Sexual Astrology | Lovers Tarot

Astrology sexual, the twelve signs in bed

We can learn a lot about ourselves and others through an exploration of positions, locations depending on our zodiac sign.

Love and sex are areas of our lives that intrigue us all. There are specific things to look for in astrology that will help us shed light on individual temperaments, preferences, and styles.

Have you ever wondered what you are like in bed according to your zodiac sign?

Zodiac signs have different characteristics and traits that can influence how we behave in bed. Some signs may be more passionate and bold, while others may be more sensual and slower. In this article, we'll explore what you're like in bed based on your zodiac sign and how you can take advantage of your unique traits to have a fulfilling and satisfying sex life.


Sex is best when it is spontaneous and unrestricted. These people melt when their partner gives them their innocence and purity.

Some of them have problems in love, and are addicted to conquest. Their heads are erogenous zones that they love when you stroke their hair and grab their face when they are making love.

They can be quite selfish in bed, and quick. They can become impatient with too much foreplay, preferring to get straight to the point.

Sometimes aggressive, and usually quick, these lovers are sincere and enthusiastic in their sexual expression, but it is not always consistent. Your desires are really powerful. While other signs may be more turned on by the romance of the moment, both men and women with this position are especially turned on by their partner's sexual organs, it's that simple.

These people get in and out of «smash» easily; only feeling alive when you have someone to desire.


The sexual nature involves all the senses. Touch and smell are supremely important for these lovers.These are the most physical of your sexual partners.

Without frills sex is pretty good, as long as the mood is good and there is plenty of physical contact. These lovers don't have a reputation for spontaneity or variety, but they are good at what they do.

Abstaining from sex is especially difficult for Taurus, so finding a regular sexual partner is particularly important.

Their sexual stamina when making love is long-lasting and stable. Although usually the patient, his style is natural and physical, and intellectualizing the sexual act would only serve to confuse Taurus.


You have to use words in bed with them. Talking about them turns him on, and they love to kiss! Oral pleasures are very special for these lovers.

They love the role, as long as it is varied. They are usually fun in bed, if you can forgive their sudden bursts of speech during the act.

An intellectual conversation may interrupt sexual relations, but for them, it is just prolonged foreplay. Sometimes given to trying too much in a single session, these lovers are enthusiastic and curious about all types of sexual expression.

However, many people with this position are not lascivious lovers. Gemini's tendency to overthink leads to all the «buts» and «what ifs» surrounding sex. They are less driven by their desires than they are by their intellect.


You will be with one of the most sensitive and sweet lovers. When they're not pouting, they're romantic and gooey. They are turned on by slave scenarios, and they can like you when you are a little mean and aggressive in bed, as long as they know you love them.

Some of them are turned on by the idea of ​​making a baby, and others just love the idea of ​​being all yours in bed.

They are known as the most attracted to breasts, and they usually like their men more masculine and their women more feminine, at least in fantasy.

They don't always let you know what makes them, and they expect you to intuit their sexual needs. Her style in bed is protective and calming.


Fantasies often revolve around devotion and attention. These people are the most turned on when their partner thinks they are gods or goddesses.

Even though they will take care of their partner in bed, their natural inclination is to get out of themselves. Their pride in their sex life forces them to try to be the best in bed.

While some want a companion they can show off, many prefer not to have two stars in the same home.

They can be very possessive and jealous, although they often try to hide this fact. They may put their partners to the test from time to time, and the most insecure will demand the world from their partners, if only to prove their love.

They are attracted to inequality in sexual settings. It is difficult for these people to separate love and sex. Even their most erotic sexual fantasies are infused with love and affection.

They can sometimes come on too strong, and become impatient when their needs are not met soon enough, but it is possible to appreciate their direct sexual expression, and their openness in bed.


In general there is a healthy attitude towards sex. Sex for them is a bodily function, necessary for general health and well-being.

Everyday stresses and tensions are released in sex, whether with others or with themselves. They are lit by people who have gone almost unnoticed.

