Salvia is one of the most beautiful plants and with more medicinal benefits.Gary Barnes / Pexels
Types of sage
There are at least Five types of main and slicesbut vary by region. These variants have their own characteristics, and therefore, specific care.
Salvia officinalis
This is, without a doubt, The most popular sage. It is herbaceous and native of warm or temperate regions, so it is in almost any region in the world, at least in hot seasons. It usually grows very fast and is very lush, but they are not very green, in fact they are rather gray or blue, so it is very common among the Plant Parents. Likewise, it usually gives three centimeter lilac flowers, which when they die serve as fertilizer.
Sage microphylla
It is known as Micro Salvia, Pink Salvia or Salvia Granada And it occurs mainly in gardens. This makes it widely used in arrangements and decoration, but only when they are small, since they grow up to a meter. Thin stems and The oval leaves of this sage variant They are green but faint and their flowers appear at the end of summer or when the heat begins to decrease, they are of intense pink and purple tones, which makes it a very aromatic plant.
Guaranitic Salvia
With a height of up to two meters, Blue sage —As it is also known – it is an original bush of South America; However, biologists consider it as an invader due to its uncontrolled and lateral growth. Being one Large sheet sage These are rough and their flowers, on the contrary, they are small and grow in spikes that grow up to 20 centimeters. Thanks to their size, florists usually place them as living fences to mark limits between gardens.
Salvia Splendens
Also known as Salvia flagthis spike plant has several red flowers and is mainly given in South America, especially in Brazil due to constant heat. It is small, does not exceed a meter high, but to the sides stretches quickly. In a conventional house it occurs between spring and autumn, but in the gardens and plantations they can occur all year with certain specific care. Its flower is not so odorous so, despite its appearance, it does not serve to naturally perfume a space.
Salvia Elegans
This sage variant has many names, Among them, reojos perritos or flower of the hill, some are somewhat curious. Its flowers are the favorites of the hummingbirds, since they allow them to be better. Also, both leaves and flowers are particularly beneficial for their healing qualities, especially for digestion. This type of sage grows in Mexico and Guatemala, mainly, but usually occurs in other regions of the planet.