have you ever had any Allergy in the skin? This is a problem that can happen to anyone and that is why we consulted a dermatologist, who resolved the most frequent doubts for you.
The skin is the largest organ of the body, the border with the outside, that which separates us from the environment; That is why we must keep it in optimal conditions. We should all get to know it in depth by checking it daily to detect any changes, for example, when breakouts appear, welts or it scratches us and is irritated.
Dr. Carolina Alba Reátiga, dermatologist at the National University of Colombia, expert in clinical, surgical and aesthetic dermatology. At Vibra we consulted with her to clarify the most frequent doubts about this condition.
According to the specialist, an allergy is a reaction that the body has against an allergen, which generates inflammation at any level. From dermatology, manifestations occur on the skin when it is in contact with a substance that produces this type of reaction.
Some frequently asked questions
The cause of allergic dermatitis (allergic inflammation of the skin generated by contact with some substances) has to do with two factors; On the one hand, there is the genetic predisposition, since not all skins react to the same products; and on the other hand there is environmental contact, because some people are not exposed to allergens, while others are in continuous contact with substances that are proallergic.
There are acute dermatitis, which are relieved in a short time, improve with treatment and do not reappear. But there are also chronic dermatological conditions such as atopic or seborrheic dermatitis, which can last throughout life and do not have a cure, but rather require continuous treatment so that the skin remains as healthy as possible.
To prevent dermatitis from perpetuating itself, dermatologists try to identify what is causing it, which can sometimes be detective work. Initially, the patient is advised to avoid contact with allergenic substances. In difficult cases, patients should go to an allergist, who does specific tests to try to identify what is causing the allergy. In some cases, allergists can do patch tests, in which the patient is exposed to contact with different allergens to find out which one causes the problem. skin rash.
Types of skin allergies
- Atopic dermatitis: In which there is a genetic component and can occur from a very early age.
- For stasis: Which can occur in patients with venous insufficiency.
- In the diaper area: That is produced by contact, specifically in infants.
- Seborrheic dermatitis: Which can occur on the scalp, on the sides of the nose and in the eyebrows.
- Nummulate: It is characterized by its resemblance to coins that appear on the skin.
- Contact dermatitis: It occurs by direct contact of some substance on the skin.
Allergy medications on the skin
The expert explains that in the treatment of dermatitis the main thing is prevention, trying to avoid the triggering factor; however, although many times people do not know what caused the allergy. We must restore the skin barrier that is lost with inflammation and that makes it look dry, cracked, cracked, with scabs, scales and blisters on the skin; For this, the use of moisturizing and emollient creams is essential, which restore hydration and provide ingredients that help strengthen it.
To control symptoms such as redness and itchy skin or itching, antihistamines are administered that control the release of substances that cause itching. In addition, topical corticosteroids are also used, which vary according to the severity of the skin breakouts, of its extension, its location and the type of complexion of the patient. In severe cases, other types of systemic medications such as pills are used.
Home remedies for skin allergies
the dermatologist does not advise using any home remedy, because he has observed that they can be counterproductive. Before applying any substance on the skin rash You have to diagnose to know if it is an allergy, a fungus or another condition.
“Some patients take baths with herbs or put calendula and what they do is worsen the dermatitis; then I’m not a fan of home remedies. The only thing I recommend is a good moisturizer with neutral PH and without perfume.”
Diseases that cause skin allergies
The doctor clarifies that some diseases make you much more likely to develop skin allergies, such as rhinitis and asthma. Some diseases make the skin prone to dryness, such as uncontrolled hypothyroidism, diabetes, kidney and rheumatological or autoimmune diseases (scleroderma, lupus, dermatomyositis, etc.).
Are there skin allergies due to stress?
In addition to the fact that any dermatitis is exacerbated by stress, the expert indicates that there are conditions classified as neurodermatitis; these are manifestations of the nervous system in the skin and are caused by stress, depression, anxiety, etc. Many dermatitis have an emotional background, so dermatologists must investigate how the emotional part of the patient is.
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