Sirius spiritual meaning and the star sirius astrology

Sirius spiritual meaning and the star sirius astrology Sirius is located in the constellation Canis Major, whose eastern end borders the Milky Way.

As a binary star system, Sirius is composed of a bright star, called Sirius A, and around it, in an elliptical orbit, moves Sirius B, the first dwarf star identified.

Sirius B orbits Sirius A every 50 years, making Sirius wobble and therefore appear to shine brighter than any other star. All the stars shine, but none like this one!


In the history

Long before scientists knew of its existence, and long before there was any equipment that could verify its position in the heavens, many of the ancient civilizations knew that behind the bright star that is Sirius, there was a dark star, a dark star. black star that is much smaller and more intense.

Records of these ancient civilizations, dating back 3,000 years, include drawings of the movement of Sirius and its dwarf, Sirius B. These ancients believed that Sirius was the source of all life, of all energy, and yet, Detailed knowledge of Sirius and its dwarf star has only recently been discovered by modern science.

Sirius was at the center of the calendar, texts, and sacred knowledge of the ancient and advanced civilizations of Lemuria, Atlantis, and the Land of Sumer. The sacred knowledge of the Dogon tribe, in North Africa, and of the aboriginal and indigenous tribes of Australia, South America and Asia also revolves around this star.

In Egypt, much revolved around Sirius, as the gate and center of everything sacred. Already in the most remote periods of the history of Ancient Egypt, the goddess Isis was associated with the star Sirius. Some pyramids were temples of Isis and Sirius, their gate and portal. Sirius, like Isis, was called the Great Provider.

The annual rising of the star Sirius brought the flooding of the Nile River, which, in turn, brought the fertility, and therefore wealth, to the land of Egypt. It marked the beginning of the Egyptian sotic year, the Egyptian calendar.

The Great Pyramid of Cheops, in Egypt, is also aligned with the rise of Sirius. The chambers within the pyramid are strategically placed in reference and deference to Sirius. All the mythologies of Isis, Osiris and Horus in Egypt – and the mythologies in the older Land of Sumer – are based on this Sirius connection.


its symbolism

Sirius spiritual meaning #1 Celebrate your uniqueness When you look up at the sky and see the star Sirius in front of you, the universe has turned your gaze to that star to convey a message about your uniqueness.

When you have this experience, you must be determined to celebrate your uniqueness in the future. By doing so, you will dare to use your talents and fulfill your dream.


Sirius spiritual meaning #2 They watch you When you look at the sky and only see the star sirius shining brightly, it is a symbol of spiritual eyes. This conveys a message that the universe is watching your movements.

It is an indication that you are being watched.

Most of the time, this will happen when you are at a turning point in life. The next time you have such an experience, take some time to reflect on what you want to achieve and trust the universe to guide you.


Sirius spiritual meaning #3 Pay attention to your inner intuition When you dream of the star sirius above your head, the universe is opening your eyes to understand the power of your inner intuition.

With this dream, you must deliberately remain aware of your inner intuition. You must make decisions based on your intuition more often.

Doing so will make you gain confidence in yourself. In addition, it will help you put aside the external voices that can confuse you.


Sirius spiritual meaning #4 Good luck When you dream that the star sirius moves along with you, it is a sign of good luck.

It is a sign that an opportunity is coming into your life that will bring about a great transformation.

Therefore, your heart must be prepared to recognize the opportunity and take advantage of it.


Sirius spiritual meaning #5 Cheer up When you are going through difficult situations and you see the star sirius at night, it allows you to draw strength from the universe.

Whenever you lack the passion, motivation, and taste to pursue your ambition, it may be the best time to meditate. With this star, you will encourage yourself to never give up.


Sirius spiritual meaning #6 Your love twin will locate you See the star sirius in the sky when you haven’t found your soulmate it means that you are about to make a connection between you and your true love.

That is, soon you will enter a new phase of life called LOVE.

Sirius spiritual meaning #7 You’re not alone When you look up at the sky and suddenly feel connected to the star sirius, it is a clear sign that the spirit of your lost loved one is with you.

So stop feeling lonely.

The loss was hard and the impact is felt every day. However, let the star be an encouragement that the spirit of your loved one loves you and is with you. Let’s see, next, the star sirius astrology.


Other symbolism

star sirius astrology Regarding astrology, we can point out that this star is considered one of the fixed ones and is very important for the interpretation of the birth chart.

It is necessary to observe that the heliacal rise of Sirius (beginning of the ancient Egyptian calendar), as it is known,. It occurs when Sirius rises on the horizon, along with the sun, and remains visible for a few moments, until it fades with advancing sunrise.

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The heliacal rise of Sirius takes place on July 26. It coincides with the annual opening of the Sirius stargate,. known as the Lion’s Gate, so called because the Sun is moving towards Leo at that time.

The constellation of the Lion guards the entrance to the Sirius Gate. The energy of the Lion’s Gate continues until August 12. The powerful energies of change that flood in at this time are then available for us to use, for the rest of the year.

The astrological characteristics of Sirius are: ambition, pride, emotionality, fame, leadership, wealth, fires, drought and danger due to impetuousness.

If you want to know more about sirius spiritual meaning and the star sirius astrology, you can send your question or doubt to our email.


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