Spell to Dominate a Rebellious Son (Exclusive, Strong and Updated)

If you have a rebellious, aggressive, bad student, with problems or who simply does not straighten his life, you are in the right place and at the best time 💡

let’s start greeting new members of our page, who are here for the first time. My name is Luz Silva Soler, and I have been a Sorceress, Medium and Tarot reader for more than 20 years. In Spell.net I write my own experiences, my spells and I also try to help people who need it for free through the White magic. If you want know more about meor contact me click here: About me 👧


Today I am going to teach you the best White Magic spell to tame your rebellious son or daughter.

Take note of the necessary ingredients to perform the Spell to Dominate a Child, point out how to do it and begin TODAY the change that you long for in your rebellious child.

Let’s learn to master it and tame it without any side effects!

⭐️ Pure White Magic Blessed by Light! ⭐️

What is this Spell used for Dominating a Rebellious Son?

Although there are many reasons to do the Spell to Dominate my Son, the most frequent (and the ones that will give you the best results) are one (or several) of the following situations:


  • To tame an Aggressive Son.
  • To reduce the aggressiveness or rebellion of a child.
  • Similarly, this spell is very useful for your child to study and focus on education.
  • To try to remove the blindfold, for example, in situations where the son is dominated by his partner or his girlfriend 👫
  • To encourage good behavior.
  • When we intuit that there is a problem related to drugs, alcohol or tobacco.
  • For your son to walk away and distance himself from bad companies and friends.
  • To calm a child with a difficult temperament and/or character.
  • This powerful Spell is also used to calm an aggressive or overbearing Child.

As you have seen, it is a Spell to Dominate a Child in a fast (urgent), powerful and homemade way that is capable of dealing with multiple situations that surely, until now, could have seemed impossible to you.



Do you want to help your child with an exam or their studies?

👉 You can do it with the Spell to Pass and Study Better.

How to Do the Spell to Dominate my Son?

To perform the powerful ritual to do the Spell to Dominate a Child you need, first of all, to select the most specific day to perform it with the highest success.

In addition, you will be able to verify that this Ritual to Tame my Son is very simple and totally free.

And best of all, without a doubt, are the dozens of mothers and fathers who recount the powerful changes that their children have experienced since they began to perform this Spell of love and sweetening 👍

Therefore, I encourage you to put into practice the magical knowledge that is revealed to you here today to improve, to the highest level, the relationship with your child and remove his problems and rebellions forever.

Thus, I advise you to write down and follow the following points:

📅 Best day to Do the Spell to Dominate a Child: you can start any day, but keep in mind that you need to do it for a month (I’ll explain it in detail below).

🌙 Best Lunar Phase: it will be recommended that the White Magic spell to Dominate the Rebel Son is started in a Crescent phase, or even in a Full Moon. However, remember that the Spell must be completed for an entire month (ie 30 full days).

💭 Can the Ritual to Tame a Child be repeated?: If you want to increase its effectiveness, or you have performed the Spell and it has not worked, you must wait 30 days from the end of the first ritual.

👉 That is, if you started on February 1 and finished on March 1, if you want to repeat it you would have to start, at least, on April 1.

🔑 Does this ritual help me change another person’s character?: no. To tame or change another person, you will need to cast other spells, as this one will only affect your child. I recommend these two:

👉 Spell to change (tame) a person. This ritual will help you to change a person in general, be it a friend or family member.

👉 Spell To Dominate The Boss. This ritual is specific to bosses, managers or superiors in our work centers.

Ingredients needed to make a Spell to Dominate my Son

To perform this ritual you need very simple elements, available to anyone, which when combined generate a powerful magical effect that will change the character of your rebellious child and allow you to gain peace, tranquility and happiness.

📝 Write them down NOW!

  • A red pen or marker.
  • Sugar (about half a glass).
  • A glass.
  • Ground cinnamon, a pinch (you can also use a cinnamon stick if you don’t have the ground version).
  • A teaspoon of honey.
  • A boiled white egg.
  • A thick marker, permanent type, with which to draw on the surface of the egg.

Characteristics of the Spell to Dominate a Child

  • Spell Theme: Spell – Family and Children – Well-being.
  • Effectiveness: Very High.
  • Difficulty: Medium.
  • Spell Type: Spell to Dominate the Rebellious Son.

Step by step: How to dominate my Son?

To get started, make sure you pick the right day and start by boiling and boiling your egg, turning it into a hard-boiled egg (also known as a hard-boiled egg).



