Small apartment: how to distribute spaces as an expert

We know that details make difference and, in a Small apartmentthis is no exception: achieving the harmony of spaces is possible with simple advice. The size of the furniture, the multiple use of spaces and the distribution are some of the Keys to take advantage of Each room and integrate environments.

Keep reading to discover the best tips to Distribute the space in a small apartment.

The size of the furniture and its distribution are key to take advantage of the spaces.Charlotte May / Pexels.

Furniture size

One of the keys to better distribute space in departments with a small area – as it usually happens more and more frequently in cities and urban areas – is to acquire small or medium furniture, since the larger, the less space there will be free to circulate and tend to lose the proportion.


When it comes to accommodating the elements in small departments, it is recommended to place furniture close to the walls, Always looking for simple and defined lines, to have a greater space to circulate and that interrupts the step.

In general, clear tones on walls and floors help create visually larger spaces.Ksenia Chernaya / Pexels.

Clear tones

In general, Clear tones help create the sensation of greater amplitudewhile strong colors visually reduce a space. Therefore, neutral white and tones are ideal for walls, floors and decoration of small departments.

Subtle walls

It is not necessary to have thick walls or walls in small departments: the partitions, screens or curtains They can be the best way to delimit spaces and at the same time, create the sensation of greater space.