Short books can be The best way to start reading habitone of the best ways to clear the mind and get carried away by a story, discover new worlds and sometimes until you know each other better. But although it seems simple, the reality is that It can be overwhelming Choose between thousands of titles and genres.
The short stories and books They can be a great beginning for new readers or a good rest reading for experienced readers. We list 10 perfect short books for all reading lovers.
What do we talk about when we talk about love, Raymond Carver
This book consists of a Tales collection of the American writer Raymond Carver, considered one of the most representative authors of dirty realism Of the first half of the twentieth century, so the minimalist stories of this collection portray the decline of contemporary reality authentically.
The snowstormfrom León Tolstoi
This famous story was written by León Tolstói, one of the most important Russian authors of his time. The author wrote this book at age 28 And, although it is not a masterpiece like War and peace either Ana Karenina, The snowstorm Let see what is close to the future. In this book less than a hundred pages, Tolstói reflects on self awareness and of the challenges that this entails which makes it a reflexive and contemplative reading.
A house for Mr. Biswasfrom vs naipaul
A house for Mr. Biswas It is a novel by the author vs. Naipaul, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. This book tells the story of Mr. Mohun BiswasIndo-Trinidense character, who continually strives for the success that marries the Tulsi family and ends up being dominated by this. In history, Mr. Biswas finally fixes the goal of owning his own home. Tells the life of biswas and the challenges he facesall in a context of the transition to the colonial world.
Silkfrom Alessandro Baricco
Silk It is a novel by the Italian writer Alessandro Baricco, published in Italian for the first time in 1996 and translated into multiple languages after his success. The story located in the nineteenth century, tells the story of a French merchant, called Hervé Joncour, that travels repeatedly to Japan to acquire silkworm eggs in order to supply the textile industry of Lavilledieu. This short story uses an easy and colloquial language, which contributes to the feeling of oriental fable. This story will wrap you and you will finish it in less time than you imagine.
Lost childrenby Valeria Luiselli
This essay of the Mexican writer Valeria Luiselli was awarded the American Book Award. Lost children: an essay in forty questions portrays The sad reality of migrant children crossing the border of Mexico to the United Statesthe challenges they face and the harsh reality that awaits them when they arrive in the American country. This reading is a bit crudest than the rest of the books In this list, but it is certainly a must and necessary reading to understand one of the most important humanitarian problems.
Ethan Fromeby Edith Wharton
Recognized for being The most iconic novel by the famous author Edith wharton, Ethan Frome He is classified as an American classic, since he tells the life of the homonymous character and tells his life story in a fictitious city called Starkfield in Massachusetts, in which he works as an engineer. This story is clear example of American literature and the way he evolved. It will undoubtedly be a reading that will help you understand a little more about the culture of the United States and its customs in couple of hours.
Amsterdamby Ian McEwan
This short book tells the story of An euthanasia pact between two great friendsa composer and a newspaper editor, whose relationship becomes a disaster as the novel progresses. In Amsterdamauthor Ian Mcewan portrays an endearing and complex character through four different voices. This mysterious and dramatic story will wrap you and you will end up without realizing it.
Letters to a young poetby Rainer María Rilke
This book Board Ten Letters that Rilke wrote between 1903 and 1908 a young unknown poet called Franz Xaver Kappuswho was a cadet at the Austrohungara Military School. In these letters, the poet, in addition to clearly and beauty his opinions on artistic creation, also reflects his ideas about life, love and loneliness, death and fertility, as well as the supernatural. This rapid reading will make you question the way we see the world.
Strange stories for peculiar childrenby Ransom Riggs
If you are looking for a Reading to do with the little onesor if you enjoy the world of fiction. This story collection is indispensable to understand the world that develops in the novel Miss Peregrine's home for children peculiarS Ransom Riggs, but you can certainly read it alone. These incredible stories They will take you to unknown worlds And surely you will have a good time.
Three ways to induce a commafrom Alba Carballal
This modern novel tells the history of the enigmatic call called Federico in the municipal pool of Chamberí along with a strange job offer, which unleashes an adventure starring a forty with university studies and without any perspective for the future. This novel It will help you see life in a different way while You take a while with a great book.
MetamorphosisFranz Kafka
In this very brief novel, the protagonist – called Gregorio Samsa– It becomes an insect and loses the possibility of communicating with its social environment, until it is considered intolerable by your family. With this reading, You will have the opportunity to reflect on office workas well as the repercussions that there is usually when we do not accept the differences of others.