Spell for my husband to get away from his family (Homemade and Useful)

Today we are going to talk about a very special spell, the spell that we are going to talk about is used to make your partner move away from his family, the reason can be very varied, but we all know that there are harmful families and that they can make a relationship end or even have marital problems because of this, well, today I will help you so that this does not happen to you again.

It is a homemade and simple ritual, you will have to have the consent of your partner to do it. Since she must agree to stay away from her from her family, or at least that she doesn’t meddle in your relationship.

Families sometimes create problems in couple relationships, these problems sometimes come from the feeling of protection that we have towards our close people, who do not want them to be harmed.

If you are experiencing a similar situation and need to solve it with your partner, I must tell you that you are in luck, because today I have decided to teach you this type of spell since the same thing is happening to a personal friend.

After teaching him this spell and his problems disappeared, he invited me to publish it on my personal website.

The rituals to separate your partner from evil are white magic spells without any type of evil, and will not harm anyone, it will only help your partner focus more on you and leave your family a little more apart so that your relationship don’t get damaged

Did you know…?

White magic seeks the balance of good, a spell of this type of magic will never harm anyone, it will only use esoteric energy to help you improve your life.

I recommend that before casting this spell which is quite simple to cast, talk to your partner about what is happening and try to resort to dialogue before asking for help from magic, remember that magic will always help you when you have exhausted other ways of solution .

If at the end of the spell you have a question or doubt, you can write them in the comments section. I will personally solve all the doubts or questions you have.

Spell to get my partner away from his family

As I said before, couple problems related to the family are very delicate, and therefore should be treated as such, before casting a spell to solve the problem, make sure that there is no other option available.

It is never easy to deal with the couple’s familybecause sometimes they can see you as a threat to their unit and other times they can be the ones making liberal decisions that constantly invade your privacy.

If what you need is to get your partner away from his family for a while so that your relationship recovers, this spell will serve you and what is better, your happiness will increase as a couple since you will eliminate that problem in your lives and you will be able to enjoy each other more.

I want to take my husband’s family away

I advise you to never look for the direct encounter with your partner’s relatives or you try to solve those problems or differences with them directly, this could increase the problems between you, since as a general rule the arguments between you could increase due to making that decision.

Your partner will always look favorably on his family, just as a mother will always protect her child, it is blood and direct ties, it is impossible to try to deal with that problem directly if your partner does not see it for himself, that his family is creating problems between you.

At this point, and without any solution, I recommend you perform this spell to distance your partner’s family of your lives, and always with respect and for the good of your relationship.

All the objects that we will need to perform this spell are natural, and we can find them in our home. Follow all the steps that I am going to tell you below.

Alienate my husband’s family

Necessary objects:

  • two white candles
  • A white sheet
  • a transparent jar
  • Some belonging of each family member
  • Holy Water


First step:

Find a quiet place, where you can perform the following spell with all tranquility and peace. When you have it, close the blinds, curtains to leave a dark environment.

Second step:

Light the candles and sit in front of them. Now take a deep breath, and mentalize your relationship with your partner healthier than ever, visualize the happy moments, because you married that person.

Third step:

Now you must write on the paper the names and dates of birth of the relatives who cause you problems, and next to them write how long you want your partner to have no relationship with that person.

Fourth step:

Fold the paper in half, as many times as necessary to fit the transparent jar.

Put the personal belongings of the relatives in said jar with the folded paper

Fifth step:

Fill the jar with holy water and close it, then you must hide it in a place that nobody can touch or see it, when you want to end the spell or the dates you set have passed, you can get rid of the jar and the contents without problems.

How do you take my husband’s family away?

Thanks to the estrangement spell that I have given you, your partner’s family will move away for the time you indicate, always try to make it a reasonable time so as not to damage your partner’s relationship with their relatives.

On my page you can find different spells to help your partner if they are going through a bad stage or have problems, even to solve the most difficult problems, I leave you two spells for couples that I always recommend to people who are in crisis and with problems.

I wait your 🗣 comments with your doubts and concerns and I send you my blessings so that your problems and difficult cases or complicated circumstances are solved.

And finally, give you my purest blessings.

We read soon

Luz Silva Soler