Spell of the piece of paper for money, studies and work (EFFECTIVE)

Get money, love, and many other things with a piece of paper? Is that possible? Rituals carried out with a piece of paper, more powerful than people think. In this post we are going to talk about this type of spells, and teach you how to do them.

Thank you for visiting my website , welcome to, My name is Luz Silva Soler and I have been a tarot reader, medium and sorceress for 25 years. AIn addition to this powerful spell, I leave you a bit of my personal history in case you want to know how I became one of the best tarorists and sorceresses today or if you want to ask me a personal question: Know more about me 👧

One way to think about spells is that they are popular beliefs that can bring various effects or consequences, good or bad, harmful or favorable. Black magic spells are believed to exist.

They are usually curses to bring bad luck to another person, and white magic spells that, rather than harm third parties, with this type of spell it is expected to achieve something good as a result, such as getting more money, finding love, making a person falls in love with us or more everyday things like passing a test at school.

👉 There are various spells that can be done by writing a phrase or request on a piece of paper, generally they are very effective spells if they are done correctly and with a lot of faith.

👇 We are going to mention several spells that you can carry out with a piece of paper, so follow this article.

👉 The first thing we need is to have our mind clear, that is, no thought should be disturbing or disturbing our calm.

👉 When we have negative thoughts or don’t find emotional stability, the spell doesn’t work, plus it could generate complications due to the energy that has been manipulated.

👉 Therefore, you should meditate for a few minutes until you are completely calm and blank.

👌Spell to make someone else feel attracted to you👌

👉This will come in handy for getting a crush and works well for men and women alike. It must be done on a Saturday with a growing moon. It is important to maintain a positive attitude and the faith that you will have good results, for this and any other type of spell of this style.


👇 The material it will occupy is a piece of paper, a red ink pen, three red candles and a red ribbon.

👇Place the three candles on a table covered with a white tablecloth making a triangular shape with them and light them. Write your full name on one side of the paper and the name of the person you want on the back. Fold it and with the ribbon make three knots in the piece of paper, once this is done, recite the following:
“In the name of Venus, who reigns in the world of perfection, who can soften and harden the hearts of living beings and conquer whoever she wants with just a word, I call on you tonight to hear my prayer and convert it. in your will. Admired and respected Venus, in my humility I ask that (say the person’s full name) she fall in love with me and desire me incessantly forever. May she feel deep love for (say her full name) from her, that every time she sees me, she is filled with emotion and shudders, that when she hears my voice her heart races. O beautiful Venus, I will praise your name forever if you make my wish come true. So be it.»

👉Once you finish reciting this prayer, blow out the candles and place the piece of paper wrapped in ribbon under your pillow for 9 hours.

👌Spell to get a job👌

👇This spell should be performed on a Wednesday morning.


A piece of paper, a blue ink pen, rapeseed oil and a glass.

👉 Write your full name on one side of the piece of paper and on the other side the job you want to get as specific as possible, type of job, the company you want to work for, hierarchical sector and the salary you consider appropriate. Fill the glass halfway with water, place the paper inside and pour a little oil. At the end, once the sun has risen, place the glass in a place where the sun’s rays reach it and recite the following prayer with your eyes to the sky:
“Bastet (say this name 3 times), you who symbolize happiness in the hearts of mortals. That you have been venerated after several generations by entire peoples. You who decide who lives in harmony, prosperity and joy, I call you to come to my request. I am in despair and heartbreak, as I wish to find work like the one I described inside the paper that is now in this glass, I can only trust you at this time. Make my wish come true, I ask you, oh beautiful goddess, exercise your power over me and do not abandon me. So be it.

👉 When finished, you must place the glass anywhere in your kitchen and keep it for a month.

👌Spell to pass an exam👌

👉 This rite must be performed for a week before the exam, every morning. You will only need five blue candles, a piece of paper and a blue ink pen.

👇 Place the five candles in a circle on the table, light them and write your full name on one side of the piece of paper and on the other side the subject along with the word «APPROVED» in capital letters. Raise your hands to his chest level and recite this prayer:

“Respected Saint Thomas Aquinas, protector of the humble, elevated soul who overcame the passions of this world, you who with your wisdom illuminate the hearts of men in search of consolation in your intercession, heed my plea and do not abandon me. In the name of God, his archangels and saints, I ask you to grant me your heavenly energy to pass this exam that has manifested in my life. I want to spend it with all my heart, to go ahead and finish my studies, I can’t alone in my weakness and my memory betrays me, pessimism and defeat take over my mind. Dear Santo Tomás, I ask you to make me pass this exam and I can continue my journey. Do not leave me alone in this situation that I am living today, listen to my pleas and do your will in me. Amen.

👉 Remember that you must do this every morning a week before the exam.

👌Spell to earn money👌

👉 An easy to perform and useful spell. You should have a piece of paper, a blue ink pen, a wallet, a large bill and a yellow candle.

👉 Write your full name on one side of the piece of paper and on the other side «money flows in my life». Fold it in half and place it inside the wallet along with the bill on the east side. Then light the candle and say the words «money flows into my life» while holding the wallet over the flame. Once this is done, blow out the candle.

👌Spell of the piece of paper in the shoe👌

👉 It is said that this spell is to dominate the desired person through the feet. For this you will need a piece of paper, lavender oil or a small piece of sandalwood and your left shoe.

👉 Write the name of the person you want nine times in various directions, perfume the paper with lavender oil or sandalwood, fold the piece of paper and place it in your left shoe trying to use it every day. Once the paper is worn out, replace it with a new one with the same procedure, and bury the old one in a remote place in your home.

👇 People who carry out this spell usually say «I dominate you» while saying the person’s name, once they have put on the shoe by stomping nine times.

👇In my opinion, we must be aware that these spells work as long as we have a positive attitude, a strong desire and the certainty that our prayers will come true.

👇Personally I think it is also important to give the best of oneself and insist on reaching our goals by giving the best of ourselves after performing a spell.

Characteristics of Spell of the piece of paper for money, studies and work (Easy and necessary)

Difficulty: Medium
Duration: High
Power: High
Theme: Various