Spell to cry and suffer for me

If you have ended a relationship and want that man/woman come back sorryhumiliated and on their knees, we will tell you some of the strongest and most effective spells to make them cry and suffer as you have.

With these spells, your ex-partner will cry and regret letting you go. This ritual will make him/her realize the mistake she made and ask you to come back to him/her. It is effective only if he was the one who ended the relationshipIf it was you, then don’t waste your time, it won’t work. These spells are done with white magic, no matter what day of the week you do it, it will work, it is also really easy.

Just one thing!! It is important that after having performed the spell you do not contact this person, Well, you should not be the one who comes to him/her, you should wait for this person to come to you. Even if weeks pass, you will have to maintain a distance position until your ex-boyfriend decides to return. It will be then when you can decide if you give him a second chance or not.

Spell 1 to make you cry


To perform this powerful spell you will only need: ua sheet of paper, a red colored penciltwo candles, one red and one white, jasmine oil, a metal jar and a few matches.


What you have to do is buy all the materialsRemember that you can buy the essential oil at any esoteric store. To start this spell you must look for the metal jar and take the candles, impregnate them with the essential oil. Use the red pen and write the name of the person you want to suffer for you, also write their date of birth, below this you will draw a phone and write the following sentence three times:

«Call me, I know you will return repentant, imploring my love, but you will suffer, oh yes»

Place the sheet inside the metal bowl and apply 33 droplets of oil on the sheet, sit down for a moment and meditate on your partner, imagine how his voice will be heard when he calls you to come back, think how asks for your forgiveness, How does he know that he loves you too much? She lights the candles and lights the paper, to finish the ritual.

Spell to make him suffer for you


For this second ritual what you are going to need are the following materials: una Photography, If you can’t get one, write the person’s name on a piece of paper and a black candle..


What you should do is light the candle and let it burn out, if you want to cause pain it is better to light a white or red candle, when the candle is burning down and it is halfway through, say the next sentence with photo in hand:

«(Name of the beloved), today I call you, today I bring you, today you have no salvation but to love me, if you do not love me it will go wrong for you, if you do not love me you will suffer alone, if you do not love me you will never feel desire again, if you do not love me love you are going to die of loneliness

When you finish saying the prayer, light it on fire and let it burn out.

Spell to cry and suffer for you

This is a very delicate ritual, so do it very carefully and be sure that you deserve him to humble himself for you.


To perform this powerful spell you need the following materials:

An onion, a sheet of paper, a small handkerchief, a red pen, three needles or pins, and a knife.


When you have your perfect onion, then you must make a hole where you can insert your little finger, save the part that you took out, remember that you have to cover everything when finished. Once this is done, write the name of the person we want to dominate. Fold the paper and insert it inside the onion. She fills in the hole and now sticks the pins into the onion. Once this is done, say the following prayer:

«May the light of this white magic illuminate your entire conscience, come to me suffering and crying, I hate you bastard and I want to see you begging.»

After this ritual, throw the onion in the trash away from where you live, you should feel as if you were throwing that person away.

Spell to make him suffer like me

If due to lack of love you have had to suffer and suffer, a «Spell to make them suffer like me» will be of great help to cope with it and make that person suffer what you have experienced. To do this, you need a rosebud that we are going to introduce into a jar or glass filled with water, always taking care that the bud is upside down.

Using all our energy reserved for the unease, for 15 days we will say in front of the glass everything that we carry inside due to its contempt, wishing that the same thing happens to it and that the universe will return all the evil that it inflicts on us. It must happen until the glass runs out of water and the cocoon moldy and bad smell.

When we have noticed the above, the container is buried next to the cocoon in a distant place. It is a highly effective and radical Spell for him to suffer like me that does great damage, so we must think carefully before doing it.

We must always remember that when we do spells the energies of the universe are used and that we are also in contact with them, so we must channel it in the best way to achieve our benefit.