Scorpius (Scorpio) | Constellations

What is the constellation Scorpius?

He scorpion (Scorpio) is a zodiacal constellation (symbol: Scorpio) located between the Serpentarium and the Square. The brightest stars in this constellation draw a figure reminiscent of the shape of a scorpion.

He zodiac It is the region of the celestial sphere through which the ecliptic passes, and where we can find the planets. Its name refers to the fact that the constellations that the Greeks saw corresponded, in general, to real or mythological animals (zoos -> zodiac).

The 12 constellations of the zodiac are a part of the 88 modern constellations.

Main stars Scorpius

The brightest star in the world constellation is Antares, α Sco, which is a visual binary star. The main star of the system is a red supergiant with a diameter 300 times larger than that of the Sun.

The secondary star has a diameter that is only twice that of the Sun, but 300 times brighter. The apparent visual value of the binary system is 1.0.

PSR B1620-26 B

PSR B1620-26 B It is an extrasolar planet located approximately 12,400 light years from Earth in the constellation Scorpius.

An extrasolar planet or exoplanet is a planet that orbits around any star other than the Sun and, therefore, is part of planetary systems other than our own. Although their existence had been suspected for a long time, they did not begin to be discovered until the 1990s, thanks to improvements in detection techniques. The first extrasolar planet discovered orbiting a main sequence star was 51 Pegasi b, discovered in 1995 by Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz of the Geneva Observatory. This planet has a mass comparable to that of Jupiter. Since then more than a hundred planets have been discovered by different international groups.