Some benefits of walking barefoot on the grass

The feet, considered as the base of a person, are the direct contact we have with Mother Earth. This attachment to the natural was diminishing as social standards imposed a demand on the urban conglomeration. Thus, success, fame and money became the center of attention, making the most expensive clothing the key to reaching heaven (and “losing your feet off the ground”). An obvious example is shoes with huge heels.

Now, with this interrupted closeness to nature, people feel this change through pain or emotional illnesses that, to a certain extent, also affect their physical health. To reverse this change, a viable solution is to walk or exercise without shoes. In this way, it is possible to develop more muscular strength in the feet, legs and hips by promoting blood circulation and the muscles in the area.

In addition, walking barefoot allows readjusting the most appropriate position for restoring balance and agility. Especially if it is a natural surface (grass), since well-being, relaxation, enthusiasm, strength and balance are encouraged.

As the foot gets used to being in direct contact with the ground through exercise, the sole of the foot will become resistant. Thus, more activities can be carried out without the containment of shoes, stimulating the nerve endings in charge of generating endorphins (the neurotransmitters of pleasure and reward).

Principal photography: Suzi Duke

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