Silvia Pinal: Your house in Jardines del Pedregal

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In 1955, Manuel Rosen The Silvia Pinal house in the development of Jardines del Pedregal had projectedIn fact, it was one of the first to be built and that, it also had a modernist design rarely seen before. Both the actress and the architect agreed that it was perfect, because the style had not been seen before in a residential construction and less if the land had two unevenness like this case.

In fact, the slopes were used to create the pool and garden area. This one had a bar inside, the bedrooms, a beautiful kitchen with a large dining room, the stay, terrace and a service room. All this in reinforced concrete and steel columns that together created modular that make up the house that seems to be made of open blocks. But, without a doubt, on the ceilings, ceiling were used that improve acoustics, instead of common concrete, but Rosen never forgot the material that was already in the area, that is, the natural stone. This included it in the bar zone and in some walls, as well as mud and white quarry.

Another characteristic is that the house is horizontal, so it is large, but in depth, but not in height, but it is perfect in terms of lighting, since House Silvia Pinal has huge windows. In addition, being almost mimicked with nature thanks to its gardens, it allows it to be impregnated, even inside the house. However, in the eighties, Rosen remodeled the home by putting a roof on the garden, since Silvia Pinal wanted that space to become a much more usable regardless of the weather and that was the only change that the house has.