The intuition it is one of the most important senses we have; could be said to be the one with whom we navigate existence and we discovered the worldeven in its smallest details.
Although without intuition there would be no way to apprehend the world, At present it is a difficult sense to stimulate and even more to use. The hustle and bustle of everyday life, its routines and its dynamics are not usually fertile ground for developing the skills of intuition, since we also live dominated by an idea of superiority of reason, which has delegated intuition to the steppes of the most basic instinct.
Therefore, tune our senses to awaken our me intuitive is something that we have to work consciously. This even requires balance body and mindbecause without a dialogue between the two –that somewhat suppresses the incessant use of reason– it will be impossible to listen to what our intuition tells us, whose most prodigious benefit is the body-mind link.
All this is easier than it seems. What we will find in the end is that intuition has always been thereand that their abilities are ready to be claimed by us and our senses.
Awakening the intuition
To know what type of intuition you have, you must know what intuitive abilities there are and what they mean. These are linked to the senses: vision, listening and cognitive functions.
We all have all the intuitive abilities. Reading about its characteristics, you may be able to figure out which one suits you best and which will be the easiest ability to awaken from its torpor, although in general it is good to try to awaken all abilities, since together they complement each other.
We also leave you some practices and hacks to achieve this, which complement each other perfectly with meditation techniques that you probably already do (or otherwise we highly recommend you toto develop your intuitive abilities).
It is the form of intuitive ability that allows one to see things within the mind. Whoever has it more developed tends to jump to conclusions by letting himself be carried away by what he sees, since his intuition is cinematic: full of images that tell him what the future could be like. Clairvoyants have a great imagination and are very observant.
Exercises to wake her up
Focus your gaze inside your brain and try to develop mental images; for example, memories that make you happy. Then write about what you have been able to visualize.
Also try making the books you read more cinematic. Live the stories from the mental images you create, and then think about what these images were like. Or try to remember images from movies and how they made you feel. The way you remember the images will also tell you about your clairvoyant intuition.
Photo: Miki Takahashi
This ability is literally felt in the body (especially on the skin). Clairsensational intuition allows you to physically feel the information in the body; for example, through chills. Those who have this intuition are usually very empathic people; they are like little sponges that absorb everything around them. This can cause them to be overwhelmed by everything they perceive, such as the negative feelings of others.
Exercises to wake her up
Close your eyes and focus on the sensations in your body. Then reflect on the way in which those feelings pass through your mind and vice versa.
Try to remember what the pains you have transmit to you. Those who have this more developed ability tend to express what stimulates them in a bodily way, even in the form of pain or other sensations. So try to know what your body is trying to tell you in each situation.
This intuition allows you to hear clearly. More than cinematically, this intuition leads us to process information and project it through vibrations. It’s more of an internal dialogue; more similar to reasoning, with a voice that seeks to warn us of danger or possibilities through the senses. These «dialogues» can make the person more in touch with himself and his emotions (and also, more sensitive to music and its meanings).
Exercises to wake her up
Focus on your ears. Imagine the waves going through them towards your eardrums. Always keep in mind the importance of this.
Try to do small sessions where you can activate that ability that your ears provide you with. Go to a park or square and close your eyes to be able to capture what you hear and interpret it. Think about what causes your senses what you hear. When your eyes are open, try to guide yourself more by the sounds in a conscious way.
You can also try writing down your musical memories: for example, how the music you danced to for the first time sounded like, or the one that was on one of your birthdays. Also try listening to music in your head: can you imitate it?
This ability is perhaps the most powerful. Whoever has it more developed will be able to perceive what is best more quickly, and optimally process information through the cognition areas of the brain. This type of intuition stimulates the organs, especially those of the head and the heart, and makes those who have it great advisers, allowing them to develop much wisdom and great ideas.
Exercises to wake her up
Pay attention to what you feel inside of you, especially inside your chest and head. Remember how it felt in these areas when something stimulated or affected you. For example, when you knew something was about to happen, what did you feel in your chest? Or where do you feel the anguish, the love, the sadness…?
Knowing these intuitive abilities is a path that leads us to improve our lives in general. Among other things, conscious intuition helps us better manage stress, as we begin to understand that not everything is in our hands (or in the hands of reason). In that sense it is also an introspective journey, as we can get in touch with the depths of our emotions, and even with that instinctive part that we all have inside.
Stimulate your intuition, because after all it is the key to the experience of the world. You will be amazed at the places it can take you in your daily life.
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