Sandalwood spiritual meaning and what is sandalwood used for in witchcraft

Sandalwood spiritual meaning We have received several queries about sandalwood such as the following: What is sandalwood used for in witchcraft? Does sandalwood have magical properties? Does sandalwood have esoteric properties? Could you post about sandalwood spiritual meaning?

Let’s see, next, the answers about sandalwood, but first let’s see, in general terms, its botanical aspect.


General features

Sandalwood is a slow-growing wood with a rich, complex aroma. Native to Southeast Asia, sandalwood is one of the most expensive woods in the world.

It has a long history of use in spiritual practices in both the East and the West. Sandalwood propagation is very labor intensive, requiring both a host tree and adequate sunlight for nourishment. Sandalwood trees can take up to 80 years to reach full maturity.

The aroma concentration in the heartwood increases as the tree ages. Trees planted today will not reach their aromatic peak for two generations.

The fragrance profile varies by plant: Indian sandalwood is softer and smoother than the earthy, spicy fragrance of the other varieties. Let us see, next, the sandalwood spiritual meaning.


its symbolism

Sandalwood spiritual meaning #1 Overcoming Having sandalwood in the house almost always indicates the overcoming of a very difficult moment that has passed,. or it can even express and materialize the desire to overcome some great obstacle.

Sandalwood spiritual meaning #2 Wisdom Sandalwood symbolizes wisdom and can suggest to the wearer a need to learn more, to shed old and outdated concepts and start seeing new things and possibilities, to learn more, to know more, to listen more and talk less.

Sandalwood spiritual meaning #3 Love Here love is unconditional, love for others, for all living beings, plants, rational and irrational animals, without distinction of color or creed or social position, to love without choosing who we love.

When we love only those who love us, it’s easy. It is difficult to get to love those who do not love us! This is an exercise suggested by sandalwood, to love regardless of whether you are rewarded or not.

Sandalwood spiritual meaning #4 Spirituality Sandalwood is directly associated with spirituality, the search for and need for it, or the contemplation of spirituality, in any case when we find it or have it, we are allowing ourselves a little more relationship with spirituality, with the world spiritual, perhaps we need to disconnect a little more from the material world and begin to observe the spiritual.

Sandalwood spiritual meaning #5 Peace What we all yearn for, after all the conflicts, uncertainties, confusions and exhaustion, what we seek is peace in general so that the body and everything else can flow correctly.

There is nothing in this world that can survive without peace, without harmony, without balance and without the awareness that only by living in peace are we truly living.

Sandalwood spiritual meaning #6 spiritual force Sandalwood is closely related to our spiritual strength. This force is what we use to fight enemies, fight negative energies and make our lives.

It symbolizes a great force in the spiritual world. This strength comes from within the sandalwood and already grows with it

Sandalwood spiritual meaning #7 Resistance Another meaning of sandalwood for our life is resistance. The resistance we are talking about is related to the resistance to everything and all attacks in an intelligent way.

Thus, you too can resist everything and everyone. It doesn’t matter if you are in a difficult environment, because you just have to adapt and fight.


magical uses

To answer the question What is sandalwood used for in witchcraft? we detail the following:

What is sandalwood used for in witchcraft # 1 So that wishes have come true Sandalwood has the powder to help wishes come true. Write your wish on a piece of paper and take a look at it. Is there a way to condense your needs into one or two words? Shorten your wish or use it to create a sigil. Write it on a splinter of sandalwood and burn it. As it burns, visualize receiving all the things you want. This releases your intention, as the smoke carries it towards the divine.

What is sandalwood used for in witchcraft #2 Protection and security The chips of this wood are also used to provide protection, specifically against the evil eye. Put the chips in a yellow cloth bag and carry it to protect yourself from the jealousy of others. You can also add the chips or powder to bags of general protection or herbal mixtures. Mix Cinnamon, Sandalwood, Frankincense and myrrh and burning it as incense drives away evil and protects your home.

Sandalwood is associated with the root chakra. Burning the incense or using it as a perfume helps to open, cleanse and balance this area, helping to improve the feeling of security and stability.

What is sandalwood used for in witchcraft #3 Communicate with angels and good spirits The sweet woody scent of sandalwood is a favorite of benevolent spirits. Burn sandalwood and incense together when trying to contact angels. This is useful during prayer, when trying to communicate with angels, or before using angel oracle cards.

What is sandalwood used for in witchcraft #4 Luck, bets and games of chance In connection with its wish-granting powers, sandalwood is also used to enhance your luck in the game. Burn powdered sandalwood incense and apply sandalwood cologne before going to a casino.

You can also perform a seven day good luck spell with sandalwood. Begin on a waxing moon (when the moon is rising) by inscribing your wishes around the wick of a personalized Sandalwood fragrance candle and holding it in your hands. As you hold it, visualize it filling with warm, golden light. Tell…

By fire and wax, heat and light,
Bring me a brilliant fortune tonight.
I invoke the powers of sandalwood,
Let your vibes only bring good.

Light the candle and let it burn down a few inches. Put out the flame. She repeats this spell every night, ending on a full moon. On the last day, she filled a bath with clean, warm water. Add a few drops of sandalwood oil. Immerse yourself completely, allowing the tree’s energy to mingle and enhance yours. Get out of the tub and let yourself air dry.

What is sandalwood used for in witchcraft # 5 Attract love Here we detail a ritual with sandalwood for love

things you need

A few drops of sandalwood essence
a red carnation
nine sandalwood flowers
Hair of the loved one
A piece of black cloth
Red thread
A glass of water

how it’s done

Make a small bag three inches long and three inches wide with the fabric and sew it with the red thread.

Insert the carnation petals and hair into the bag and place it on the ground next to your bed.

In a glass of water, add nine sachets of sandalwood flowers and sandalwood essence.

With this mixture, wash your face, arms and neck.

While doing that, you should say:

You (name of loved one), must marry me. No, you won’t think of anyone else, just me. I will be the one with whom you will find happiness in all aspects.

The sandalwood washing ritual is repeated daily for nine days (at any time of the day). It just needs to be during the day.


Other virtues in the world of esotericism

Sandalwood magical and esoteric properties One of the main properties of sandalwood in the esoteric aspect is to improve meditation and bring peace to a space. If you have an area of ​​your home that you regularly use for meditation, trances, dream work, or other mental activities, consider burning some sandalwood incense or even burning the chips directly on top. Coal in a fireproof dish.

A blend of sandalwood and acacia can help enhance your psychic powers. Combine the ingredients and burn as incense, or make an anointing oil blend of acacia and sandalwood oil and in an unscented carrier oil, such as sunflower or jojoba.

It is important to note that a mixture of sandalwood and jasmine promotes pleasant dreams.


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