Spell to Change a Person (Tame)

How can you change, through the best white magic, the character, attitude or opinion of a person? I’m going to explain the powerful, simple and free spell to change a person.

I introduce myself, I am Luz Silvar Soler, I am a medium, tarot reader and sorceress. Some of you already know me and are regular readers of my personal blog and you already know that I try to help you improve your lifeday after day. If this is your first time reading Spell.net. welcome, and enjoy the content. If you want to contact me, or know a little more about me, I leave you here my story and how the stars chose me: About me 👧

There are times when our partner, family member or friend shows a rebellious side or an aggressive attitude that is unbecoming of him.

In order to respond to these kinds of situations, I present to you the spell or ritual to tame a person.

Its effects, in addition to being fast, are safe and will greatly improve the relationship with that person (whether male or female, enemy or ally).

How does the spell work to change a person? 👍

Sometimes we find that our people are low in morale, cold, distant or even that they require a push to move forward.

This can be seen reflected, among other things, in their character, opinions or attitudes.

The best thing, obviously, would be if they themselves could find the light, the happiness and the positive and elevated thinking that would make them get out of the tone of low or variable humor that they are suffering.

However, since it is not always possible for them to mobilize their forces to bring about change, I give you the ritual to change a person 🎁

You will tame his character and facilitate communication.

However, before continuing, I want to leave you with links to other powerful esoteric rituals.

And it is that, sometimes, we do not want to change a person, but rather the magic should drive them towards one of the following actions:

👉 Spell to forget a person (easy and VERY effective)

👉 Spell of the onion (For him to cry and come back sorry)

👉 Spell to make him think of me (only of me and forever)

👉 Spell to find love (In case all else fails… Don’t close yourself to True LOVE)

Characteristics of the spell to change a person

Spell Theme: Spell – Love – Change a Person.

Effectiveness: Very Effective.

Difficulty: Low.

Spell Type: Spell to Change a Person.

Unlike other spells, in this ritual (as always simple, effective and free) what is done is to infuse energy into the person through the action of chromotherapy, energy salt therapy, brain reorganization and the direct action of the cosmos on the person or target.

Don’t worry, they are complex actions but VERY simple to carry out.

As you can see, it is a simple spell that you can carry out TODAY.

Now that you know its characteristics, read on and begin the change with this ritual to tame it.

Let’s change reality…

Let’s get started! ⭐️

⚠️ ATTENTION: Below you have the list of ingredients to perform the Spell to change a person. Don’t forget to take note of how to do it 📝 and… Start taming it TODAY!

What material and ingredients do you need to carry out the spell to change a person?

  • Small ID-type photo of the person whose character, attitude, rebelliousness or behavior you want to change.
  • A glass or jar that allows you to mix the ingredients.
  • 100 to 200 grams of sugar and 100 to 200 grams of salt (7 to 14 ounces). As for the sugar, remember that it must be brown and the salt, my advice, is that you will maximize the effectiveness if it is marine, otherwise you can use the usual table salt.
  • A stick or cone of incense (it will be ideal if you use vanilla, rose or cherry).
  • A pinch of cinnamon powder.

How to perform, step by step, the ritual to change a person

✔️ Attention: You are about to read the Guide to change a person. Write down the entire procedure on a piece of paper NOW and… Of course you’re going to get it!

To do the Ritual to change or modify a person you must get all the materials that I have listed before.

Once you have them, choose a day to perform the magic that evokes tranquility and you are sure that you will be able to be without interruptions for approximately an hour.

The methodology is as follows:

1. First of all, light the incense before beginning the magic conjuration and leave the photo of the person nearby.

In this way, you will begin to activate the forces that will activate your spell.

two. Second, mix the salt, the sugar, the cinnamon powder and the ASHES of the incense that you just lit in a glass (It is important that the sugar and salt are in equal parts).

Now insert the passport photo of the person you are going to change in the glass, covering it completely.

3. Leave it in the sun for a whole day, keeping in mind that the photo must be completely submerged and surrounded by the four sides of the magical mixture that you have prepared.

Once the night arrives, stir the glass with the help of a fork and make sure that the covered photo of the mixture you have prepared follows.

Four. The next day, when you wake up, take the photo and keep it in a personal corner where they can’t find it. It can be your purse or bag, a drawer, under a piece of furniture, etc.

This part is essential for the correct operation of the spell to change a person.

As for the rest of the ingredients (including the glass), throw them all away.

5. From that day on, for at least 30 days, when you wake up, or when you go out into the street and you are under the sun, you will take the photo and send him good wishes and talk to him as if he were the person you want him to change, for example :

«You are happy, you are happy, nothing worries you, you have love, peace and light in your life, nothing can make you change your character because you are already happy»
«You have abundance in your life, you lack nothing and your character changes»
“You are MEEK. You are no longer rebellious. Your character is no longer an obstacle for me”
«The illusion returns to your days, the sun melts the ice of your character, the light illuminates the darkness of your thought, love surrounds your actions»

You must repeat it every day (you can even change the phrase, it does not necessarily have to be the same during the 30 days).

At the end of the period you can, on the one hand, perform the ritual again with the same photo and energize the person even more or rest if you already perceive the changes in their day to day life.

As you have seen, it is a simple spell to change a person that will excite you about the changes that will bring to the person you want to change (be it a partner, family member, friend…) ⭐️

I await your comments 📝 recounting the changes that the ritual has produced in your life.

Remember, before leaving, that you can become a FAN of my Facebook page and not miss any of the new rituals that I upload, such as this powerful spell to change a person.

A hug and thousands of blessings for you to obtain the greatest success in your Spell to Change or Sweeten a Person 👍