper in the shoe you’ll wear to work, whether under the insole or on the sole. If you performed the spell for someone else, use their shoes. You can change the paper to match the shoes you wear.

Remember, this spell harnesses positive energy and aims to empower you in your professional life. Use it with confidence and positivity. Good luck!