Sapphire spiritual meaning, spiritual and magical properties

Sapphire spiritual meaning Chemically, sapphire is a corundum, that is, an aluminum dioxide whose color varies between dark blue and colorless, passing through indigo, Prussian blue and Ultramarine, although some authors extend the term sapphire to all varieties of corundum, including those with yellow, violet tones, etc.

The coloring principle of the true sapphire is chromium, whose different stages of oxidation provide the different colors, modified in turn by the presence of iron and titanium dispersed in the crystalline structure.


your location

The stones found in the gem sands of Sri Lanka, originating from the cracking of the mother gneiss, are not highly valued due to their low transparency; sapphires from Thailand and Burma are often so dark that they sometimes appear black and opaque; those from Kashmir, in India, are sky blue and very transparent, although irregular in size and cleavage planes; the Australian ones, generated by basaltic rocks, are very varied in color. In recent times sapphires have also manifested in Iran, and in the state of Montana, in the USA.

The largest sapphire recorded in history is a 956-carat oblique prism cut gem, belonging to the crown of the King of Burma, and a 542-carat one, which is currently in the Mineralogical Museum in Paris.


The history of the sapphire

The term sapphire has innumerable antecedents, among which are the Hebrew term sapphir, which literally means «the most beautiful thing», the Greek sappheiros, the Latin saphirus and the Arabic safir, with equivalent meanings.

The very etymology of its name provides us with data on the value that the sapphire may have had in ancient times: the Egyptians called it «the stone of the stars», and attributed to it the power to relocate the stars in favorable positions, interceding with Maat , the goddess of accuracy and truth; this property was shared by the Parsis followers of the doctrine of Zahrathustra, for whom it was the jewel of truth and justice; Buddhists added to these properties the virtue of awakening love and friendship among men.

The Tinghalese tradition affirms that the sapphires were born from the eyes of Dayta, the goddess of abundance, and fell into the river, causing it to overflow to multiply the harvests; The Greeks consecrated it to Zeus, the father of the gods, and gave him the power of clairvoyanceso they used it in oracles and divination ceremonies.

Galen, a famous Greek physician, prescribed it against the bite of poisonous animals, and his colleague Dioscórides against intestinal ulcers, vomiting and diarrhoea. Let’s see, next, the sapphire spiritual meaning.


its symbolism

Blue sapphire spiritual meaning #1 Nobility and truth The sapphire traditionally symbolizes nobility, truth, sincerity and fidelity. The gemstone has decorated the robes of royalty and members of the clergy for hundreds of years.

For some time, the gemstone symbolized royalty and romance and was often given as jewelry. This idea of ​​the gemstone was reinforced when Prince Charles presented a blue sapphire engagement ring to Lady Diana Spencer.

The blue sapphire also has its religious significance during the Middle Ages because the clergy wore blue sapphires to symbolize Heaven. Common people also wore the gem because they thought it brought heavenly blessings.

This blue stone encourages people to start pursuing some goals or dreams that they considered impossible to achieve, or where they were not given support to achieve them.

Blue sapphire especially helps people who are easily influenced and discouraged by other people’s opinions, and those who need to develop their self-esteem. It is recommended that these people carry a blue sapphire or wear it as a jewel, and that way they can take full advantage of its benefits.

Sapphire Spiritual Meaning #2 (Black Sapphire) Knowledge Grant the knowledge to trust your instincts. It protects and grounds you by reducing anxiety and grief. Acts as a talisman to find and maintain motivation at work

Sapphire spiritual meaning #3 (Green Sapphire) Wisdom Bestows the wisdom of honesty and sincerity. It increases dream recall, improves vision, and develops compassion for others.

Sapphire Spiritual Meaning #4 (Orange Sapphire or Padparadscha) Creativity Bestows the wisdom of loving creation from the heart. It is a talisman for artists, writers and singers because it brings together their creativity, sensuality and spirituality.

Sapphire Spiritual Meaning #5 (Pink Sapphire) Resilience It is a stone that signifies resilience as it awakens emotions and promotes love, forgiveness and letting go of the past. It celebrates acceptance and inner strength.

Sapphire Spiritual Meaning #6 (Violet Sapphire) Spiritual Awakening Provides spiritual awakening by promoting meditation. It also opens the Crown Chakra and releases the kundalini to rise without stopping it from promoting unity and harmony.

Sapphire Spiritual Meaning #7 (White Sapphire) Provides insight and spiritual strength and inner resolve necessary to overcome the challenging barriers on your spiritual path. Improves mental clarity and communication with higher guidance.

Sapphire Spiritual Meaning #8 (Yellow Sapphire) Abundance It is a stone of awareness and abundance. It helps to bring wealth, but also encourages the inner desire to focus and realize your goals through the plexus alone.

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Other symbolism

Sapphire spiritual properties It provides order and clarity where there is confusion and focuses you on any unrelated ideas. Sapphire gives you mental strength and, like Magnesite, allows you to see past illusions to reveal hidden truths.

Sapphire’s powerful rays are amazing for awakening and activating the throat and third eye chakras. These chakras provide inner vision and focus on your ability to convey your idea to others. Sapphire is a wind element stone that helps activate higher consciousness. Promotes psychic visions and an inner sense of openness of consciousness to contact with higher beings.

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Sapphire magical properties for prosperity Sapphire is a stone of resolution and will help you come to a quick and constructive conclusion to any financial or money-related matter. It will make you more aware of higher ideals as a professional help crystal.

Sapphires will energize your mind and increase your intelligence, allowing you to make careful but essential decisions. It will also improve your ability to discern and make decisions.

Sapphires will motivate you to become a wise, responsible and trustworthy leader. It is an excellent crystal for entrepreneurs and business people because it will help you achieve your goals. With the help of the Sapphires, you will start to succeed without losing your values. The Sapphire will also help you bring your ideas to life until you are successful.


Sapphire Magical Properties Healing Relationships Sapphires will also assure you that any negative feelings will fade if you have enough time to heal. The Sapphire will guide you to recognize your flaws and change them. If he takes steps to help himself get used to or get over the pain, it will happen. Sapphire energies will teach you to value yourself and understand your partner.

Sapphire can serve as a calming tonic if you are struggling with traumatic memories or emotions. It will make the pain of missing or wanting someone less excruciating. The Sapphire crystal will help you to be more disciplined when it comes to fulfilling your commitments and promises. It will serve as a reminder to keep your promises and go further.

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