Spell of the Laurel in the Shoe (Homemade and Useful)

In the spell of the laurel in the shoe we will learn how to attract good luck in a simple and homemade way. It is important to know all the necessary ingredients for this ritual, in addition to following my steps and advice to the letter. Learn how to channel the energies of the cosmos to open your paths and luck, money and love come to you.

Laurel is one of the most used ingredients in the world of esotericism, and this plant has powers that few people know about. For this reason, I want to show you how you can use laurel in your spells, so that you know its full properties and how it can benefit you in different areas of life.

We can frequently find this ingredient in numerous spells, and the laurel is an important element that attracts a lot of positive energy to our spells. We can also find ties with laurel which are used when you want to make a person fall in love or recover it, the results are usually quite positive.

The laurel spell on the shoe is simple and homemade, by this I mean that you can do it yourself at home. You will only have to gather the materials and ingredients to do it and follow all the instructions that I will explain in detail below. One piece of advice is to gather bay leaves as fresh as possible, since you will need them for this spell.

If what you are looking for is to improve your luck and thereby attract positive energies into your life, the laurel spell can be very useful for you. Like all the spells and rituals we do, this one is also white magic. In addition to good luck, the laurel attracts abundance and love, so it is a fantastic opportunity if you also want to improve any of these aspects of your life.

While doing this spell, I recommend that you always have a positive attitude as this will help it to be successful. You can combine the following ritual of the laurel in the shoe with others, since in this way they can strengthen the energetic link that we are looking for with each other.

If you have any doubts or questions about this spell you can write them at the end of the article. I will personally respond to your comments and try to resolve all those concerns that may arise.

Spell of the Laurel in the Shoe

One of the aspects of luck is that it can be both good and bad. It is evident that everyone in his life tries to seek good luck and for this he can help himself with a large number of spells as we are going to tell you below. One of the most popular, both for the effect it has and for how easy it is to perform, thanks in part to the few components it has, is the laurel spell on the shoe for luck.

One of the things that we have to be clear about in these spells is that they will only work when we try to seek good with them. In this way, if what we are looking for is a spell with which to attract bad luck to another person or simply, with the luck that we are looking for in this spell we can cause fortune in another person, the spell will be prey to black magic and therefore so it won’t work.

You must bear in mind that sometimes the luck of one can be the misfortune of others, so having this clear when visualizing and preparing the spell will help you know if it can really be effective or not. So you can only look for things that are good for you without harming anyone else, so the laurel spell can work.

Materials Needed to Cast the Laurel Spell

Now that we are clear about how we can use a spell to make it successful, we are going to try to better explain this spell of the laurel in the shoe for luck and abundance so that you can know everything that it can help you with.

The laurel is one of the elements that is most used in magic for all kinds of purposes. In this case, you do not need to manipulate this laurel or to present it with certain conditions, a few leaves will be enough to be able to do the effect without any problem. Thanks to the laurel we can achieve success, fortune, prosperity, a plant with which we can get ahead and we can direct ourselves towards our goals.

To prepare this spell we only need to have two of our shoes and place a bay leaf inside each of them. In this case we do not need prayers, litanies or any other kind of preparation, since all we have to do is put on our shoes, with the laurel on, to make sure that we are stepping on it as we advance on our way.

In this way, the only thing we have to be careful about is that the laurel does not come out of the shoe or move down as we walk, since the spell represents that we obtain all the benefits of the laurel when it guides our road.

Procedure for the spell of the laurel in the shoe

The spell of the laurel in the shoe as you have seen is very simple. Basically because it is a spell that cares more about its meaning than its preparation. In this case, the symbols are the most important, so it is necessary that the bay leaf is as fresh as possible, since we want our fruits and yields to be future and not past.

On the other hand, if you want to wear it for several days, there is no problem in using the same sheet, but on the other hand, you must make sure that it is in good condition and that it has not been broken.

There is no problem in changing it over time and in some cases, it is even necessary to do so. Changing this laurel leaf from the shoe symbolizes breaking with something that we don’t like, so we try to redirect our course by changing the leaf that we have prepared for this purpose.

In addition to placing the sheet inside our shoe, it is important that they are clean. Do not hesitate to wash them every day, especially if they are somewhat more punished by their daily use. Having clean shoes is once again another symbol that what we are looking for is the purest and most beneficial for us, so the better it looks, the easier it will be for us to find it.

When can we do the laurel spell on the shoe?

This spell of the laurel in the shoe can be used at any time, however, from here we recommend that you practice it when you really need a change or if a decision can have a long-term influence. This means that, for example, you can take it to a job interview or if, for example, you are going to take an exam.

The spell must be taken as a kind of support for a specific moment where a specific moment has to be set. If we always carry the laurel in our shoe, it will not do any good, since we will not be able to visualize anything in particular and, therefore, we will be losing all the essence of it

In short, and to summarize, we are facing a type of spell that is very simple to do and that can also be complemented with other spells or rituals in order to reinforce their success.

By doing several similar spells or with the same purpose, we have the opportunity to be benefiting from all the advantages that it offers us while doing or receiving the benefits of another different spell. The main advantage that it has in this way is that it acts in a passive way and therefore there is no need to pay more attention to it, the results will come by themselves.

For the rest, it is just as effective regardless of the type of shoe in question. This means that if, for example, you have a sporting event and you need to wear specific sneakers, this spell is perfectly compatible with these shoes and you will be able to execute it both in a high-level competition, or simply accompanying yourself on a walk with a date

It doesn’t matter when or where to implore some luck, simply take a bay leaf, put it in your shoe and step on it as you mark your path and with the passage of time you will notice how little by little the good things are coming alone.

I say goodbye for today dear reader, we read again soon.

Moon Sierra Molinas