Smell of vanilla spiritual meaning (what does it mean to feel it out of nowhere esoteric

Smell of vanilla spiritual meaning We have been consulted on the subject of perceiving the smell of vanilla out of nowhere. In this sense, we have been asked, Does the smell of vanilla have an esoteric meaning? Does the scent of vanilla have spiritual significance? What does it mean to smell vanilla out of nowhere? What does it mean to smell vanilla out of nowhere in the house? What is the spiritual meaning of the smell of vanilla?

We are going to explain more about this smell that can be perceived out of nowhere.


General features

Vanilla comes from an orchid. Its flowers only open once a year and pollination is manual. Only one type of bee is known to pollinate vanilla, the so-called Eulaema meriana. By this more natural method, the probability of vanilla pollination is only 1%, so it is more interesting that it be artificially pollinated by the hand of man.

Until we get to what we know as vanilla pods, they are boiled and then wrapped in cloth to breathe. After this phase, every day for a period of three weeks, they are exposed to the sun for several hours.

Then the characteristic smell of vanilla begins to appear. For another three weeks they are put to dry again. It is for all this process and its peculiarities that vanilla is considered the most expensive spice after saffron.

It is said that the smell of vanilla is the most similar to that of breast milk, so smelling or eating it has a calming effect and helps to recover childhood memories.


its magic

Used in the love spellsvanilla is also used as amulet to increase mental faculties, and its purple flowers are used in aphrodisiac sachets to heighten passion. It can also be used to have some kind of power over other people, to increase sexual desire and to improve people’s vitality.

Vanilla is associated with love, third Eye and paranormal powers. For sachets and love spells, it is recommended to use sugar with vanilla.

There are many stories related to vanilla. For example, it was believed that if a woman put a few drops of vanilla tincture behind her ear, she would attract many men. Legend also says that Xanat, the young daughter of the Mexican goddess of fertility, fell in love with a young man (some sources say his name was Totonac). Since it was not possible to marry him due to her divine nature, she was transformed into a plant that would bring him pleasure and happiness. To this day, Tetonacs celebrate the vanilla festival at the end of spring.

The scent of vanilla revitalizes the body and produces bioelectric energy, which can be channeled into magical rituals. So when you need an extra effort, inhale the vanilla asking the plant for vigor and protection.

However, what does it mean to smell vanilla out of nowhere in the house. We are going to give an answer about the smell of vanilla spiritual and esoteric meaning.


Before getting into the matter

It is important to point out that, before considering the spiritual meaning of the smell of vanilla, it is necessary to determine if it is rather produced by something material (perfume, preparation of sweets, incenseetc.)

In other words, that scent that seemingly «comes out of nowhere» can be caused by something physical. After all, there are numerous material explanations for why a person smells a mysterious scent.

The smell can come from far away on the wind and enter the room through the gaps in the doors or windows.

In addition, it can even be caused by a disease called phantosmia that produces a type of olfactory hallucination that makes a person perceive odors that are not there.

However, if you have investigated all possible material explanations and have failed to explain the smell of vanilla coming out of nowhere, then we can conclude that the smell has a spiritual origin. Now let’s analyze the smell of vanilla spiritual and esoteric meaning.


its symbolism

Vanilla smell spiritual and esoteric meaning #1 Presence of a disembodied loved one A disembodied loved one (usually female and related to mother or grandmother) may have approached you and sensed it. Thus, he has interpreted this presence in the form of the smell of vanilla associated with his memories of the deceased person.

This approach may have been for some special reason, such as a request for help, to carry a message, or out of longing.

If this is repeated a lot, it may be necessary to say a prayer or pay for a mass in your name.


Vanilla smell spiritual and esoteric meaning #2 Presence of a spirit of an unknown person A spirit of an unknown person may have approached you and you have interpreted this presence by associating it with the smell of vanilla.

This spirit may have no connection to you and is just passing through.

This is something very common in the daily life of a person with a high spiritual sensitivity.


Vanilla smell spiritual and esoteric meaning #3 Perception of the energy of close people You may perceive the energy of living people still incarnated who are close or connected to you in some way. After all, not only disembodied spirits can be perceived through spiritual sensitivity.

It is not uncommon for a person to sense the energies of others, including the energy of neighbors, family, friends, and loving partners.


Vanilla smell spiritual and esoteric meaning # 4 It can be the presence of a patron saint When you smell vanilla out of the blue in your bedroom or in any other room in your house this can be the manifestation of a saint who is interceding for you and walking in your life.

We say this because there are certain saints who transmit a certain positive smell to show their presence, so we can be in this situation.

This saint may be in your room to help you with a request you have made, to protect you against a negative attack, or to give you strength, patience, and energy to face all of life’s challenges.


Questions and answers

What does it mean to feel the smell of vanilla out of nowhere when you wake up? This is something very common and faced by many people with sensitive olfactory mediumship.

Normally this indicates that a good spiritual being took care of us while we slept.

also know Smell of garlic spiritual meaning and smell of onion spiritual meaning (feel)

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This good spiritual being took care of us because we needed that help and protection. There are negative energies and evil spirits that could take advantage of this phase of weakness, so the intervention of the forces of good was necessary.

It could have been a saint you asked for protection, you Guardian angel or a loved one who passed away but continues to watch over you at all times.

We sincerely believe that you should not worry about this smell either, since being positive only means something good for your life.


Is some kind of protection necessary? We understand that you are afraid that something will go wrong in you and in your life,. That is why we recommend that you light a candle to your Guardian Angel to ask for his help and protection. However, we feel that it is not required, as the smell of vanilla out of nowhere has a positive spiritual meaning.


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