Sara Uribe decided to ask for help because her business is bankrupt

Sarah Uribe He decided to speak out on social networks to ask the Government for help, because as revealed his business is bankrupt.

It is no secret to anyone that Sara Uribe started her business a few years ago and that is why she has several beauty centers called «The magic house of Sara U». However, with the arrival of the pandemic, the presenter has been affected like many Colombians who have their own businesses and that is why she has had to close several locations.

What did Sara Uribe ask the Government because her business is going through a bad time

The paisa assured that she rejects the tax reform and confessed that at this moment she is losing a lot of money, that is why she mentioned “They are working three days a week, there is a curfew, people are afraid to go out” which is why their sales have dropped a lot. Furthermore, Sara was emphatic in saying “They left me bankrupt, I owe more than 20 million pesos in rent at each venue and I have two. I call and they tell me that they are going to evict me”.

The videos that Sara recorded were made in front of several of her workers, who were also quite concerned about losing their jobs. That’s why she mentioned “They are going to evict me because I have not made a significant payment, and I understand the owners of the premises because that is what they live on, but: what do I do with my employees, what do I tell them, that I am happy on a farm when there is no what to eat?” and took the opportunity to make a call to the Government where he asked for attention «Hopefully the government understands and helps us because businessmen are suffering a lot».

And you, What do you think of the statements that Sara Uribe made on her social networks? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.