The egg is a very important element in this ritual, since it symbolizes our son or daughter. For hundreds of years, eggs have been associated with fertility and offspring.

And in this ritual to dominate a Son, the egg will be a central element. Therefore, choose a healthy egg, which does not have any cracks, also select one that does not have many spots and it will be even more perfect if you get a fresh or free-range egg.

If this is not possible, a normal egg that you can get at the supermarket will also be useful.

Once cooked, you must let it cool until it is hard.

Once it is ready, and with the help of the black ink marker, you must draw on one of the sides of the egg the FACE (that is, just the face) of your rebellious son 👱 or daughter 👩.

For example, you can draw his glasses if he wears, big eyelashes if he is a girl or a huge smile if he is very cheerful. Think that they should only be those signs that come to mind when you think of your child, you do not need to do it exactly.

With the Spell to Dominate your Son you will get him to be meek, calm and HAPPY again. Once the egg is drawn, you must put it in a glass and submerge it COMPLETELY with sugar. It can be both white and brown sugar, both will give you a great effect to tame and dominate it.

Once the submerged egg is found, you must write on a small piece of paper, and with a red ink pen or marker, the reason that drives you to perform the Spell and what you want to see changed, modified or improved in your Child.


For example, you could write one of the following sentences:

  • I want my son not to be rebellious.
  • I want my son to start studying more.
  • I want my son to stay away from bad company.
  • I want my son to change his character and tame himself.
  • Etc.

Don’t worry if you want to write many more. This is a very powerful White Magic Spell that just by performing it will already be infusing your child with light and blessings.

So you don’t need to write down EVERYTHING your child needs, just the most important at this point in their life cycle and that you, as their father or mother, know better than anyone in the world.

Once you have the note with your written request, you must fold it (leaving the written part inside) and also dip it in the sugar, remaining buried next to the Egg.

Finally, you should sprinkle a pinch of ground cinnamon on top of the sugar (or bury the cinnamon stick if you have decided to use it that way) and spread a teaspoon of honey (or perhaps a little more), until there is a thin layer of honey left. the entire surface.

How to do the Spell to Dominate a Child?

Once you have the glass ready, as I have explained, you must read the Prayer for a Rebellious Child that I leave you below.

While you read the prayer (which I recommend you copy right now in a notebook or Spell Book), put your right hand on top of the glass, without touching it, to infuse the necessary energy into the ritual:

Prayer for a Rebellious Child


Lord Almighty,

Today I ask you for (Name and Surname of Your Son),

I beg you to stay away from rebellion,

May your character be tempered,

May his life be blessed with your divine strength,

And that nothing and no one can break your wonderful destiny,

I ask you from my heart for it to be so,

Today and always,




Once the prayer has been read, you must keep the glass in a dark place in the house.

It can be inside a closet, under a piece of furniture or on a shelf, for example.

It will remain there for 30 days and, once the 30 days have elapsed, you will remove ALL the elements of the ritual to the trash (outside your house), including the glass that you have used, since it is an energy container that should not be reused in another magical action.


UPDATE! Some parents have contacted me since their children do not live with them at home and they did not know if they could do this Spell 🏠

However, you can do it as normal as it will work just the same.

What happens if my child looks at the glass of the spell to master it?

This is one of the most common concerns of some of you. The fear that your son or daughter can see the glass 👀

However, I must tell you for your peace of mind that if this happens absolutely NOTHING happens.

Neither the ritual will stop working nor will something negative happen. And it is that, I remind you that this spell is a White Witchcraft that never causes a curse or negative secondary aspect.

If your child sees the glass, you just have to explain that it is something you did to bless your life ⭐️

Can I use a plastic or disposable cup to do this Spell to Dominate my Rebellious Child?

This is also a very concurrent question in the comments of the Blog.

However, although sometimes I do explain that a ritual can be done with a plastic or non-reusable utensil, in this case I recommend that you use a glass or crystal glass.

If you don’t have a glass that you want to lose, I recommend that you buy it at a bazaar or supermarket before starting the ritual.

By the way! 🔎 Try to make it a neutral glass, that is, that it has no drawings or shapes on its surface. This will increase its effectiveness.

Last steps: Ritual to Dominate the Rebel Son.

As you have seen, it is a powerful ritual that will bring you great progress in your relationship with your child.

In addition, as it is a White Magic ritual, you will not only reduce their rebelliousness, but you will improve all the spheres and dimensions of their person.

If you want to improve the atmosphere at home even more, this may be a good time to also start the Homemade Spell of Protection of…