Sauerkraut for dogs: miracle cure for foreign bodies? ()

A classic of German cuisine is sauerkraut. Because of his health-promoting propertiessauerkraut is popular Home remedies for constipation and indigestion.

But does the healing effect of super sauerkraut also apply to dogs? Can dogs eat sauerkraut and if so how much?

In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about the topic dog and sauerkraut need to know and which secret weapon of Germany’s favorite herb brings with it.

Have fun while reading!

In a nutshell: Can dogs eat sauerkraut?

Yes, dogs can eat sauerkraut! Sauerkraut is also considered a true miracle cure for dogs. It is rich in antioxidants and contains many vitamins such as vitamins A, B, C, E and K. Every dog ​​owner should have sauerkraut in the house, because it is the first aid measure par excellence if your dog has swallowed a foreign object!

Effect – What does sauerkraut do to dogs?

The vitamin and fiber bomb not only provides our dogs with plenty of vitamins, but also ensures one healthy intestinal flora.

Depending on what you want the sauerkraut to do, you can give it to your dog raw or cooked administer. For example, in case of diarrhea or constipation.

Sauerkraut helps with constipation

If your dog is constipated, boiled sauerkraut remedy. When cooked, the herb develops digestive properties that speed up the digestion process.

You can simply take the sauerkraut out of the pack, rinse it thoroughly under running water and then cook it. Please refrain from using spices of any kind for your dog!

Then you simply mix the healthy herb with his food.

Sauerkraut helps with diarrhea

If your dog suffers from diarrhea, raw sauerkraut be helpful. The lactic acid bacteria have a regulating effect on the intestinal flora.

Here, too, take the sauerkraut out of the packaging, rinse it thoroughly to make it milder and then mix it with your dog’s normal food.

Good to know:

Sauerkraut and sauerkraut juice have long been used in naturopathy as a natural support for intestinal problems.

Dosage – How much sauerkraut your dog can eat

It is important to know that, for all of its beneficial properties, sauerkraut is not a staple food for dogs.

You can feed it to your dog occasionally if he tolerates it well. Nevertheless, you should not exaggerate the amount and rather leave it as a home remedy in your emergency pharmacy.


Has your dog never eaten sauerkraut? Then only give him a small sample portion at first and wait and see whether he tolerates it well. Cabbage and thus also sauerkraut can quickly lead to abdominal pain and unpleasant flatulence in dogs.

Dog has swallowed foreign objects – sauerkraut regulates

Best known in the dog-owning world is sauerkraut First Aid Means.

Our dear four-legged friends are (unfortunately) known for occasionally eating things that weren’t actually intended for them. For example Lego bricks, key rings, hair clips, nails, razor blades or a skewer?

In this case, the aim is to make the dog vomit or to transport the swallowed object safely through the gastrointestinal tract with the help of the sauerkraut.

The sauerkraut wraps itself around the swallowed foreign body and thus prevents the stomach or intestines from being injured by sharp edges.

Attention danger!

If your dog has swallowed a foreign object, you should contact a veterinarian first before giving him sauerkraut. Why? Because the vet can better assess whether the dog needs immediate emergency surgery or whether the sauerkraut is worth trying.

Otherwise, the sauerkraut in the stomach can obscure the veterinarian’s view of the item to be removed!

What is sauerkraut and why is it so healthy?

Sauerkraut is made from white cabbage, so it is not a separate type of cabbage. Any white cabbage can be used to make it. However, the sauerkraut is particularly delicious with the popular Filderkraut from the Stuttgart area.

For the Production of sauerkraut will otherwise only Salt and Print needed. They do the rest lactic acid bacteria in the fermentation process.

And why is sauerkraut so healthy?

Because the fermented herb low calorie is, no fat contains, but for that plenty of minerals and fiber, lactic acid as well as the Vitamins A, B, C, E and K.

Can dogs eat wine sauerkraut?

No, dogs are not allowed to eat wine sauerkraut!

In the production of wine sauerkraut is additionally White wine added to the fermentation process.

Alcohol in any form is an absolute NO-GO for dogs!


It is best to make the sauerkraut for your dog yourself! That way you know it doesn’t contain any preservatives or other ingredients harmful to your dog. At best you buy white cabbage in organic quality!

Is sauerkraut suitable for puppies?

No, sauerkraut is not good for puppies.

Sauerkraut and cabbage in general are rather difficult to digest for a growing digestive tract.

So it’s better to wait until your puppy is fully grown before feeding it sauerkraut.

Can dogs eat sauerkraut? At a glance

Yes, dogs can eat sauerkraut!

Sauerkraut has long been considered miracle cure for constipation, diarrhea and indigestion in general.

It is also very healthy, contains lots of fiber and minerals, plenty of antioxidants and vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K.

Sauerkraut is not a main food in our four-legged friends’ diet. If your dog likes it and tolerates it well, you can still occasionally mix it with his food.

Otherwise, limit yourself to emergencies such as a swallowed foreign object or acute digestive problems.

However, before you give your dog sauerkraut as a first aid measure, you should definitely consult a veterinarian!

Do you have any questions about feeding sauerkraut? Then please write us a comment under this article.