Spell (Effective) to Overcome the Driving License

Hello dear readers 👋! Here I am again, and today I am going to teach you how to make a very Effective Spell to Pass the Driving License 🚗 this spell to pass an exam is highly effective and very easy to perform, we will also do a ritual to pass the driving license with Magic White, very safe to do.

This spell can be performed to help a third person to pass an exam, it is not necessary that its power falls on the person who performs the spell.

let’s start greeting new members 👋 of our page, who are here for the first time. My name is Luz Silva Soler, and I have been a Sorceress, Medium and Tarot reader for more than 20 years. In I write my own experiences, my spells and I also try to help people who need it for free through the White magic. If you want know more about meor contact me click here: About me 👧

Many times we have too many fears that make us block ourselves in situations of great importance, such as a test. And now, if we talk about driving license exams nerves can be our worst enemies when facing these challenges. Today it is of the utmost importance to pass the exams that life gives us if we want to get ahead on our own feet.

Also Sometimes we can be victims of a black magic spell, which makes us fail in what we set out to do, such as looking for a job, looking for a partner or passing an exam. That is why we must know how to identify what is happening to us, and once we have identified it, act.

👉 I will teach you a spell to pass the driver’s license, and a ritual to pass the driving test, both can be done by the same person, and the effect can be reflected in them or in a close being. Both are complementary, that is, it increases the effectiveness and the chances of success of successfully passing the exam.

I also recommend performing the following spell, if you are having bad luck

👉 White Magic spells are pure and from the heart, for a spell to be effective I remember that it must be done with FAITH, if faith and believing that it will be fulfilled will not work, since the main ingredient, the mother ingredient of the White Magic is FAITH in what we are doing and in what we want to achieve.

Characteristic of the most effective spell to pass the driver’s license.

Difficulty: Medium
Repetition: Once every month.
Power: High
Theme: Spell – Luck

This White Magic spell will help us achieve our goals and purposes. But before continuing, we must be aware of one thing, if we have not practiced before, nor have we given driving classes, the spell will not have any validity, since it helps us to have more chances of success, it does not make us automatically approve the license of driving.

There are people who will pass the driver’s license more easily, and others who will not, but what is true is that this ritual to pass and this spell would help us exponentially increase our chances of success.

Ritual to approve the driver’s license.

👉 To do this ritual to approve the driver’s license called The Piece of Laurel, we will need magical elements that will combine an object that will help us obtain the driver’s license easily. It is advisable to only do this ritual once a month, but it can be combined with spells or other rituals that I have indicated above.

We will need the following items

1 stick of incense

1 piece of white paper

✔ 1 colored candle (YELLOW)

1 laurel branch

1 black ballpoint pen

📣 IMPORTANT! : Remember that you can leave me your doubts in the comments and I will personally answer them. You can also tell me how your life has changed after this ritual to share it with the community.

Before starting, many of you have already asked me, the enciso rod can be from aroma you prefer, For this ritual, a specific aroma is not needed since the incense will be used to purify the bad energies that may be around you or on you.

Now that we have all the elements, remember that they must be as fresh as possible, so it will be more likely to work.

1st Step: Light the incense stick in the room where you are going to perform the ritual.

twoº Step: On the white paper, you must write the following with the black pen. Before you start writing, light the candle and place it in front of you. Now proceed to write the following. It must be in capital letters and with good handwriting:

«To the stars and energies that protect me, take care of me and watch over me. I ask you in the most sincere way and with total devotion to help me achieve this challenge with ease and that no bad energy gets in the way of my goal»

2nd step: As you write this on paper, you should look at the candle and visualize your approved driver’s license.

3rd Step: Finished writing, place the laurel inside and fold it 4 times

4th Step: Light the paper with the laurel inside and let the paper and the candle burn out, collect the ashes of the paper and the laurel and bury them in your garden or your pot, if it is in a pot it should contain a flower of violet color

Once this is done, we let the candle finish burning. It is advisable to do this ritual the night before presenting ourselves to the Driving license, or the same morning before going to introduce ourselves. Its effectiveness is immediate, good luck.

Spell to pass the driver’s license.

👉 Unlike a ritual, a spell can be used so that the energies help someone else and not necessarily yourself. East spell to pass driving license It will help you overcome it successfully without a doubt, but you can also do it to help close relatives to approve it, for example a son, a father, a brother, a mother…

It is a spell of White magic and very simple to do, the materials can be obtained in our homes or nearby herbalists, and it has an instant effect. It is recommended to do the night before we introduce ourselves wave same morning of the exam.

We will need the following items

1 filtered rainwater

1 thyme crushed

✔ 3 tablespoons of lemon juice

1 spoon of sugar

Now that we have all the elements, remember that they must be as fresh as possible, so it will be more likely to work.

1st Step: Take the filtered water, and you have to bless it (in a church or a priest)

twoº Step: When it is blessed, add the tablespoons of lemon, and the tablespoon of sugar and stir

2nd step: When everything is a uniform mass, pour the thyme into the water.

3rd Step: Drink the content while you meditate and see yourself passing your driver’s license.

4th Step: The glass that contained the magic recipe must be buried in a garden, or somewhere close to where we are going to examine ourselves and remain buried there until we pass the exam.

As I have indicated this spell can be for a relative or whoever we want, they should take the magical content, and follow the process.

Recommendations on the spell to pass the driving test.

With this spell and ritual to pass the driver’s license, you will pass that exam without any complications.

AEven so, if you want to increase the chances of success, I leave you with a very effective spell, which several members of the community They have left their comments on how their life has improved after doing it.

I await your 🗣 comments with your doubts and concerns and I send you my blessings so that your path is filled with love and happiness.

Don’t forget to follow us on the Hechizo.Net Community on Facebook 👍, where I share Spells exclusively for members.

And finally, before I forget!

Here you have my index with all my spells, with all my most effective and newest spells