Spell for a person to do what I want

If you think that magic is only meant for those who are spiritually or psychically gifted, you are wrong. I believe that every person on the planet can tap into their own magical reservoir and bless their lives. In fact, you probably do spells all the time without realizing it. When you cough up a coin into a fountain and make a wish, you are casting a spell.

When you set your intentions during a meditation session, you are casting a spell. Even when you pray at night, it could be seen as a magical magic in your life. It flows through you as it flows through all living things. Magic can mean whatever you want it to mean. If you don’t realize how much of a wizard you are, start believing and see what happens. Knowing how to write a spell will help you realize that magic can help you anytime, anywhere.

In history it has been known for thousands and thousands of years that the spells that are performed so that a person does everything you askThey involve black magic. They are directly linked to supernatural powers beyond the magic you can create from your inner strength. It is believed that certain conditions apply when you make use of the power of darkness.

Nation Sack Spell

This is a very old style mojo hand – a red flannel bag containing roots and curiosities. Unlike other mojos, the sack of the nation is worn only by women, specifically to control a man’s sex. It’s a cumulative charm, meaning you’ll add to it as long as you want to dominate the man you started it for, and you must keep him on a leash and never let him see inside of him, ever.

Get a red candle, some dimes from his birth year, and some personal and biological things about the man: his hair, his sweat on a piece of cloth… Write his name 9 times on a piece of paper. You also need a seasoning oil.

It starts the day you get your monthly period. Put the paper on the upturned saucer. He carves his name into the candle 9 times, spiraling round and round. Anoint the candle with the oil.

Place the candle on top of the upturned saucer, saying: “(Name of lover), come to my command» and light the candle. She dips the dimes in the oil. As she does so, call him by his name, saying «This is (his name).» Put it in front of the lit candle.

Place your personal items in the mojo bag. He anoints the bag with the oil, stroking it 9 times and saying: «(Name of lover), follow me.» He passes the bag through the smoke from the candle 9 times saying: «(Name of lover), come to me«. Place the dimes in the bag saying: «(Name of lover), stay with me«. When the candle is done burning, she takes the name paper from under the saucer and folds it towards you, saying «(Name of lover), follow me«. Turn it over and fold it towards you again saying: «(Name of lover), come to me«.

Place it on the nation’s sack saying: «(Name of lover), stay with me«. Discard all leftover candle wax at a crossroads, throw east (at sunrise) from your left shoulder, and walk away without looking back. From now on, carry the Sack of Nation when you are with him or keep it in his room where he won’t see or touch it. Add more personal items when you can.