Diarrhea in dogs occurs comparatively frequently. Although the causes are often harmless, the problem must be taken seriously because diarrhea quickly dehydrates the animals and thus quickly puts young and/or weakened four-legged friends in particular at risk.
This is a special case that doesn't occur all that rarely mucous diarrhea. This suggests that in colon something is wrong.
But what exactly is the problem then? In the following text you will find the 9 most common causes for diarrhea with mucus in dogs. I will also tell you 7 solutions, which have proven very effective.
9 common reasons for slimy diarrhea in dogs
1. Side effect of one Feed change
Mucous diarrhea in dogs often has to do with food. So it is not uncommon for four-legged friends to attack you very violently Changing the feed react.
Reason for this is that Dogs are real creatures of habit when it comes to digestion: A familiar food composition is processed quickly, but new recipes often pose problems for the body.
Veterinarian Emin Jasarevic explains how to change the diet as gently as possible. Source: Animal Health / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwmwRi1ddAQ .
That means: The stomach and intestines don't trust the new food and initially see it as a foreign body: In the first few days after a change, (scattered) diarrhea often occurs and the large intestine tries to protect itself with mucus.
But that should happen after one short adjustment period disappear again.
2. Food allergies & -intolerances
But it may also be that the dog simply cannot tolerate the food. This is either due to something innate allergy or at an acquired one Intolerance.
The body then identifies some components of the food as hostile, which is why it tries to eliminate the food as quickly as possible – either through nausea or diarrhea. Increased amounts of mucus then come out of the large intestine, which is supposed to protect the digestive tract.
Unlike changing food, the symptoms of allergies and intolerances do not go away over time: without one Change The four-legged friend will always have to struggle with problems.
3. Colon inflammation
Another common reason for mucous diarrhea is a Colon inflammation. It is also called by doctors Colitis means that the feces are not always liquid, but can also have a normal shape.
This is often the case with colitis bacterial balance disturbed, also spreading into the intestines Inflammation or an excessive strain on the digestive tract – for example due to food that is too heavy in the stomach – can contribute to it.
The mucus that you can observe in the feces is then one Protective reaction of the body: He tries to form a film to render pathogens harmless.
“Inflammatory Bowel Disease”
A common chronic form is “Inflammatory Bowel Disease”. IBD primarily attacks the mucous membranes, which is why the secreted mucus is often streaked with blood.
4. Parasitic infestation
Virtually every dog experiences one at least once in their life Parasitic infestation affected. The parasites – they include, for example: Worms and Giardia – often live in the intestines of four-legged friends, where they use nutrients and cause a lot of mischief.
Many affected animals then suffer from diarrhea, and other digestive problems such as nausea often occur simultaneously. The feces are then usually not only liquid, but also slimy.
This is because parasites or their eggs Disrupt intestinal flora and one in the large intestine allergic reaction Cause: The digestive tract tries to defend itself against the disturbing intruders with mucus.
5. Gastrointestinal infections
Also Infections can disrupt or damage the dog's intestines.
- These are common in the colon E. coli bacteriawhich, if there are too many of them, can irritate the mucous membrane so much that it expels more mucus.
- Also Viral infections can attack the mucous membrane. These are often “normal” gastrointestinal viruses, but also one highly contagious and dangerous parvovirus is within the realm of possibility. Typical for the latter is not only mucous diarrhea, but also blood in the stool.
6. Diseases of the metabolic organs
Also within the realm of possibility Diseases of the metabolic organs, which then spread to the intestines. These clinical pictures include, for example: Pancreatitis (pancreatitis), Liver- and Kidney failure.
Irritation of the colon often occurs in conjunction with mucous diarrhea. Nausea, loss of appetite, apathetic behavior and loss of fur are also typical signs of diseases in this spectrum.
7. stress
Dogs are fine too stress quick on the stomach: That's because Hormones such as adrenaline or cortisol irritate the digestive tract if released in excess.
Problems such as nausea and diarrhea often occur. If the large intestine is affected, feces will also be covered in mucus. Furthermore, a lot of serotonin is released via the intestinal mucosa, so it is also possible that the mucus is an attempt by the body to reduce stress by releasing this “happiness hormone”.
Stress can be caused by many factors and usually occurs with other symptoms, such as anxious or hyperactive behavior, changed eating habits or defensive posture.
