Should we sleep with or without cuckoos?

Specialists finally revealed the answer to this question, and we also tell you why!

We women love pajamas; raise your hand the one who sleeps with the t-shirt that he had on that day like some men… no, that doesn’t happen, pajamas for us are such an important item of clothing that we have a whole cubicle in our closet for them, and besides we buy all kinds of designs: cute, for the cold, our favorite childhood cartoon character, daringetc.

But to really rest when we go to sleep, we need one more detail than simply having the ideal pajamas for the occasion… Take off our cuckoos! How? As you read it, specialists recommend take off your panties before going to bed.

Believe it or not, gynecologists around the world advise women to remove their underwear to sleep, taking great care that the pajamas they wear are loose and do not rub against the private parts at any time of the night, that way you can prevent infections caused by bacteria or fungi that proliferate in the wet clothes that you have had all day in the crotch.


So now you know: if you want to have your private parts fresh and infection-free, take off the cuckoos before you go to sleep! It is not only more comfortable but healthier.

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What do you think? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks! Your friends who never think about this will thank you!

Paulina Vega shows the cuckoos! (And they are spectacular)

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) November 17, 2016