Šarplaninac in breed portrait (with pictures and information)

The following breed portrait is all about one livestock guardian dog: the Šarplaninac from the former Yugoslavia.

The canine giant with the thoroughly gentle nature is not a dog that suits all of us.

We will now tell you why that is and whether you are the right person for the Šarplaninac.

Šarplaninac wanted poster

Size Male: 56 to 62 cm, female: 54 to 60 cmWeightMale: 35 to 45 kg, Female: 30 to 40 kgColorsBlack, White, Brown, Sable, GrayLife expectancy11 to 13 yearsOriginSerbia/Macedoniacharacter/temperamentReliable, Devoted, Energetic, Vibrant, Independent, Proud, Calm, Protective, Intelligent, Stubborn, AutonomousFCI groupGroup 2: Pinscher and Schnauzer – Molosser – Swiss Mountain Dogs and Other Breeds, Section 2.2: Molossoid Mountain Dogs


The Šarplaninac has one stocky, compact and extremely muscular body with long, stocky legs.

The dog’s head is relatively small and narrow in shape. The head tapers towards the muzzle with the black nose.

It is completed by floppy ears that are bent at the side, the tail is long and bushy and is also carried curved upwards over the back.

The eyes of the Šarplaninac are small and oval and can be either dark brown or light amber.

Height Weight

The Šarplaninac is one of the larger dog breeds, which of course is also reflected in their size and weight.

Males of the breed reach a height of 56 to 62 centimeters at the withers and weigh between 35 and 45 kilograms.

But they can also weigh up to 60 kilograms.

Bitches have a shoulder height of 54 to 60 centimeters and a weight of 30 to 40 kilograms.

Coat, coat texture & coat colors

The coat of the Šarplaninac may be bred in the following colors:

  • Gray
  • White
  • sable
  • Brown
  • Black

In addition, all color gradations that are in the black/white spectrum are permitted in this breed.

You’ll find these different colors on a long, straight, and dense coat that has a dense undercoat underneath.

History & origin of Šarplaninac

The Šarplaninac is a breed of dog from Macedonia, northern Serbia and Kosovo. The beginnings of the breed can be traced back to the 19th century.

The name refers to the region where Šarplaninac first appeared: the Šar Planina mountain range, which lies between North Macedonia and Kosovo.

There has been a uniform breed standard since the 20th century.

The FCI recognized the Šarplaninac as a separate breed in 1957.

Essence & Character of Šarplaninac

If a Šarplaninac moves in with you, you can be sure that you are definitely always safe in the following years.

Because the livestock guardian dog from Macedonia/Northern Serbia has a particularly strong protective instinct, which is accompanied by a high level of courage.

If the dog sees itself threatened, it can get dangerous, at least for the other side.

No wonder a Šarplaninac would also take on bears and wolves for you and, if necessary, pay for this conflict with his life.

Of course, these brave traits must be channeled in the right direction during upbringing so that the Šarplaninac doesn’t get into trouble.

As a guard dog for herds, the breed is also equipped with an independent character. The Šarplaninac is used to making decisions himself.

When it comes to temperament, we encounter different variants. The Šarplaninac can be very lively and active as well as very balanced and calm.

Has he accepted you as the new alpha animal? Then the four-legged friend shows his caring and devoted side, which sometimes seems almost surrendered.

attitude & upbringing

What role does the size of Šarplaninac play in its upbringing and attitude? And do character and temperament also have an influence? Now find out.


Ideally, you are already familiar with livestock guardian dogs if you have decided on a Šarplaninac.

Because not only the stubborn nature of the dog is a challenge even for those who have experience with dogs, but also the size and weight.

It also goes without saying that consistency is an absolute must in education. You should also be assertive and self-confident.

Insecurities, which in the worst case manifest themselves in unnecessary strictness and harshness, have no place in the Šarplaninac upbringing and can result in massive problems.

Boredom caused by insufficient mental workload can also negatively affect the Šarplaninac and your life together.

Proper mental work is another important factor that should be taken into account when training a Šarplaninac puppy.

Our tip

What else you have to consider when training a livestock guardian dog is also revealed in our guide to livestock guardian dog training.


The Šarplaninac needs a lot of space, a lot of exercise and freedom and its own territory.

Accordingly, species-appropriate husbandry is only possible in a house with a spacious garden where the dog gets the exercise it needs.

On the other hand, the independent dog is one of the dog breeds that have no problems with being left alone because they can take care of themselves.

Nevertheless, you should also keep an eye on this dog to ensure that it is not left to its own devices and that you do not overdo it when you leave it alone.

Another important piece of information for you: The Šarplaninac is not considered an investment or list dog in any German federal state.

Good to know

A livestock guard dog as a family dog? This is quite possible, but the dog should not be left alone at first, especially with small children.

Health & Care

In the following section, let’s take a closer look at what you pay special attention to the health and care of the Šarplaninac must.

Life expectancy

A healthy and species-appropriate Šarplaninac has a life expectancy of 11 to 13 years.


To this day, the Šarplaninac has been able to retain its robust basic constitution. Since he’s a big dog, keep an eye out for hip dysplasia/HD.

It is also extremely important that the dog can move enough to avoid dangerous obesity.

You know for a fact that it is not just breed-specific diseases that negatively impact life expectancy, but other health issues as well.

Of course you want to avoid these – and these important things can help you:

  • Routine check-ups and vaccinations by the veterinarian
  • Diet tailored to age and breed
  • Protection against all dangerous dog parasites

General Grooming & Grooming

When it comes to the general care of the Šarplaninac, the focus is on these parts of the body: eyes, ears, mouth/teeth, paws/claws and anus.

These parts of the body are susceptible to inflammation, which is caused by fungi and bacteria, among other things, and therefore needs to be checked.

The fur, on the other hand, needs to be brushed once or twice a week to keep it from matting.

You should also remove small twigs from the fur after walks.

Is the Šarplaninac right for me?

Before you get some fun facts about Šarplaninac from us, we ask you to answer the following question in the affirmative: «Is the Šarplaninac right for me?»

You can easily get to the right answer with the following statements.

  • You have enough space for your Šarplaninac to lead a species-appropriate life.
  • You are looking for a calm and devoted family pet and protector.
  • You trust yourself to deal with the stubborn and independent dog.
  • You know that you take responsibility for a living being.

You should also have dog experience – unfortunately the Šarplaninac is not suitable as a beginner’s dog.

Fun facts about Šarplaninac

Last, but not least – our exciting fun facts about Šarplaninac.

Plan to spend around €1,000 for a Šarplaninac puppy from a responsible breeder.

The Šarplaninac was known as the Illyrian Sheepdog for many years.

Due to its courage and bravery, the Šarplaninac is popular as a police and military dog.

The Šarplaninac is a national symbol in Macedonia.

In Denmark and Switzerland, the Šarplaninac is considered a dangerous dog breed.Can you think of more tips and stories that you would like to share with us? Then we are happy if we can read them in our comments. 😊