Spell of the glass of water to call you quickly

Recovering a person we have loved is not at all as complicated as it may seem at first glance. When a person leaves us and we are left broken inside, we think that this relationship is over forever, that we will never know anything about the other person, that they will find someone better… Well, you are wrong and today I am going to teach you how make your ex partner come back and call you today asking to see you.

This simple but effective spell for him to call you is based on the power of glasses of water, and thanks to the benefits it brings us, we can recover people from the past and even get a person we like to call us. It has various uses, and today I will teach you how to use them correctly in order to improve your sentimental status..

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It is important to keep in mind that we must perform this spell of the glass of water so that it returns in a very harmonic way and above all without any type of stress or anxiety that can ruin our spell, or make this person move even further away from us, for this we will have to always maintain composure and calm when doing it.

Another important piece of advice is not to let too much time pass from the breakup of our partner until the date of doing this spell, the more time passes, the less chance that it will be effective we will have, I also advise you that if you can do it the same week of that break you will have a good chance to do it a month later.

Although it seems like a simple and easy love spell to do, we should not be fooled, it is very powerful and has been used for hundreds of years in order to unite broken couples, attract difficult loves or even fan the flame between two people. .

Last but not least, love spells are nourished by the faith we have in what he is doing and above all that there is pure and true love between both people, and that the breakup was caused by another reason other than the lack of love, because if the reason is that one of the people no longer feels attraction to the other, I must tell you that this spell will not work for you.

Glass of water spell to call you

Now that you know the benefits and cons of this love spell with a glass of water, you must be clear about your intentions so that it is the most beneficial for you and your life. If you believe that eternal and pure love exists, I advise you to go ahead and get your partner back.

I also want to warn you that if you feel that the couple did not go well, and that love is no longer what it was, or that they no longer feel the same, sometimes a timely withdrawal is a victory.

Do not force a person to be with you if the other person no longer feels that love or needs to think, respect that space that they have asked for, otherwise we would be entering a complicated situation that rarely goes well.

The spell of the glass of water for him to call you is used to recover people who have broken their relationship for reasons that are far from the loss of feelings, perhaps jealousy, insecurity or because of relatives and even for spells of envious people who want to annoy .

If you are ready to do this love spell with a glass of water, I am going to explain to you now what you need to do it, and later in which lunar cycle it is more convenient to do it, finally I will explain its procedure step by step.

Materials needed to make the glass of water spell to call you

At this point I understand that you want to make the spell, I am going to give you a list of materials that you will need to do it, they are quite simple to obtain, but they must be the following and not others, since otherwise I do not know if the spell will work as must be.

– Transparent glass cup
– Holy Water
– Photograph of your partner
– Red pen
– some red cloth
– Rose petals
– Red thread
– Two red candles

Once you have all these materials you will be ready to do the glass of water spell and for this I advise you to have a paper and pencil ready to write down all my instructions and not forget any step.

Procedure for the glass of water spell to call you

The steps to follow are quite simple, but just in case you take the time to read and write them, it is important to follow the order that I will give you and follow the marked times and materials that I have previously given you.

In addition, it is also advisable that this spell be performed on a day when the moon is a new moon so that the spell reaches its maximum potential, otherwise it could work but not with the same efficiency and speed.

Step 1º: We will have to locate a quiet room in our home, preferably a room in which that special person and you have shared good times, if on the contrary that person has not visited your house you should choose a place where you have thought a lot on the other person.

Step twoº: Once the room is located, you must make a spiritual cleaning of the home to prevent bad vibes from interrupting your ritual and even reversing it.

Step 3º: We will light the two red candles in the center of the room at the same time that you light them, you must remember the good times you spent with that person, and it is essential that throughout the spell you do not have negative thoughts or remember bad situations that have happened between you.

Step 4º: Now you must fill the glass with water and on the back of the photograph write in a few words the best day you remember with that person, for example «The day December 24, 2017 when we went on a trip for the first time together»

Step 5º: Now introduce several photographs by folding them into the glass with water, when it is inside put a couple of petals also inside the glass with water, and wrap the glass with the red cloth and close it with a knot with the red thread .

