The risks of sleeping with makeup are getting worse. During sleep, a series of functions activated by our body occur, in order to provide all the repairing substances what we need to stay healthy; The same happens with the skin, including that of our face.
As the day goes by, in addition to the makeup ingredients; We receive impurities that accumulate fat, congesting the pores in a suffocating way, leaving behind dramatic results. Sleeping with makeup is exposing yourself to free radicals, attached to the face through the use of cosmetics, which continue to act deeply while you rest.
Being in contact with these pollutants for many hours breaks down collagen and elastin; essential elements in cell regeneration. In addition, this terrible habit prevents the necessary oxygenation of the skin; with the possible appearance of frequent acne breakouts, accompanied by blackheads and blemishes.
It also causes weakening of the eyelashes, as a result of not removing the mascara; which causes frequent fall of the same and ocular irritation with the danger of contracting conjunctivitis; added to dry and cracked lips as a result of the permanence of the lipstick. Another devastating effect is the appearance of deep wrinkles, product of the intense dryness caused by different chemicals; both from the environment and those used in cosmetics.
The almost total loss of freshness, accentuated damage to the contours, with the evident flaccidity of the muscles, is another symptom that occurs very frequently, when makeup is not removed every night. The reason for skipping such an important step often derives from the fatigue of days dedicated to work, to get home, immediately surrendering to sleep.
Dermatologists and cosmetologists believe that the danger of sleeping with makeup is extreme, to such an extent that there is a risk of suffering such severe deterioration, impossible to repair in the future. Just as the night is to rest, our skin must also rest; That is why removing make-up before going to bed is extremely vital and necessary to be able to achieve it. On the YouTube channel, «Matinallared», you can see the explanation of a specialist about the consequences of sleeping with makeup.
Allowing your skin to breathe while you sleep is the smartest thing you can do for your beauty. Adapt a habit of permanent cleaning, prior to bedtime; It will make it easier to remove most of the bacteria accumulated throughout the day. Gently removing makeup with a cleansing gel or cream, then washing with neutral soaps is very convenient. In this way, you will protect the natural beauty of your face, avoiding premature aging.
The skin is a sensitive organ, it needs optimal care to keep it in good condition; for which it is beneficial that you dedicate the precise time in doing it. Never fall asleep with your makeup on! Have a space to remove it.