In life we will meet people who may seem implacable to us, and this may include our partner. And despite the fact that we have been the ones who have chosen it, we find the way in which they behave intolerant. For this there are spells to master, Well, these are used to get and maintain control of that man that despite everything, you love so much but that you have always wanted him to treat you as you really like.
These spells that are used to dominate a person, let the arguments end, because they have the purpose that your man finally ends up doing what you simply want. Generally, these spells are used when you know that your partner has a bad character, but it is also somewhat problematic, even to make a small outing wherever you want, to support you at some point, or simply to please you, always treat you with love and take towards you all his attentions, even proposing marriage.
If this is precisely your case, then we are going to propose this spell that has been proven over time and that is done to dominate a man effectively. Even when he is too proud, we know that dealing with this type of person is not an easy task, especially if we notice that he does not show the slightest intention of changing his behavior. A person who behaves in this way, even though he is our great love, can cause some problems to arise, we could even suffer from this way of treating us, thinking that he will never change.
Even when you feel that such a situation has no qualms, we can assure you that it is not totally impossible, because there are a large number of magical spells and enchantments that could make everything change by making your man do everything you want but with love, and also with the ultimate intention of pleasing you and making you a happy woman. The special spells to dominate a proud man must be carried out with all the calm that we have, as well as a lot of patience and with the greatest desire when doing them. In order for the result to be obtained and for that man to completely bow down, falling at your feet, you must make use of this spell.
Urine spell to dominate a man
This is really a fabulous spell, with which you can obtain as a result the boy you love eating from your hand, who also always begs for your love, who only wants your body because it is the only one who is passionate about it, but also that there is no one else important than you in his life. This ritual will only take effect if the love you feel is really true and your intentions are the best and consistent with what you want.
Materials :
If you wish to obtain full effectiveness in this enchantment, then you must use the following items:
- About 100 cc of the first morning urine
- honey bees
- A piece of red cloth tape
- 1 white candle
- 1 glass jar with lid,
- 1 black cloth bag
- a little sage
- A photograph of your partner
- 1 pencil.
It is not complicated, but if it is of the utmost importance that you prepare to concentrate to start the rite, you must be calm, and bring to your senses faith and the conviction that you are going to achieve your goal. It is also an excellent idea that you select a place that is appropriate enough to perform the enchantment, that you can be in silence and with total privacy so that the results are the most optimal.
Once the previous state has been reached, you must take the photo and write on the back of the photo the full name and legibly the name of your loved one along with his date of birth. Next, fold the photo into four equal parts so that it can be placed inside the glass jar. To this are added two tablespoons of honey bees, sage and urine. Once everything is inside the jar, close it well with the lid. The black candle is lit and the bottle is taken between both hands, raising it in front of the candle, invoking all your energy, all that power that you carry inside, and concentrate all your thoughts on how much you have always loved that man and also much that you want to dominate that person who is next to you.
You must shake the bottle well so that all the elements mix together, and simultaneously perform the following prayer: I invoke all the powers of the universe and especially you, Goddess of love, I request all your power so that (full name of your beloved) behaves as I wish, so that he loves me like no one else, and that his eyes and thoughts only belong to me and I can only do what makes me happy.
Finally, the bottle is stored in the black cloth bag and tied well with the red cloth ribbon. When the candle has been consumed, take the jar and bury it in the garden or it can also be in a pot for twenty days. Once that time has elapsed, a total change will be noticed in your partner, he will be more loving, kind and accommodating.