Step 6º: You should put the glass of water so that he calls you near a landline phone, and leave it there until he calls you, it should not take too long, it depends on when the breakup was and if it was very painful, but if the spell was done on the moon new, in the same week I should call you, once this happens you can get rid of the magic item, and use the crystal glass without any problem.

I hope that this spell will be useful to get an ex back or conquer a loved one. You need to understand that spells sometimes take time to be effective, it all depends on the energy and internal strength that you have put into doing it, but I never despair when You want something with all your might, sooner or later you get it.

Spell of the glass of water so that he returns repentant

This second spell with a glass of water for love is aimed exclusively at broken couples or relationships that have ended, it is not used to conquer a person or light the flame of love between two people who do not know each other at all.

You must use this spell the same week as the breakup, otherwise I do not guarantee its effectiveness, it must be used responsibly since it is one of the most powerful spells that exist to get an ex back and that is why I am here to show you today.

Surely you have seen many spells to get an ex back, but this one is unique since it is directly translated from ancient writings that I have and that I inherit from an old relative, therefore, you will not find it anywhere else, so I ask you to you do and this works leave us a comment at the end of this entry telling our community about the experience.

Before starting you must abandon all negative thoughts and you must charge yourself with positive energy, you cannot recover a person if you only give off bad vibes or negative energies, therefore if you feel tired or without energy you must take a bath to get rid of bad vibes or a clean one to cleanse bad energies then you would be ready to do this spell.

Materials needed to make the spell of the glass of water to return repentant

The materials necessary to perform this spell so that the loved one returns must coincide with the ones that I am going to give you below, they are quite simple to obtain and cannot be replaced by others, once you have them you will be able to perform the ritual without problems.

– Crystal glass
– Holy water
– A photograph of both together
– Incense

When you have everything you need, it will be time to perform the spell, remember to follow all my advice so that the spell works correctly and is as effective as possible.

This spell should be performed mainly when the moon is full, so you will have more chances that its effect will be more intense, and therefore your ex-partner will return as soon as possible.

Procedure for the spell of the glass of water to return repentant

Well, at this point we can prepare to perform the spell with a glass of water so that he returns repentant, and he will return begging and crying for us.

Remember to perform this spell without negative thoughts, and always with the hope of getting back together, happy thoughts should abound in your being and thus you will recover your great love.

Step 1º: Locate a room in the home where you have spent good times together, for example the living room of the house.

Step twoº: Now perform a spiritual cleanse to drive away bad vibes or bad energies that can hinder your ritual.

Step 3º: Light the incense and let it permeate the environment with its scent. While this is happening, meditate and think about the good times you spent together in that room.

Step 4º: Now place the empty glass on top of the photograph in which they should appear together, especially smiling or having a good time.

Step 5º: It’s time to calmly fill the glass with the holy water, until it is about to overflow. Once done, he will close his eyes and say the following words while thinking about how happy they were together, while he does so he must insert his index finger into the water so that the water spills a little from the glass and falls onto the photograph (Those drops that will be spilled will represent the tears of your ex-partner)

«May these tears that flow from your being, be a representation of the love you have for me, that these tears that flow from you, be a representation that you love me.

You will come back to my side, because I only know how to make you happy, you will come back to me because you still love me.

Step 6º: After these steps, you must keep the photograph in the room where you did the ritual, it is important that it is in a high area, such as a shelf or something similar.

The tears that fall from the glass of water to the photograph, are the sign that he will feel of despair for the mistake he has made, and will transmit to his being the need to return to you realizing that he is madly in love with you.

Tips to correctly do the spell of the glass of water so that it calls you

I hope that this spell with a glass of water to call you, is enough to recover your lost love, and that you can rebuild your life as soon as possible with the person you love by your side.

Also today I want to invite you to join my private Facebook community, where my readers share spells, open paths and us…