Sexting: What is it and what are its risks? – Online Psychologists

The term sexting has gained traction in recent years, to refer to a practice that gives the act of chatting by text message (texting) a sexual meaning.

If carried out between adults, in a consensual manner and with precautions, the sexting It is no problem. It is a sexual act as normal as any other.

However, the negative connotations associated with this term derive from its popularity among teenagersas well as the risks involved in a stage in which the personality has not finished developing and self-esteem is usually fragile.

What exactly is the sexting?

The term sexting refers to a practice that consists of sharing sexual messages, photographs or videos over the Internet.

The concept arises by combining the gerund of the verb to text (texting) with the noun sex (which means sex).

This is a relatively new practice that has spread considerably with the rise of social media and instant messaging applications, but it is not without risks.

However, it should be noted that he sexting It is not dangerous in itself. The problem is that this is an increasingly common act among teenagers, who rarely take the necessary precautions to protect their privacy and who, in addition, may act guided by the social pressure surrounding everything related to sexuality at this stage.

What is the profile of those who practice sexting?

Although it is an increasingly widespread practice in all age groups, today those who practice it the most are:

  • Teenagers and pre-teens. Sending sexual content through social media is especially common between the ages of 10 and 18. At this stage, the increased use of mobile phones is combined with the exploration of one's own sexuality.
  • Men. Although the differences are not significant, experts point out that boys practice it more frequently than boys.
  • Extroverted young people, who trust others easily.
  • Young people with little emotional stabilitywhose self-esteem depends on the opinions of others.
  • Teenagers who experience difficulties in in-person relationshipswho rely on social networks to make friends and develop emotional-sexual relationships. This last profile is also associated with low self-esteem and a great need for approval from their peers, sought through physical appearance and sexuality.

You must keep in mind that social pressure at these ages is also very powerful.

It is very common for young people to use their mobile phone to communicate at all times and to send all kinds of messages. In this context, the ability of teenagers to not get carried away and make their own decisions is key.

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What are the main risks?

  • The recipient decides to distribute the sexual images or videos sent.
  • Emotional blackmail or sextortion. When we talk about sextortion we are referring to a type of blackmail in which one of the parties threatens the other with spreading their sexual images if they do not agree to obey their demands.
  • Grooming or sexual harassment of a minor by an adult. Miriam Labradoa psychologist at , says that it is a type of abuse that is «very invisible, although increasingly common. The attacker uses social media to impersonate a minor «and, little by little, the adolescent's trust is gained to the point of being asked for sexual images. Once in his possession, the aggressor can use the material to distribute it, sell it or extort the minor.»
  • If sexting is done due to social pressure (something, remember, very common in adolescence, when it is vitally important to fit in with the group), teenagers may feel great amounts of guilt and even suffer from depressive symptoms.
  • If the practice gets out of control and the content of sexual messages spreads, the teenager may suffer from anxiety, depression and even suicidal thoughts.

If you are a teenager, remember to be careful with your sexuality. Even if you think your relationship will not end, remember that there are hundreds of problems that you and your partner can go through.

In the event of a breakup, graphic material can be subject to extortion and, if shared, can be a reason for harassment or cyberbullying. So think twice before sending graphic material. And, if it is shared without your consent, remember ask for help: the law is on your side.

Why do teenagers tend to ignore the risks of sexting?

If the sexting It is so dangerous for minors, why do they decide to continue practicing it? There are three factors worth highlighting.

First of all, because Adolescence is the stage in which sexuality develops.With puberty, sexual desire awakens and adolescents embark on the discovery of their sexuality, something completely natural.

It is common for teenagers to have their first partner and their first sexual relationship between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. If we add to this Excessive use of mobile phones At these ages, it is logical that the result is the use of mobile phones to send sexual messages.

In addition, the social pressure charges a lot of strength at this stage. As their personality develops, adolescents tend to distance themselves from their family and identify more and more with people their own age, whom they see as equals.

If a large part of the environment has had their first sexual contact, it is common for the teenager to feel pressured to have it too so as not to be seen as a «freak». In addition, Self-esteem is often quite unstable in this day and age, and because of this, teenagers may fall into posting revealing images of their bodies in order to receive approval from others.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that when you are a teenager you have the feeling that you are old enough to take care of yourself andThe perception of risk is much lowerHowever, their brains are still developing and, on a mental level, they do not have the same tools as adults to deal with difficulties.

That's why it's important to educate them about the risks of social media: to make them understand that the actions they take in the digital environment have consequences in the real world.

They also need to know that they are not alone. Teenagers often feel misunderstood and it is the responsibility of parents and teachers to let them know that they are supported and that they can count on them if they have questions about their sexuality, or if they have problems of any kind.

Tips for practicing sexting safely

Although in adolescence the sexting may pose a risk, in adulthood it is a completely normal and enjoyable sexual practice that can be very beneficial when exploring one's own and others' sexuality.

Miriam Labrado remembers that «the sexting «In itself, it is a sexual practice like any other, which should not be demonized. It is true that it carries certain risks, but all sexual practices do.»

To prevent the appearance of problems, our psychologist gives a series of Tips for practicing sexting safely:

  • Make sure that the recipient of the content is who we want.
  • Save and send encrypted material through secure platforms.
  • Do not show identifying parts in the images: face, tattoos, etc. So that in case of diffusion the consequences are less harmful.

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