Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: What is it and what are its characteristics? – Online Psychologists

The Solution-focused brief therapy (or TBCS) was born in the 80s, from the hand of a couple of psychotherapists: Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer. They met at the Mental Research Institute (MRI) in Palo Alto, where the pioneers of systemic therapies, which includes brief solution-focused therapy, passed through.

But what are the systemic therapies and how do they differ from other types of therapies? It is a branch of humanistic psychology that maintains that psychological disorders are manifestations of problems related to the environment.

That is to say, that The way an individual acts is determined by his or her social environment.especially by their family. It is therefore considered that the problems should be treated through family therapy, since the role that each member occupies in the family structure determines their behavior.

What is solution-focused brief therapy?

Solution-focused brief therapy is a type of systemic therapy that began to be practiced in the Brief Family Therapy Center. Unlike other therapeutic models, It does not focus on problems, but on possible solutions. that could solve them.

As its name suggests, it is a very short model, aimed at helping the client achieve their short-term goals. Although it was initially conceived as a type of family therapy, it also works as an individual therapy for both children and adults.

In fact, it is a very useful model among the little ones, as it does not require as much effort as conventional therapy. Unlike other models, which can extend over months, this one can solve specific problems in a matter of minutes. five sessions.

For that same reason it is also Suitable for adults with little time who need to manage a range of issues but cannot afford to spend large amounts of time on them.

You may be wondering: Why is it so short? The answer is simple. Other therapies consider that in order to solve any problem in the present, it is necessary to analyze the past.

This, on the other hand, analyzes current problems to devise future solutions. The past has no place in this form of systemic therapy.

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How is it different from other therapies?

  • The therapy Traditional vs. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy

As we have already mentioned, in traditional therapy the past plays a fundamental role. It is considered that, in order to solve current problems, it is necessary to delve into the situations that caused them.

However, in TBCS, greater importance is given to the present and the future. In fact, one of the best-known techniques, the so-called «miracle question,» encourages clients to Imagine a hypothetical future in which your problem has disappeared.the fruit of a miracle.

In this way, clients stop wondering why they have ended up in that situation and start imagining the way in which they could get out of it. This technique makes them change perspectivehelps them see that change is possible and, more importantly, encourages them to pursue that change, always taking small steps.

Furthermore, TBCS is based on the premise that two people with the same problem do not necessarily receive the same response from their therapist.

And this type of therapy Avoid excessive medicalization and the use of labels, as they consider that there should not be a single model of «healthy» behavior, nor a single model of a «healthy» family.

By fleeing from medicalization and the use of labels such as «depressive» or «anxious», particular characteristics of the clientand become more important in this type of therapy.

In fact, it could be said that in solution-focused brief therapy the therapist takes a step back and lets each client find his or her own solutions. Because each person's personal characteristics can mean that two people with the same problem need different solutions to feel at ease.

Let's take the case of two people who, in traditional therapy, could be diagnosed with work stress.

Because of their personal differences, one may feel that the best solution is to spend more time with their family and take up a sporting activity, such as yoga, to unwind. The other may decide to rearrange their schedule to spend more time alone in their room, devoting themselves to self-care.

In addition, this type of therapy has a positive perception of the human being. Therefore, clients are considered to have the qualities necessary to solve their own problems. In traditional therapy, on the other hand, the therapist gives clients tools to manage difficulties.

Unlike other therapies, therapists here are not experts capable of shaping people to be “better.”

At TBCS the positions of the psychologist and the patient are equalThe client is considered to be the person who best knows his problems and aspirations. Therefore, he is also an expert: he is the person best placed to decide what is best for him.

For its part, The therapist collaborates to help you solve problemsbut let the customer lead the way. Your role is to provide solutions to customers and help them analyze which of those solutions yield the best results.

In TBCS the therapist not only has to be empathetic. In addition, has to encourage the customer to increase their confidence so that they can change their situation.

What are the foundations of solution-focused brief therapy?

  • It does not focus on the problems and their causes. It focuses on possible solutions.
  • Each person has the tools in his or her power to solve their own problems. To make the client aware of his own resources, he is encouraged to think of exceptional moments when his problems are not present.
  • Customer perception is of central importancebecause their vision determines whether they find one solution or another for their problems.
  • It is necessary for the therapist and the client to collaborate as equals.
  • On average, only 1000 are needed. five 45-minute sessions to improve the client's status.
  • He change is positivebut the client must be determined to change for the therapy to work.
  • No major changes are necessary. Even the smallest change will be perceived by the environment, which will also change in response.
  • Instead of analyzing the past, imagines the future.
  • Diagnoses are dispensed with: Proponents of solution-focused brief therapy believe that there should not be a single model of correct behavior. It is not about changing people, but about helping them find ways to live better.
  • Understand that You can't take people out of their contextbecause we are not isolated from our environment. In fact, our behavior is due, in part, to the social influence of our close circle.

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