8. Symptoms of poisoning
But be careful: A mucous diarrhea can also Symptom of poisoning be! Unfortunately, there are many substances that have a toxic effect on dogs. In addition to pest control agents and chemicals, foods such as certain fruits and vegetables can also be pure poison.
Of course, the body recognizes this: In order to prevent the poison from getting into the blood, it pulls out all the stops: the intestinal mucosa works at full speed, the food is excreted as quickly as possible through vomiting and/or diarrhea – often in a bloody manner.
This is basically always an emergency, which can end fatally. So you should go to the vet immediately! Affected animals often show other symptoms such as clearly visible pain with protective posture, refusal to eat, severe restlessness or even apathetic behavior.
9. Side effects of medication
Also Medication can irritate the intestinal mucosa. This is particularly common in… Antibiotics This is the case because they not only kill harmful bacteria, but also useful ones.
So that's it intestinal flora unbalanced, the colon becomes inflamed. Experts then speak of one “pseuromembranous colitis”. As a result, the food is often no longer digested properly and is excreted as diarrhea. At the same time, the feces are surrounded by mucus to protect the intestines.
Dog has slimy diarrhea: 7 proven solutions
Mucous diarrhea in dogs indicates digestive problems, particularly those related to the large intestine. You shouldn't take this lightly: Although there are some relatively harmless reasons for the problem, there can also be serious illnesses behind it.
That's why you should definitely go too pay attention to other possible symptoms, Because this way you can limit the possible causes somewhat. The following can then be done in particular 7 solutions help your four-legged friend.
1. The dog a lot to drink give
Dogs that have diarrhea dehydrate fast. The intestines also need it Water, in order to be able to regenerate. That's why it's extremely important for your four-legged friend a lot to drink admit.
The water bowl Therefore, it must definitely be well filled. If the dog refuses fluids, it can help to soften food in water, This essentially forces the animal to drink while eating.
2. With Bland food pep up
Experts strongly recommend keeping your dog up for some time if he has diarrhea Zero diet to set. Depending on the size of the animal, this should be approximately 12 to 24 hours last. If there are many causes – for example a disturbed intestinal flora or infections – it makes sense to treat the four-legged friend slowly picking it up again.
This is particularly recommended Bland food – easily digestible food that does not overwhelm the intestines. This gives the colon more time to regenerate. This increases the chances that not only will the diarrhea stop, but that the mucous membrane can also recover.
There are now many dog food manufacturers who pre-packaged light food offer. But most animal lovers still rely on it Homemadeso you can better respond to the individual needs of your protégé.
3. Peace and quiet for the dog
Also important: in the recovery phase the dog needs lots of rest. Activities should therefore be limited to what is absolutely necessary, because the animal needs its energy to get back to digesting old starch.
You also have to pay attention to what your four-legged friend wants: If he is weak and tired, you should definitely not force him to do anything.
Should stress be the cause of the problems, a little more hustle and bustle is actually a permanent solution: If factors such as crowds of people, a lot of noise, dominant dogs on the walk or hardships such as car journeys are avoided as much as possible, the animal's overall constitution often improves enormously.
4. Possibly Feed change
If you are sure that the mucous diarrhea is related to your diet, it can also be Feed change help. But you shouldn't overdo it: If you've just made a change, you shouldn't change again immediately, because then the problem will probably only be prolonged.
It looks different if you have one Allergy or intolerance strongly suspect. Typically, an elimination diet is used to search for the allergen. This can be very lengthy, but you have a better chance of getting better quickly if you take action straight away hypoallergenic dog food sets. These mixtures avoid all “risk ingredients” and are well received by almost all four-legged friends.
5. Nutritional supplements & home remedies
There are also some home remedies, which have proven very effective in combating diarrhea. These include, for example
- Psyllium husks
- Elm bark and
- Healing clay.
These substances help to bind excess and harmful substances in the intestines, so that the feces solidify again. This often also soothes the mucous membranes. Some veterinarians also recommend it in certain circumstances Pre- or probiotics, to restore the intestinal flora.
Some manufacturers also offer special ones Gastrointestinal mixtures to. These are usually dietary supplements that contain various substances.
6. Regular deworming
Since mucous diarrhea is often related to parasites, it is also…