Signs that give away a man really in love

Many times we have talked about the signs that give away those men who do not want anything serious with you, but this time we will talk about the behavior of a man who is truly in love.

Let’s clarify that a man in love is very different from a man who only wants you, to begin with the one who is in love with you treats you with respect, he can even blush if he talks about spicy topics with you.

If he does this with you, he is a man truly in love.

#1. cares about you

For him, it doesn’t matter if he just met you, if he writes to you asking how your day is, if he calls you to see how you’ve just been on your way to work and if you got home safely after work and university, he’s doing well. road.

#two. sweeten your days

No matter the size of the sweet, he will always have a present for you, from a chocolate to an invitation to eat ice cream after lunch.

#3. constantly surprises you

Well, this doesn’t happen from the beginning, but a man really in love with you, with the days he will look for a way to know your departure times from the office, the university to accompany you back to your house, even if you don’t believe it, he will He will invent any reason to meet you anywhere.

#4. respects you

As we said from the beginning, he will always use words in his language that will make you feel good, you will not hear offensive words from him, not even to refer to other people.

Even his body expression will be delicate when trying to have some kind of contact with you like holding your hand, which leads us to the next point.

#5. Will try to hug you in public

That’s right, a man in love wants to hug you, to feel you, but more than that to protect you anywhere, even if he is only greeting you or saying goodbye to you.

This was what Vibra listeners had to say on social media:

Open your eyes wide, surely someone is trying to win you over and you haven’t noticed, take note and enjoy knowing this information.