Salvias esoteric and magical properties salvia baths what is it for

Salvias esoteric properties Salvia (scientific name Salvia officinalis) is a perennial herb native to the Mediterranean. As part of the mint family, salvia grows into a bushy plant up to two feet tall and two feet wide. It has purple, white or pink flowers and elongated gray-green leaves covered with fine fuzz.

It is a healing herb that has been used since ancient times to increase fertility, dispel negative influences, ward off evil, and much more. The Romans even called it a «sacred herb» and included it in many of their religious practices. They also cooked with it, as they believed it would help them better digest fatty foods.

During the Middle Ages, many ancient herbalists (Pliny, Dioscorides, Galan, etc.) wrote about the healing properties of sage and its use as a diuretic, an ulcer aid, an herb that helped stop bleeding from wounds, and a remedy for sore throats. Discorides even went so far as to claim that sage was one of the most valued and important herbs of all time.

In France, sage grew prolifically and was often drunk as a tea. The Chinese became aware of the healing prowess of sage and began exchanging French sage tea for their own tea. They believed that sage tea was so valuable that they were willing to trade 4 pounds of Chinese tea for 1 pound of sage tea.

They appreciated the medicinal properties of sage tea and believed that it would relieve stomach and digestive problems, as well as help the nervous system while treating cold and joint pain. They also used it to treat typhoid fever, as well as kidney and liver problems.

In AD 812, Charles the Great ordered sage to be planted in all medical gardens and forced it to be grown in any monastery garden, something that apparently still stands today. Let’s see, then, more about salvias esoteric properties


Salvias esoteric properties

In Roman times, sage was sacred to Jove and was gathered with great ceremony. The genus name Salvia is related to the Latin word salvere, which means to heal, preserve, or redeem. Sage was associated in European traditions with wisdom, long life, and even immortality. An Italian proverb says: «Why should a man die when he has sage in his garden?»

Sage is used to promote wisdom and bring good luck. It builds emotional strength and can help heal pain. Esoterically, sage is associated with protection and the granting of wishes. It appears in countless kitchen witchcraft spells, especially those that come from European traditions.

Sage is available in both fresh and dried form. If you want to try growing your own, take heart: sage thrives in most home gardens (even in pots).

However, it is said that it is unlucky to plant it yourself. Get a seedling from a friend or have someone else do the work. Sage is said to love company; it is equally unfortunate to plant the herb alone in a pot or flower bed.

Sage leaves and bunches hold their shape well when dried and make an attractive addition to potpourri bags and bowls. When crushed, the dried herb is added to the purification incense. Clary sage essential oil is readily available. Because sage naturally repels pests and thrives without much intervention, organic sage products are neither rare nor expensive.


Salvia magical properties

1. There is more than one way to blur. By far the most common ritual use of sage is generally by lighting the tip and burning them during cleansing. But if you can’t tolerate smoke or just prefer a cleaner method, you can also boil sage on the stove for a cleansing effect.

2. Use spells in court cases to encourage wisdom. Generally, all parties involved could use a little.

3. Include in bags of money for prosperity. Throw a pinch of dried sage into your abundance bag.

4. Place it on the altar for mental clarity. Sage is known for its balancing effect on the mind. Pinch a fresh twig from the garden and let it air dry on the altar to invite a calm mental atmosphere in your sacred space.

5. Surround the base of a blue candle with dried sage. Burn it to heal frazzled emotions and spiritual restlessness.

6. Dry a large bundle and gift it to the old lady in your life. Strongly associated with wisdom and experience, dried garden sage makes a lovely gift.

7. Use it in spells to break an unwanted desire from a love interest. Stuck in an unhealthy cycle of falling in love with someone who is clearly not right for you? Sage is especially indicated to help you. Record a little bit every night next to a photo of the person until the desire for them decreases

8. Burn during funeral and memorial rites. Sage facilitates healthy grief and bonding with the spirits of those who have passed away.

9. Place a sachet of sage on your pillow to drive away the nightmares. Sage has a protective quality that is specific to mental disorders such as nightmares.

10. Scatter around a sacred space outdoors to bless the ground. If using a specific spot in your garden or a nearby natural area, sprinkle fresh or dried sage leaves on the ground to bless the space and cleanse it of negative energy.

also know remedies with sage to lose weight, diabetes and more

Salvia is a perennial and aromatic shrub, dense, branched, up to 50 cm, with a quadrangular and pubescent stem. The leaves are greyish-green, opposite (…)


Sage baths, what is it for?

In a large bowl, add a handful of rosemary, a little thyme, and a little sage, and add a few verbena leaves. Boil all the herbs together for half an hour, remove from heat and let cool.

Once strained, add a pinch of vinegar and add everything to the bath water. Relax and enjoy the bath for half an hour. You will feel how the properties of sage help reduce pain, relax muscles, take care of the skin and eliminate sweat and nerves to promote sleep. If you want to know more about salvias esoteric properties, you can ask your question in the comments section below.


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