Silvia Congost: the psychologist who has turned emotional dependency into a best-seller – Online Psychologists

Silvia Congost is a Spanish psychologist and professional coach expert in emotional dependenceself-esteem and relationship conflicts. In addition to working as a psychologist, she gives lectures and conducts online and in-person sessions at her centers in Spain.

After finishing her degree, she lived in the United States for a year and personally suffered from an emotionally dependent relationship, and as she herself says, «I couldn't escape that destructive spiral.»

When she realized that she was emotionally dependent, her life changed completely. Silvia managed to regain her self-esteem and overcome the toxic relationship she found herself in.

After overcoming this situation of dependency, she realized that she had the ability to help all those people who, like her, needed to recover their self-esteem, wanted to learn to form healthier relationships or achieve emotional independence.

How he works, his method

After working with his patients over the years, Congost has devised his own methodBut if there is one thing that has given visibility to the Catalan psychologist, it is her educational content and her books.

Bibliography of Silvia Congost: these are her published books

In addition to working as a psychologist, Silvia Congost has published 9 books throughout her career.

When loving too much is dependent

If you are trapped in a relationship in which you are not happy, if you feel that you have lost yourself or your self-esteem along the way, you may be suffering from emotional dependency.

Through this book, Silvia Congost will help you realize that you are in a toxic relationship and will give you the necessary tools to move forward and strengthen yourself in the process.

This is a very useful book for your daily life, to learn to believe in yourself and achieve everything you set out to do.

Lack of self-esteem is one of the causes of many of our problems, whether they are personal, in our relationships or even at work. Having good self-esteem is key to being able to defend our opinions, to be more confident in front of others and to be able to walk with a firm step in the face of the different obstacles we encounter.

Silvia Congost offers us a simple method to improve our self-esteem and achieve our full potential.

Love should not be a source of pain or suffering, is what Silvia Congost tries to explain to us through this book.

It is a guide to learn how to recognize a toxic relationship and escape from it. We must eliminate certain ideas about romantic love that we have ingrained since we were children and that lead us to forge toxic and dangerous relationships.

Those who love you do not make you suffer, love is not synonymous with pain, so if you find yourself in a relationship of this type, walk away.

The key to emotions

The key to emotions It is an emotional story, full of truth and that will make you think.

Through this story, Silvia Congost gives us the keys to free ourselves from emotional dependence and to forge healthy relationships.

Alone: ​​Discover the pleasure of being with yourself

The fear of loneliness is more common than we think and in many cases what hides behind it is the fear of being with oneself.

In this book the author breaks a lance in favor of the importance of learning to be with ourselves and with our I interior. Silvia Congost invites us to explore the relationship we have with our thoughts and encourages us to remain silent and listen to ourselves in order to connect with ourselves.

One hundred days with Silvia

One hundred days with Silvia is a diary created for you, to accompany and guide you on your daily journey towards personal growth. Congost proposes a 100-day exercise that will help you get to know yourself better and grow as a person.

Ten ways to ruin your relationship

Sometimes we end a relationship because we think it's a quicker solution than working on what's not working.

Through this book you will learn to identify what you are doing wrong in your relationship and it will give you the keys to improve and have a healthy bond without toxicity.

Confined alone or in company

With the arrival of the pandemic and following the first lockdown, Silvia Congost published this book, a guide to managing emotions in a difficult situation such as confinement and offering advice on how to deal with it in the best possible way.

Practice mindfulness or learning to focus our mind are some of the recommendations that Silvia Congost offers us in this book.

The voice of my wings This is the latest book published by Silvia Congosto and is, without a doubt, her most personal work.

It is a book full of poems and poetic prose in which the author shows us her most vulnerable side and talks to us about love, heartbreak and loneliness.

An emotional and emotional book that includes a series of illustrations that emphasize the intimate and personal tone of the work.

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