Simple and sweet is the way your bedmates want. They also get turned on by the idea that they are their slaves. They love doing little things for you, and get nervous when they know that you appreciate all the things they do.

They may be a little insecure about their own bodies, and compensate for this by paying close attention to their methods of arousing you. They are very respectful of your likes and dislikes, and focus on the things that have been most successful.

Virgo is the sign of the virgin, and this aspect gives others the idea that they are very selective. They are not as demanding as they seem. In fact, they love imperfections and having the best time with a partner who needs attention.

Their fantasies often feature the downtrodden and inexperienced. They are insatiably curious about sex, although many do not take their curiosity much beyond fantasy.

Voyeurism is especially attractive to these lovers. We're giving Virgo a little more attention than other signs simply because we feel this sign has been misunderstood on the topic of sex.

They are generally not as demanding and special as their reputation says—and they are not as «virginal» either. In fact, they want to please and be expert in the field of lovemaking. They generally «do» more than many other signs, and aren't afraid to get dirty either, within the confines of a healthy relationship.


Special care is taken to please the partner. These people can be provocative in a calm manner. Your need for balance and perfection in your relationships can manifest itself at all the wrong times.

In bed, these lovers want things to balance out. They love working on getting things right, and are especially turned on by sexual role-playing games.

They have a strong need for change and growth in their sexual expression. They are givers in bed, but they fully expect you to be able to respond the same way.

Even though they may be pushed around for a while, their lovers should be aware that the best way to keep Libra lovers happy is to keep everything clean.

These lovers can be a bit picky when it comes to mood and atmosphere when making love (Virgo is all too often assigned this trait, but our experience suggests that Libra is the most picky of lovers).

Make them happy, however you have a lover who will think about you and your needs. These lovers can charm the birds from the trees whenever they want.


Sexual nature can be quite complex. These lovers generally share a common intensity and depth in their sexual desires, but vary in expression depending on their level of development.

Some enjoy power and are drawn to breaking taboos. These lovers are willing to do almost anything, and enjoy full-body pleasures.

Others express their need for control by being unavailable and abstaining for long periods of time, giving in only when they feel their partner deserves it.

Whatever their nature, they have a way that promises commitment and intensity in bed. They are provocative but private. Sex is intimate and personal for the Scorpio, but their fantasies are full range.


Sex is treated more like a sport. These lovers are direct and forthcoming with your wants and needs. They have an almost innocent openness about them, and they love to have fun in bed.

Laughter and rough play are enormously exciting for them. The games are acceptable for Sagittarius lovers, as long as they are not too slow or complicated.

They have little patience with people playing hard to get or beating around the bush. The same thing happens with too much seriousness or fabulation.

The best way to approach sex with these people is to just do it, and then talk about it after the fact, if necessary.


Sex that is plain and simple is generally better. The reputation of Capricorn lovers is an attraction to experience.

They often prefer strong and powerful lovers who present some type of authority or technical knowledge. These lovers prefer a certain margin of appreciation.

Capricorn is an earth sign, and these terrestrials appear in love making general style without many strings attached which is more attractive to these lovers.

They may be quite content with consistency, as variety is less important to them than is safety in sexual expression. However, his sexuality is deep and powerful.

Many times they are deprived of what happens in the bedroom. Although some will want others to know that they are on top of things in their sex life, generally, I won't get into the dirty details.


There's a take-it-or-leave-it style that can be sexy or infuriating, depending on the audience. They do not have a reputation for warmth in sexual relations, although they may think the other way around, since, at least in theory, they are open-minded.

They give you an air of being intelligent and cool in bed. Sex at a distance (when you're not physically there), or in theory, is often where they shine.

That's why cyber or phone sex can be especially attractive to these people.

And again, the idea of ​​sex in general is more exciting for these lovers than the act itself. Their fantasies often involve getting caught having sex, and they are attracted to people who are a little out of the ordinary…