Snow White Syndrome – Online Psychologists

Mirror, mirror, who is the fairest in the kingdom?«This question was asked again and again by the queen and stepmother in the Snow White story, who She didn't want there to be anyone in the kingdom more beautiful than her. The same thing happens to some people who suffer from this syndrome. Although the name refers to the story, it does not focus on the protagonist, but on the stepmother jealous of her beauty.

Therefore, Snow White Syndrome is the image distortion of a person about himself regarding his age and the jealousy that appears with people who try to surpass him. It is a set of symptoms of depressive psychological disorder not fully recognized by the psychologists. Even so, people who suffer from it have certain characteristics in common.

Characteristics of Snow White Syndrome

Adults over 40 years old

It is usually suffered by mature women, between the ages of 40 and 55 years oldalthough many men also present it. In both cases it usually happens that they have been attractive people throughout their lives and do not want to stop being so under any circumstances.

Fear of aging

This syndrome is nothing more than a growing insecurity in those people who have always attracted attention for their appearance and beauty. The fact of not feeling valued for their physical appearance or complimented as the years go by and they grow older, produces symptoms of loneliness in them and increases their lack of self-confidence. Mainly, they are afraid of being alone because they are no longer attractive.

Envy towards younger people

Nowadays, society believes that beauty and youth are related to success and guaranteed approval in any situation. In any case, people who suffer from this symptom feel jealousy and envy towards young people who possess qualities that seem suitable to them, for which they always try to be above them. It is nothing more than a distorted self-concept of her beauty, since the need to remain young is their main concern at all times.

Emotional immaturity

These people have to feel loved always. It is a constant intense search for physical approval through complimentsneed to flirt or be fashionable as if they were young people and teenagers.

Concern about stability in the couple

When they do not have a partner, these people They are desperately looking for new partners to continually feel admiration for their beauty and love. It also happens that people who suffer from Snow White syndrome, in addition to having an excessive concern for health and physical appearance, feel envy for those people who lead a happy and satisfying life, especially as a couple.

How to detect this Syndrome?

To know how to detect it you have to take into account some of these aspects:

  • You overvalue beauty above all else.
  • You always want to be the center of attention.
  • You take care of your personal image because you want to maintain your youth, and you even resort to cosmetic surgery.
  • You wear clothes that make you feel more attractive and try to hide your age in any way.
  • You do not value the successes of others and feel contempt for young people because they can become our rivals.
  • You compete with others constantly, and you get offended when someone rejects you.
  • You try to surround yourself with people who are constantly complimenting you and making you feel young and confident.

There is no specific treatment for this symptom, but each of the symptoms that are present can be treated individually in therapy: insecurity or self-doubt, for example.

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